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I know this has already been discussed and dismissed under a general "benefit of the doubt". And yes, I can see that side.
But there are now so many outright weird posts from this person that I think someone should look into it, if that's possible. Not one of them makes any sense at all, and some of them can easily be taken as offensive.
Somehow I get the distinct feeling that this is not a person talking, but a robot. The words are all connected, but the context of the discussion is totally missed in every case, and with remarkable consistency.
1 Correct answer
Deactivated. He did not reply to my PM and continued to post. Just an FYI
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Allow me to second that request. Something very strange is going on there. It needs to be looked at closely.
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Thanks for backing me up. I really hesitated before posting this, but I know others react the same way. Something doesn't smell right.
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It does remind me of robo blog comments designed to attract attention to the user's business. Or maybe just someone with a limited knowledge of English "trying to help". But I have detected duplicate cut and paste "answers".
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He runs a business in the UK, and he responds right to the point when you address him directly, so his weirdness cannot be excused by limited English proficency.
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station_two wrote:
He runs a business in the UK, and he responds right to the point when you address him directly, so his weirdness cannot be excused by limited English proficency.
And yet he posts garbage like:
"Go to Run-type (msconfig) and start up tab now you unmarketable your start menu."
Come on. TELL me this isn't someone trying out a chat-bot. I dare you!
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OldBob1957 wrote:
Come on. TELL me this isn't someone trying out a chat-bot. I dare you!
I think so too. This isn't a person. This is a machine talking. All the more creepy, and this account should just be banned. People have been banned for less.
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…and who knows what this machine is able to harvest while it's replying, or where he it can hack his way through in the process.
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OldBob1957 wrote:
Come on. TELL me this isn't someone trying out a chat-bot. I dare you!
Quite the contrary, OB. That is precisely what I was suggesting when I commented that it was not a person with limited English proficiency, given his background information.
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station_two wrote:
Quite the contrary, OB. That is precisely what I was suggesting when I commented that it was not a person with limited English proficiency, given his background information.
Sorry Station Two, I worded that poorly. I meant to amplify your point while challenging not you, but the moderators who seem so reluctant to do anything, to try and convince me this is anything other than a chat bot. Benefit of the doubt is one thing. But I cannot believe at this point that any doubt exists that something not right is going on here. Sadly, at this point it seems that nobody who could do anything about it really cares.
Good point, by the way, about harvesting information.
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He has struck again. PS CC 14.2.1 Suggesting Ctrl F (last use filter) as a response to a thread about video card problems.
No. I won't address him directly. I saw where that got you.
He's got 30 points for all his time in the forums odd enough.
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Somebody has to do something here.
He's at it again, another utterly meaningless post in reply to one of mine, again totally out of context, and now he's "following" me and there's not a thing I can do about it!!! I don't want this person "following" me! Stop this madness!
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Totally unacceptable behavior by this user/abuser! I knoww folks who were banned for a lot less egregious behavior in earlier times.
Just like an "omnipotent" deity that does nothing is not worthy of credibility, a forum staff that only pays lip service to user's complaints cannot be taken seriously.
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Deactivated. He did not reply to my PM and continued to post. Just an FYI
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Thank you. It was creepy, to say the least.
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He did not reply to my PM and continued to post.
Probably he didn't see your PM because on these new forums it is almost
impossible to see or find anything because the inbox is filled up with
daily postings of threads being followed.
Anyway you are the boss so there is nothing that can be done now.
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Considering his off topic responses, copy/pastes,and ignoring other users who asked him to stop, I'd say this was a good call.
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Of course it was the right call, the only possible one.
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I think you PM'd in an attempt to get him to stop, station_two. He was able to read your PM, and he followed you instead.
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Correct. He acknowledged my PM.
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adobe-admin wrote:
Appreciated. I was distinctly uncomfortable with this one.
And this "following" business felt like someone was standing outside my bedroom window. I did not like that. There must be some way to stop that - ??!? What is it anyway and what's the purpose?