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So now that you've forced an upgrade out of me.... you change your policy.

New Here ,
Jan 12, 2012 Jan 12, 2012

Dear Adobe, i'm a small business owner who tries to do things the right way ( I don't illegally download your software like others I've known ) and because of that I'm kinda feeling screwed right now. Very recently I upgraded my creative suite for the sole purpose of staying on your upgrade path (that you changed at the 11th hour very unfairly). At the time I was disgruntled that you were basically forcing me to buy a product at the end of it's lifecylce. Trust me, if I had wanted to purchase CS5/5.5 I would have done it shortly after it's release and got good use out of it. As we all know at the end of 2011 you declared that the upgrade policies have changed and therefor my CS4 was very soon going to be defunct for future upgrades. Of course having my arm twisted even though cash is tight, I upgraded anyway as your product is something I rely on. Today while browseing Cnet I see you're now offering upgrades from CS3/CS4 through 2012.... Yeah, now after dropping a thousand dollars I didn't have to spend you're telling me that I really didn't have to spend it after all. I'm hoping your discussing how you've treated people like me at your next meeting. I'm seriously expecting you to make this right, although if I have the recent events to go by I'm guessing you wont. This really needs to be made right for the people who like me just dropped a lot of money because you basically forced them to, only to change your mind not even two weeks after the new year (you offered a discount at the end of 2011 to "help" people get current so they wouldn't be left behind.... your silence until now seems convenient). I'll state one last time I never ever would have bought CS5/5.5 if you hadn't played so dirty and forced me to.

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Community Expert , Jan 13, 2012 Jan 13, 2012

Paul, please contact Adobe Customer Support with the issue on 800-833-6687, or on Twitter @Adobe_Care

Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2012 Jan 12, 2012

Hi Funnels, we would suggest contacting Adobe Customer Support with the issue on 800-833-6687, or on Twitter @Adobe_Care

Also keep in mind that with Adobe's tiered upgrade pricing, future upgrades should cost significantly less for you with CS5.5 than customers with older versions.

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Jan 12, 2012 Jan 12, 2012

Don't be so sure about this because Adobe's message says:

"Therefore, we’re pleased to announce that we will offer special introductory upgrade pricing on Creative Suite 6 to customers who own CS3 or CS4.

This could mean that the price may not necessarily be the same as people upgrading from CS5 and CS 5.5.  It is a special introductory upgrade pricing and likely to be less than the cost of full product but higher than the cost of normal upgrades available to people who have CS5 and CS5.5.  My reading of this.

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New Here ,
Jan 12, 2012 Jan 12, 2012

Even if that's correct it doesn't excuse them from the "forced" upgrade I had to make at the end of 2011. Just another one of the things that really rankles me.

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Participant ,
Jan 13, 2012 Jan 13, 2012

This is total BS!!!! I did the same exact thing and now they say "oh nevermind, you don't have to upgrade to get the newest version" - Yeah sorry my bad type of thing is toal CRAP! I would not have upgraded unless I felt I was forced to AND NOW it turns out they changed their minds after theri whole "BAIT AND SWITCH" tactics. I scheduled a call to Adobe and I am going to ask for credit toward CS6. I have had nothing but trouble with CS5 (mainly photoshop) not acting the same as it did in version CS4. I absolutely hate how the zoom is all choppy and have been on the phone for hours trying to solve the issue. Then I get a response after a month saying they are aware of the problem, BUT no word on a fix, or suggestion. So I wait. Then to find out I didn't ahve to buy cs5.5 to upgrade like they said you did!!

I want a serious credit toward CS6 and I should get an additional credit becasue they took so long to acknoledge a problem after hours on the phone and online, with no clear solution or even a clear timeframe to fix it.

ARE YOU LISTENING ADOBE?!?! You better be offering a substantial discount for those you lied to about the force upgrade! Then is Photoshop going to work correctly in the new version?

