What happened to the translate option?
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Some messages have a translate option open with the message
Other messages doen't and the translate option at the bottom of the message is gone
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Do you have any URLs or screenshots showing where this is happening, John?
I don't recall seeing the issue.
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Most recent is https://community.adobe.com/t5/Get-Started/Adobe-creativ-cloud-k%C3%BCndigen/td-p/10653384
Translation does not pop up in a window on the upper right, and no translate option at the bottom
Win10 + Chrome
ADDED - I recently installed the CSS to change the look of the forums
So I wonder if that is why translate is not showing for me?
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Same here. I see Translate.
I just checked enabling and disabling that Compact CSS and it definitely hides Translate.
With Compact CSS
Without Compact CSS
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In your screen shot with CSS the translate icon is still there but the word Translate is missing.
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Oh well... Google translate works
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If you have the compact css installed, it hides the label "Translate" but the icon is still there. I've replied to the Back Room New Forum Issue Part 2 thread with a fix, that hopefully the person who created it will fix. I'm not sure if the script auto-updates or if you need to manually refresh it after a change is made.
If you're comfortable with css you can edit the custom css yourself.
In mine, the last style was '.translate-button__text'. This needs to be changed to '.ForumPage .translate-button__text'.
This hides the label on the main forum page, but displays it in the discussion pages.
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I updated the Custom CSS so now the "T" of "Translate" shows on the main page and this is clickable to get the translation functionality...