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This image says it all:
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Jive is in Portland Oregon. This means it can only be Bushes fault.
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According to some it really Clinton's VP. since he is the one credited with creating the internet.
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I'm sure you believe that
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Buko. wrote:
I'm sure you believe that
No of Course not. What really happened was him and another Senator sheaparded a bill through Congress to fund the original Project That was to become the current internet system. The actually Project was run by major Universities and the Dept of Defense in a Joint project.
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Clearly, although Gore's phrasing might have been a bit clumsy (and perhaps self-serving), he was not claiming that he "invented" the Internet (in the sense of having designed or implemented it), but that he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development the technology that we now know as the Internet.
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Isn't basically what I said.
someone just said I didn't know. I've read the transcripts to the Larry King show MR Gore made the comment that got bent out of shape. and also the one where he came back on to explain and give details of what he meant.
I may be a hayseed by many of your (meaning list) opinions.
But I didn't come up out of Turnip patch neither. I can read, I can listen. What I have difficulty with it writting on occasion.
I find it odd that all these other people can say stuff in these threads which everyone knows is not so, and just so in fun. But yet I am the one dumped on if I try to get on fun.
pj, please stop talking like you know what you're talking about. you don't. hardly ever. stop. you're doing a disservice to people you're trying to help.
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all i can say is i edited that out. i can't help that i feel like you're more of a problem than a help. i tried to take it back, either you caught it before the edit (seconds!) or you got it through the mail link. either way, maybe it was meant to be and you should listen for a change. no offense dude, but... wow.
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I've been used to being dissed all my life. So I am use to insults.
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it's not a diss or an insult. it's friendly're a nice enough guy, you just spout inanities occasionally (or more).
i don't know how much clearer i can make it. please stop making us seem like we're insulting you. we're not. we're setting the record straight. to let some of your statements stand would be a disservice to those who might not know otherwise.
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PjonesCET wrote:
I've been used to being dissed all my life. So I am use to insults.
Have you ever thought about why?
I mean this in the friendliest possible way now, but you seem to realize it's not just us.
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Ramón G Castañeda wrote:
PjonesCET wrote:
I've been used to being dissed all my life. So I am use to insults.
Have you ever thought about why?
I mean this in the friendliest possible way now, but you seem to realize it's not just us.
Oh I've always known and have always tried to fit in. From Elementary school on up. I've always encountered people that thought they were better than me. In school it was the side of town I lived. Anyone living on that side of town were and are still low-life's. As for information I give, I've run into the situation and did as I said to correct. If about other Topics , its from what I have Read on Computer, or media Sources such as Radio/TV.
I guess If if had been born into well off family that could take advantage of Harvard or Yale Education, things might be better. But the facts are, I am who I am, and at 60 there is nothing that can be changed. My Life experiences have shaped me into what I am.
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I've always encountered people that thought they were better than me.
you're not reading anything anyone's writing to you, are you? if you are, you're not understanding it.
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See we're not above average yale scholars ourselves.
Speaking for myself and maybe others, you have to take initiative to improve yourself. You can't rely on where you live or the people you are around to magically improve yourself somehow. Look at Oprah for god's sake.
So far I'm the only kid in my family that went to college, I went to a local college, graduated with honors and an associates degree. I would have continued my education farther, but being in this field hands on is just as good or better than schooling, so I chose not to continue. I worked my butt off to NOT follow in my brother's footsteps. I had no help paying for college, I worked full time and took up to 16 credit hours of school for several years. Half the time I had to rely on bumming off my friends for lunch because I didn't have money for it as I had to break down and by a newer vehicle just to be able to continue on. I worked myself so hard with both (not to mention taking care of my very sick mother in between). I used to take naps between classes on the couch in my college lobby.
Point is, no one can change or improve you but you!
And no 60 is not too old to go back to school either, I've had classes with many people your age and older.
And no we're not making fun of you, or putting you the end we're all friends trying to help friends (I think) lol.
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This isn't about some stupid school education, 80% of which becomes outdated or you end up forgetting anyway (who cares about how a red-black tree algorithm works IRL?), just verify information before it's posted without some kind of "I think" disclaimer at a minimum. Or if you aren't 100% sure and don't have time to research, pose the information as a question.
There's nothing wrong with correcting inaccuracies, unless it's done in a rude and condescending manner. PJ should be a little more careful than he is, but there are definitely unhelpful insults being tossed around too, it's not just a matter of misinterpretation. It can be a little funny for a short time but after an extended period it starts to become rather malicious. I'm all for joking around and goofing off here (heheheh) but I'm not into personally insulting people unless they're being nasty themselves.