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Community Expert ,
Jan 13, 2012 Jan 13, 2012

Paul, please contact Adobe Customer Support with the issue on 800-833-6687, or on Twitter @Adobe_Care

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Participant ,
Jan 13, 2012 Jan 13, 2012

I set up an apoinment for them to call me next week.  I'm sick of waiting on hold or talking to people who have no clue, (except to tell me things that are obvious like the last three hours I spent on the phone with them previously.)

Funny  though as I had set up a call back at the beggining of the week with no response yet. Typical great customer care i've received so far from them....

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Engaged ,
Jan 13, 2012 Jan 13, 2012

I also bought an upgrade because of their tactics, but its no good grumbling on here. Talk to them.

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Jan 13, 2012 Jan 13, 2012

I also bought an upgrade because of their tactics, but its no good grumbling on here. Talk to them.

Even talking to them is not going to change anything.  The fact is Adobe can't go on giving upgrade price to everybody - even to those who bought their first product 10 years ago.  Adobe is a commercial organization that has to sell products at a price people can afford.  The reason Adobe has decided to make a U-turn on upgrade policy is because people are not getting newer products like they used to so to create additional sales, they decided to give something to create demand for CS6.  Economy is still very bad out there which people may not know this!

I am still running CS4 and it is not likely I will buy CS6 this year.  I will consider it next year.  I am not into upgrades anyway so it does not bother me.

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Jan 13, 2012 Jan 13, 2012

You have just said it: at a price people can afford. Which is even more difficult for people who get a 50% surcharge just by not residing in the USA. But that shouldn't bother you...

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New Here ,
Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012

JTANNA, You're missing the point though. A lot of people like myself were not on products purchased 10 years ago... we were on products only one cycle old (CS4). Also it's not that they changed the policy, it's that they changed it almost on a dime with no lead in time and little time to react. So basically one day they sell you something that they tell you is upgradable so you buy it and the next they say, nope we changed our mind and if you don't upgrade again in the next 6 weeks you're out of luck on future upgrades. So of course you buy the next upgrade and then a few weeks later they say... nah, you know what you don't have to buy that last upgrade from us to maintain an upgrade path.... what? you already purchased it because we scared the daylights out of you... oh well... hmmmpphhh... thanks your business is appreciated. I hope this makes sense as what i'm trying to say is that they played with there consumers money while they were still "deciding/testing" on what to do. They screwed many people over and they should now make it right.

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Participant ,
Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012

Totally agree with this. I am cntemplating turning this over to the better business bureau for investigation. They used a bait and switch tactic in my opinion and now I have a version of software that I would not have bought otherwise. Besides the fact that the software should not have ever been release with the bugs I've come across after only using it for a few weeks, I want some kind of compensation for their lies.

Funny I set up two appointments for them to call me (schedule a call thing) and no call. NOTHING! So this is typical activity from people (or a company) who just doesn't care. Previously I've been on the phone for hours with no clear solution, so then when I try to avoid being on hold and talking to idiots who can't help and try this "service" for them to call me, they NEVER CALL ME!!!!

What a crock. I will continue to tall people how awful Adobe is and hopefully people start to listen. Nobody at Adobe seems to care as of yet, thanks for the call. (not)

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Community Expert ,
Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012

We can tell you there was no intention of "bait and switch," it was just an unanticipated turnaround on Adobe's part in response to customer feedback.  Sounds like you'd rather they didn't improve the previous policy.

For any issue, please contact Adobe customer service via Live Online Chat, or on 800-833-6687, or on Twitter @Adobe_Care.

They are pretty busy so you may have to be patient, but chat is probably the fastest/easiest and we have commenters on our site who've had success.

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Participant ,
Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012

I'm pissed al around this whole situation. Forced to buy cs5 to upgrade,  The lack of customer service, with me spending hours on the phone to get the software installed, then hours to try and get it to work right, (with no solution), then to find out "Oh we changed our mind Again!" you don't need to upgrade...

