Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎May 18, 2022
07:36 PM
I can confirm that to be true.
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‎May 12, 2022
03:37 PM
I can submit that as a feature request for you. You may also want to do the same on our User Voice: https://adobe-video.uservoice.com
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‎May 12, 2022
03:27 PM
1 Upvote
No, this only applied to QuickTime DNx files.
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‎Apr 26, 2021
02:21 PM
Just tried some samples of my own and they are working so if you try in the latest update and it still isn't working let's chat about getting a sample from you so we can have our devs investigate.
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‎Apr 26, 2021
02:09 PM
We put a fix in specifically for DNx files from Resolve back around November. Are you both testing on the latest version? If not, can you give it a try and let me know how it goes? We very much would like to get to the bottom of this. I'll try on my end as well.
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‎May 20, 2020
04:35 PM
Now available in the Premiere Pro (Beta) builds is the addition of bitrate controls for your JPEG 2000 MXF OP1a exports.
Shipping Version
In the currently shipping version of the export settings for JPEG 2000 MXF OP1a the bitrate was generically set based on the Broadcast Profile and Tiling options you selected. Unfortunately the lack of manual bitrate control would often lead to higher-than-expected bitrates in the final output.
Beta Version
Now you will see that we have prioritized the bitrate settings over the somewhat less useful Broadcast Profile setting. In doing so we have also tweaked a few other options:
Previously JPEG 2000 output was only Lossless if you selected a specific Broadcast Profile. Now this is a user-selectable option.
The Bitrate Slider does from 10Kbps to 100Gbps though if the maximum bitrate is set higher than the amount of data the encoder produces at maximum quality, the resulting bitstream will have a lower bitrate than the value shown in the UI.
Updated the max frame size limit from 4096 x 3112 to 16K x 16K
The Broadcast Profile is selected automatically based on the settings you've chosen but you can still override the setting if necessary. We've also added support for Broadcast Profiles 8-11 as well as level 0.
Removed the tiling option - it is now configured automatically.
Also, to make the changes as seamless as possible, your existing presets should automatically utilize the new settings.
Give the new settings a try and let us know what you think!
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‎Mar 23, 2020
03:19 PM
Hello all,
First of all, thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. H.264 files not importing is absolutely an unexpected result so we are eager to understand the issue better and get a fix in your hands as quickly as possible. So far we have been unable to reproduce this issue on any of our many test systems so finding a fix is proving difficult. At this time we believe the issue is specific to only certain systems but we don't understand what it is about those systems that could be causing the issue. With that in mind I would like to ask for anyone interested in helping us track this issue down to please post here or email me (thnord@adobe.com) their full system information (instructions below). Our hope is this will provide some clues as to what the affected systems have in common.
Thank you in advance,
Export System Information:
Open Start.
Search for System Information and click the top result to open the app.
Select System Summary.
Click on the File menu.
Click the Export option.
Select the location to save the file.
Type a descriptive name for the report. For instance, "Computer specs Windows 10".
Click the Save button.
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‎Mar 20, 2020
02:33 PM
What version did you roll back to? 17.0.4 or an older version?
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‎Mar 17, 2020
05:58 PM
Can you share what codec you are using? Is this ARRIRAW in an MXF wrapper or ProRes?
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‎Feb 20, 2020
10:05 PM
1 Upvote
We've investigated the issue further and if you are encountering the issue I think it is you will have the Max Bit Depth checkbox enabled either in your sequence settings or your export settings. If so, try disabling that setting and running the job again. If that works, then you've hit the bug we are investigating. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. At this time disabling the Max Bit Depth checkbox is the only workaround.
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‎Feb 20, 2020
01:17 PM
Can you tell us a little bit about the source media and your export settings.
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‎Jul 19, 2019
11:40 AM
Please see this post and let us know if this resolves the issue for you: FixPr13.1.3CrashOnLaunch.zip Windows Registry Fix
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‎Jun 14, 2019
04:42 PM
Hello everyone, I appreciate your patience on this. I am currently looking in to this issue and could use some help narrowing it down. I've read through the various posts (thank you to everyone who gave detailed feedback - it really does help). Unfortunately, I have so far been unable to reproduce the issue myself, nor have any of my colleagues. I am positive there is something missing in my repro attempts but at this time do not know what it might be. What I would really like to do is see if I can reproduce one of your issues on my systems. If we can get a system to repro the issue in-house we stand a far greater chance of getting this addressed sooner than later. To that end, please reach out directly to me: thnord@adobe.com if you are able to share your sources to help us get this resolved.