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PjonesCET wrote:
I've been used to being dissed all my life. So I am use to insults.
As Dave said, nobody wants to disrespect you but you should really CHECK your facts, as well as your grammar and spelling, before posting.
We all make mistakes occasionally but you make them all the time!
To those who don't know what you are, this can be very misleading or even dangerous.
As long as you continue posting mispelt, ungrammatical rubbish, you are going to be criticised.
Quite honestly I dread seeing your name in the "Last Posted" column because of what I might see when I click.
Get it right or don't post!
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I blame all of the above, but most of all, the incompetent jives who hacked this mess together in the first place and the dishonest snake oil salemen crooks who peddle it out to unsuspecting companies.
+a few more Jive bugs I guess huh?
One of my favorite JivesBugs© is the one where you load a forum and the page links fail to function at all (you just remain on the first page of the thread), until you figure out what's going on and hit reload to "fix" the problem.
Seems like every Jive "fix" is try this lame workaround, keep trying and/or wait longer: it'll work eventually! When something breaks at random like that and is seemingly impossible to reproduce reliably, you know it's crap software.
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When something breaks at random like that and is seemingly impossible to reproduce reliably, you know it's crap software.
This is something I've noticed: the bugs change from day to day (though, of course some of them - like the beloved '404 error' seem pretty stable); a fun one I had yesterday was when I was making a link to an article (inserted raw, still dripping with blood HTML!), and then quoted part of the article. Pasted, then got a 404 error, then a blank screen! (Of course it worked the second time (or was it the third?) I tried again, so things are jolly! )
(Oh, and the seeming bug of only being able to see the first 'emoticon' you insert - sometimes! - and/or only certain emoticons has been around for a while too. I cannae see the 'mischief' emoticon I just inserted. Bet I can see a smiley! And a winkie?
Oooh! My cup runneth over!)
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Jive's policy is: if it works the second, third, or tenth time--it works period! What are you complaining about? It worked!!!
Smiley test:
Seems ok for me, but then, I run a non-compliant, unsupported browser so... of course it works, right?
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Somewhat tangentially , speaking of pathetic messes like this forum's profanity filter....Hey! Someone Zapped the profanity thread! Undoubtedly because the super-secret secret of how to say things like"do<span></span>ng" was given away!
Message was edited by: Kami Bambiraptor who finds the current management of these fora rather saddening.
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Kami Bambiraptor wrote:
Message was edited by: Kami Bambiraptor who finds the current management of these fora rather saddening.
Maybe he's getting back for those cruel things we said to LT.
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I am SO-O honored that you used one of my posts for your example.
I see the same all of the time. Tough to read with all of the overlays.
Another pet peeve is when I see only the OP and go to Reply. When it posts, boom! I can see that there were five "invisible" posts, and the problem has been long solved.
Oh well, what's a boy to do?
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I tried to come in to see if there had been any progress since my last visit, and this is what I got:
As seen in the following screenshot, the address shown by Firefox corresponds to this forum, but I landed in the Flash Media Server forum instead. This is progress, I am quite sure I had never seen this before...
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Claudio González wrote:
I tried to come in to see if there had been any progress since my last visit, and this is what I got:
As seen in the following screenshot, the address shown by Firefox corresponds to this forum, but I landed in the Flash Media Server forum instead. This is progress, I am quite sure I had never seen this before...
If by "progress" you mean "progress in reverse", yes! Yes it is...
(You're being exceptionally forgiving.)
I have nightmares thinking about having to "fix" and maintain the Jive code base. Oh, no, that would be hell.... It must be such a complex mess that they can't even cope with it anymore. That's what they get for trying to be fancy and over-engineering their CRAP software.
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IF there is a bright side, at least the redirect kept you in some Adobe forum. Guess it could have been worse.
The redirects, or forum "jumps" as I call them, happen to me about once every three days. If one does not notice these things, they end up posting the X forum, when they did the Reply from Y forum.
If I do notice, I'll just do a "Deleted," provided that Edit is still an option.
That is a real puzzle too. Back in the old forum, one had about 30 mins. to Edit. Now, I've had posts that when the screen came back, I did not have that option - talking about seconds here. Yet, I have been able to Edit my posts from weeks back?!? It seems to be at the whim of the Adobe server.
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I think you can edit based on whether or not someone has replied to your post. It's stupid, I know. But this is the life of a Jive...