If the product was easily installed, then worked the way it should, then I would not have an issue, but when you put everything together and my horrible experience trying to get something to work like it should, then I'm not happy. I've talked to numerous people who couldn't help only to be transferred back and forth for HOURS! Then to not get a call back when i'm trying to solve the problem of getting tranferred around for no reason just makes it worse! I never wanted CS5, but I was forced to get it if I wanted CS6. So right from the begining this has put a thorn in my side that is still there (AND getting bigger)

I tweeted my displeasure and now I hope that I can get a concrete solution to get away from CS5 that is not working for me and get to CS6. I pray they solved the issues I am having with CS5, but only time will tell.... I've never been so frustrated with one company on EVERY interaction with them.  I will not call them again, because that is a huge waste of time. I tried to have them call me, but NO CALL BACK! If you think i'm going to spend all day "live chatting", then you are wrong.

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Community Expert ,
Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012

Chat should take no more than 5-10 minutes, but of course you're welcome to refuse the advice.

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New Here ,
Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012

Just an update ( I guess), I've called and have gotten a case number and a promise of a call back later tonight. The gentleman on the phone ask if I was looking for a refund, which honestly at this point in time i'm not as i've updated my platform, software and moved over my workload to the new CS5.5. I almost feel dirty at this point not just saying yes just give me my money back, but honestly i've put a lot of time into 1. installation 2. OS change and  3. learning... to go back now. So what do I really want... I have no idea, i'm just trying to make the best of a crap situation and want to make sure that if someone gets burned in the end it should be Adobe and not me as this was not my mess. So far so go though, the gentleman on the phone seemed to understand the situation and said it was being discussed internally.

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Participant ,
Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012

Already done the chat route to no avail, but to piss me off more. They ended up telling me to call after about an hour of "Chatting" so that was fun.

I had to fill out paperwork and explain to my superiors  and the IT dept. why i had to buy CS5 so that I could upgrade in the future to CS6, but now I look like a jagg-off because i'm going to go to them and say, "Oh yeah, remember when i said...."that  I had to upgrade, but now it looks like i don't..... "

Then adobe has no idea why my zoom doesn't work like it should. Zooming to -5000% to +3000% with one move of the mouse. (I'm exaggerating, but not by much) I don't know how anyone can work with it if that is the way it works for people with macs.

It was around $600 for the upgrade for the creative suite, web edition or whatever.  Just thinking about how much time i've spent on install, and zooming issues is making me mad. Probably 10 hours so far with NO SOLUTION! 

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Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012

I'm pissed al around this whole situation. Forced to buy cs5 to upgrade,

Did you buy the upgrade version of CS5 or the full version?  When you reply please confirm how much did you pay for the product.


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Participant ,
Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012

It was an upgrade from CS4. CS5 never had anything that I wanted, so that is why I waited to upgrade, but then saw you had to upgrade to CS5, if you wanted to be able to upgrade to 6 in the future... Got "year-end" money out of the budget  and purchased last minute of the year thinking that I "Had to buy CS5 to upgrade to cs6"  Especially If I wanted to upgrade to CS6 this year, I had to have everything taken care of before years end. Not something I was even considering until I saw the requirements. I Completely wasted money and time if all of a sudden you guys change your mind. Sure looks like a "tactic" to get people to buy at the end of the year and get them to buy. Then you release CS6 and depending on wether I want that, I would decide to buy it or not...  Now considering cs5's zoom is all screwed up and I won't use it, I wasted a lot of my time getting things done for no reason now that you are allowing people to ugrade from CS4. Considering I used my "upgrade" money, who know when i'll be able to ask for CS6!

I will get more info tomorrow from work on what I paid. i'm talking with support via Twitter to see what I can do with a refund or "trade-up" or whatever can be done, but considering the wonderful support I've received so far, i'm not holding my breath.

FYI- I had an issue with my macbook and Apple gave me ONE PERSON, who went out of his way to get the problem corrected. All the way through diagnosing the problem till a day after it was fixed.   I ended up getting a completely new mac, overnight and he called the next day and wanted to make sure I got everything I needed and I was happy with the new computer., etc..

