Hi, Yariv-
Thanks for your interest in XD! I'll make sure to flag this post for our support agents to reach out about crashes - they are not expected, and we'd love to understand more about your machine setup. One thing to note is that if you're using Windows, you should confirm that your graphics card drivers are up-to-date with the manufacturer's drivers. Windows will install generic drivers by default, and crashes may occur when the OS and the graphics card don't agree on how to communicate with one another.
If you're on Mac, we'd love to understand the nature of the crashes, so more specific errors would be super helpful. Screenshots, logs, etc., are all a requirement for us to take any action on your feedback. We definitely appreciate you reaching out.
As for our roadmap, we don't publish a public roadmap, but we have shared about the types of things that we're working on publicly via Twitter. Here's a thread from our VP, which talks in depth about some of the areas we're investing in: https://twitter.com/ashorten/status/1339704790666727424?s=20
Hope that helps!
Elaine Chao
Sr. Product Manager, Adobe XD
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