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Is there a thread anywhere that contains usability tweaks for the new forum UI?
I've seen this Stylish flex-width tweak
and Ramón has mentioned liberal use of AdBlock Plus to remove clutter and whitespace.
Is there anything else that would help?
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Bob_Peters wrote:
Unfortunately, user-generated tweaks should NOT be needed!
I do agree with that! Tweaks are fine for customizing your surfing, but should not be *needed* just to make the forum significantly more usable.
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greenjumpyone wrote:
Bob_Peters wrote:
Unfortunately, user-generated tweaks should NOT be needed!
I do agree with that! Tweaks are fine for customizing your surfing, but should not be *needed* just to make the forum significantly more usable.
I think we all agree with that, Hopper.
However, my feeling is that—with the tweaks—the forums are performing well. Not perfect, but a far cry from what it is when I turn off the tweaks!
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I manage to navigate around these forums quite successfully without any tweaks at all.
It's called being adaptable.
It doesn't mean that I don't want the interface cleared of all the superflous stuff though!
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Ramón G Castañeda wrote:
Sounds more like being a wimp, a pushover, an unambitious conformist with low self esteem, low expectations and low standards, from where I sit.
I know – awful isn't it? – but I still manage to help a lot of people Ramón!
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One can also be picky, fussy, demanding, finicky, fastidious, exigent, challenging and taxing while helping a lot of other people as well.
Except that this way one can also contribute to the progress, advancement and enhancement of the forums in ways the adaptable conformists do not.
I know you understand this and are just trying to be your old annoying difficult self while claiming to be adaptable. The irony…
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I already posted this elsewhere, but for the sake of consolidation and so I can refer to this in another thread...
This style sheet serves to bring the bottom footer breadcrumb links closer to the last reply in the thread. It also hides the Go/Reply to Original link, but you can delete or comment that out if you wish.
/*** Adobe Jive Forums - Raise Footer Breadcrumbs ***/
/*** and Hide 'Go to/Reply to original post' ***/
/* Author: Mark A. Boyd */
/* Placed in the public domain 2009-05-09 */
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* Raise the breadcrumbs */
.jive-thread-messages {
margin: 0 !important;
/* HIDE the 'Go to/Reply to original post' */
#jive-thread-reply-footer {
display:none !important;
margin: 0 !important;
As always, remember to turn off all tweaks before providing feedback about performance/appearance of the forums.
See also:
FAQ Can I over write the forums style sheets to change the layout?
(or for email recipients)
Eric @ MCA's heavyboots collection (Eric, feel free to add this if you like)
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See also:
(or for email recipients)
Reading this in my mail client, those two links are identical. What is supposed to be the difference?
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Sometimes internal links get truncated to relative non-links such as /thread/416419 in the email notifications. I am not clear exactly when that happens, so I guess I am erroring on the side of usability here.
I suspect it happens if I copy/paste the link as presented on the Web forum. Or maybe it only happens when the source link is also a bolded title or a forum title itself. Let's try a couple:
Can I over write the forums style sheets to change the layout?
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The first one got whacked on the email side. The second came through fine.
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anyone interested in an afPlonkJive greasemonkey script for the jive-based forums?
i got it working. i'll post it later tonight!
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Good news indeed!
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Absolutely! I toyed with it for a while, but got distracted along the way.
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And this was part of the distraction. It's all CSS so you can still have JavaScript turned off for speed.
It's not quite ready for prime time, either. Nor is the one I may end up using (green on black similar to the old monochrome monitors).
Anybody know of any threads with multiple embedded quotes? I can only find some with three levels, but the system supports up to four by default. Just thinking about alternate colors for the quotes.
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well i didn't get to post it last night with a writeup and all like i wanted. went to see 'night at the museum: battle of the smithsonian' with the family instead. so for those of you who are familiar with it and have wanted it for a while (ramon!
) here's the script. copy this text, save it in a file called: afPlonkJive.user.js and load that into greasemonkey (you can follow the instructions for loading on this page: including the instructions on how to edit the script to place the names in that you want to plonk (replace the names in the array under the comment "// array of names to plonk"). i still have hte issue of not being able to grab names with non-english characters (again, ramon!