I almost got annoyed on how nice the guy was about my situation and my satisfaction! I will never hesitate on buying another Apple product,  but all of my experience with Adobe make me wish I had never heard of Photoshop.

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Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012

It was an upgrade from CS4. CS5 never had anything that I wanted,

So you got a bargain by ending up paying virtually nothing for the

upgrade version right? Upgrades aren't normally cheap but you seem to

have gotten a bargain and you don't want to tell us this.

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Participant ,
Jan 17, 2012 Jan 17, 2012

Who the heck are you to tell me I got a bargain for paying for software I NEVER WANTED!  The only reason i bought it was to be able to (if I decide) to purchase CS6 in the future. CS5 has easily cost me twice the money I paid, in time an agony trying to get it to work, (AND STILL DOESN'T WORK RIGHT!!) then to find out I was FORCED into purchasing something I didn't really need because Adobe changed their mind on the policy! I'm still using CS4 because CS5 does not work like it should, so please don't act like anyone is making out with any advantage by thinking they were forced into buying something they didnt need to buy in the first place, that doesn't work as advertised.. - If you don't work for Adobe, and cannot help me, then keep your comments to yourself. You obviously have no clue.

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Community Expert ,
Jan 17, 2012 Jan 17, 2012

Paul, could you post about your zooming issues in the relevant forum (Photoshop, etc.) For Photoshop, many users are not accustomed to the scrubby zoom, and they can disable it in the zoom tool's option bar.

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Participant ,
Jan 17, 2012 Jan 17, 2012

I have Been there done that.... Still waiting for adobe to get back to me. I got (what I think) was confirmation they are aware of it, something about moving to a new code, but I never got any further details from anyone on wether it would be fixed, or if there was a workaround, etc. I had to bitch for a month to get a little bit off an answer, but no solution or advice. That is for another forum, this thread is about being forced to upgrade when eventually it wasn't needed. There should be some kind of solution from adobe on that. The other issues is just an example of how poor adobe is at handling problems.

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Jan 17, 2012 Jan 17, 2012

This thread has nothing to do with the purpose of this forum: Forum Comments. People have had an adequate time to express their feelings about the topic. There is nothing any fellow user can do to help with the situation. I suggest that anyone upset with the upgrade policy write to Adobe directly. I suggest a well thought out letter to the CEO:

Adobe Systems Incorporated

345 Park Avenue

San Jose, CA 95110-2704

This thread is now closed.

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New Here ,
Jan 17, 2012 Jan 17, 2012

I paid over $1,000.00 and the upgrade was for the Master Collection.

On a side note after talking to them last night the resolutions they gave were not what I was hoping for. First let me say i'm not someone who ask for something for nothing so for some odd reason feel guilty for saying this, but in the end it was there dumb policy change that caused it so I suppose it's justified. I was given one of two choices with one being a refund (if I'd not moved os's, spent the time installing and setting up CS5.5, and moved my workload to CS5.5 I would have taken this). The other choice was something I most likely wont ever use. Anyway, back to what I was saying before... I don't know what the answer is at this point as there's really not a good one as someone either Adobe or I are going to have to bit the bullet somewhat and ya know I don't think it should be me in this case. So yeah, the best I can come up with is a free upgrade to 6 or a very very substantial discount at the least. Before I mentioned this the gentleman on the phone tried to make me feel better by telling me that I would have a cheaper upgrade path to 6 when it came out blah blah blah...That was until I mentioned that it states on there site the introductory offer coming for CS3 and up when CS6 launches. I asked if he was trying to tell me that what I just was forced to purchased was going to be significantly better than that as I doubted it, he had no answer. I then said if it were not, which I again doubted that it still ends badly for me as I was forced into an upgrade at the last minute, before I was ready and during the holiday season when money is already tight....We left it at a supervisor is suppposed to call me this afternoon.

Timeline so far:

Tuesday evening placed a call and was told a supervisor would call me within the hour, two hours and twenty minutes later I ended up calling them back as I hadn't recieved my call from them. Had the above conversation with customer service and was told a supervisor would call me this afternoon. We shall see......

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