) but that can wait a bit... otherwise it yanks the entire message from the users in the list.
code follows (hope this works):
// afPLonk user script // version 0.5 BETA! // 2009-06-11 // Copyright (c) 2009, Dave Milbut // Released under the GPL license // // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This is a Greasemonkey user script. To install it, you need // Greasemonkey 0.3 or later: // Then restart Firefox and revisit this script. // Under Tools, there will be a new menu item to "Install User Script". // Accept the default configuration and install. // // To uninstall, go to Tools/Manage User Scripts, // select "afPlonkJive", and click Uninstall. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // History: // Version 0.2 fixes an array index issue. // Version 0.3 adds the ability to do differnt plonks to differnet users // Version 0.5 does it for the Jive based forums. File also renamed from // afPlonk to afPlonkJive // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ==UserScript== // @name afPlonkJive // @namespace // @description script to plonk specific users on every adobe forums page (jive based forums) // @include* // @exclude* // @exclude* // ==/UserScript== //names in the list should be surrounded in quotes // and comma delimited (seperated). // add names to the list by adding a comma then // the name in quotes to the end of the list... // like the below ',"Sample Name"' // Remove names by removing the name from the array. // // array of names to plonk var arPlonks=new Array("aname to plonk", "another name", "still another name etc."); //get all divs... find the "jive-author" classed var allDivs= document.getElementsByTagName("div"); var name; //for each name in the plonk array for (var j=0; j < arPlonks.length; j++) { name=arPlonks; //get a name for (var i=0; i < allDivs.length; i++) //loop through the div tags. { if (allDivs.className == "jive-username-link-wrapper") //find the username wrapper div { var el=allDivs; // temp user name div element storage var aels=el.getElementsByTagName("a"); //get all the a tags in the wrapper if (aels[0].innerHTML == name) //if the innerHTML matches the name (this is where the user's name is displayed in clear text)... { //alert(foundUser.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.innerHTML); //dm: debug only // use style.display attribute to hide the entire message div. yipee! aels[0]"none"; } } } } return;
good luck, dave
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It works! eventually, it's rather slow, but this is on my rather anemic work PC, so other's results may vary
The one thing that doesn't work is the link to your instrucion page.
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speed seems better or worse depending on current forum speed. i noticed when it seemed slow to me i turned greasemonkey off and reloaded and the page was still slow to load. when the forum is working at a reasonable (normal slow, not abysmal slow) pace the script doesn't seem to take any longer than just loading the page...
there seems to be a weird char in that link. just strip off the last funky A char... and it works.
note that that link DOES NOT contain the new script, you can only get that in the above message for now.
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dave milbut wrote:
speed seems better or worse depending on current forum speed.
Too true. I was testing on the next to the last page of a thread, and it took about 30 seconds for the page to load, once the pageloaded the script ran fine.
Thanks again.
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any time jay-mon!
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Very cool, dave!
I was messin' around with XPath, thinking it might be faster than looping. My work got in the way just about the time I learned how to identify the user with it (but I think you found a better class name than I did). Then there's that whole learning curve thing for me (only dabbled with JS from time to time).
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no prob. just DOM stuff...
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jsut realized there's some funky spaces inserted by the forum sw in the code i posted
aels[0] .display="none";
see there after style and before .display? i didn't do that and they shouldn't be there. they WILL cause problems (stoopid forum software!)
i'll post it up to the server tonight and be done with it.
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what ticks me off is i enclosed that stuff in a <pre> tag which is supposed to indicate "don't mess with this"... grrr!!!
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I've been watching that message for a different reason, though I've seen extra spaces inserted before. The email notification inserted & nbsp; [sic] in several lines with the tab indents. I've seen those appear online as well, but I don't see them in your code here - yet. Maybe your use of <pre> prevented it. In the preview test forums, those fake nbsps appeared some time (days?) later.
My workaround is to convert all tabs to spaces before posting code.
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Mark A. Boyd wrote:
I've been watching that message for a different reason, though I've seen extra spaces inserted before. The email notification inserted & nbsp; [sic] in several lines with the tab indents. I've seen those appear online as well, but I don't see them in your code here - yet. Maybe your use of <pre> prevented it. In the preview test forums, those fake nbsps appeared some time (days?) later.
My workaround is to convert all tabs to spaces before posting code.
saw that. i edited it right away... that was when i tried the insert button in the web forum sw insert> syntax hilighting> plain.
just another broken piece of junk associated with jive. <sigh>
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just another broken piece of junk associated with jive. <sigh>
and i hope someone is taking note that as users come to exepct (and work around) "broken" as the norm here because of the broke-by-design forum software from jive, that that reputation may start to adhere to adobe themselves and reflect poorly on them in the form of "Well the forum is a piece of cr*p where nothing works how it's supposed to, I wonder if the rest of their products are the same?"
the average user won't stop to make the distinction that one is from Jive Software, Inc. and the other is Adobe Inc. To the average user it's ALL adobe becuase it's under their umbrella.