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‎Apr 03, 2019
03:06 PM
Can you give us some more information about your setup? What format are your source files? Do you have Maximum Bit Depth enabled in your Sequence Settings?
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‎Jan 15, 2019
02:48 PM
1 Upvote
markr66942480​, thank you for providing the sample file. It always makes researching these issues so much easier. I took a look and my guess is that your alpha interpretation isn't set to premultiplied on one system, but it is on the other. Could you select the source in question and in the Project Panel right click on it and choose Modify > Interpret Footage. How is the alpha interpretation set? If you change it to explicitly be Premultiplied does the issue go away - it does on my system. I'm a bit surprised that this changed after updating as I don't know of a reason why that would be the case. I wonder if deleting your media cache would resolve this for you?
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‎Nov 05, 2018
10:44 AM
1 Upvote
Just to add to the conversation: I did note that in some cases updating to 10.13.6 has been seen to resolve this issue so if you are hesitant to update to macOS 10.14 then that may be an option. Now, with that said, Premiere Pro 13.0 and higher are supported on macOS 10.14. So while I can't give you specifics about how your particular workflow will perform, I can tell you that it is supported.
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‎Oct 16, 2018
04:14 PM
Thank you for your report. We are able to reproduce the issue and have found that it only impacts systems running macOS 10.13. Users running macOS 10.14 are not affected. We will raise this issue with Apple directly. We apologize for the inconvenience. As an aside, you are correct: there is no way to set a max bitrate for hardware acceleration. This control is not made available to us by the OS. UPDATE: We have found that in some cases the issue may be resolved by updating to macOS 10.13.6 so you may want to try that first.
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‎Jul 17, 2018
01:32 PM
1 Upvote
I do apologize for the longer than expected delay. We hoped to have a fix out sooner than later but in the interest of releasing a patch that was of the highest quality it took us a little longer than we hoped. The fix for this issue is now available in the dot release as of yesterday, July 16th. You'll want to make sure to update both Premiere and AME to the 12.1.2 version. I would also recommend deleting your media cache before launching any projects with this media or importing new files to prevent old cache data from continuing to give you a clip with an incorrect duration.
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‎Apr 30, 2018
02:01 PM
WestView Digital​ Did you delete all of your media cache files after updating the OS? If the files previously failed to import they will continue to fail in the same way until you clear the cache of the bad data. Keep in mind that cache files can be stored in the location I mentioned above or in a custom location depending on your preferences.
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‎Apr 26, 2018
01:21 PM
1 Upvote
Well that helps validate the current solution we are investigating: Updating your macOS to a newer version (anything later than 10.11) then deleting the media cache (see below) seems to resolve the issue. We are investigating internally to see what we can do about fixing the source of the issue but at least this will give some users a viable solution. The media cache can be found here: Mac: /Users/%username%/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common Win: \Users\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\ More details can be found here: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2152942
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‎Apr 25, 2018
04:46 PM
For anyone having this issue could you please let me know what OS and version you are using?
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‎Apr 25, 2018
04:43 PM
One more update as I've found a potential solution here: This problem so far only seems to occur on macOS 10.11. Upgrading to 10.12 or higher looks to solve the issue. If you do this, be sure to clear your media cache before opening the project in your updated OS. The media cache can be found here: Mac: /Users/%username%/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common Win: \Users\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\ More details can be found here: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2152942
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‎Apr 25, 2018
02:04 PM
Update for you: I now have a repro case and we are investigating. Thank you for helping to narrow this one down as it has been eluding us till today.
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‎Apr 25, 2018
12:15 PM
Ok, thanks for the clarity. I'll try out your workflow on my end (the details and sample files really help!) and see if I can repro.
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‎Apr 25, 2018
10:07 AM
One other thing that I could use some help understanding: The original issue is dealing with the original XDCAM disc and you are seeing an MXF read error in Premiere. How do the QuickTime files you posted fit in to this equation? I want to make sure I'm looking at the right thing.
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‎Apr 25, 2018
10:06 AM
Rick, Could you please provide the following information: Exact OS version Exact version of Premiere Pro you are using Also, are you clearing your media cache between tests? This can be helpful in tracking down this type of issue. The media cache can be found here: Mac: /Users/%username%/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common Win: \Users\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\ More details can be found here: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2152942
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‎Apr 24, 2018
02:08 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you for your report. I see in version 12.1.1 I am able to get those values so it may be an issue specific to the older presets. Can you please try creating a new preset from scratch and tell me if you see the same results? Also, if you could share one of your presets that isn't working in 12.1.1 I'd be happy to take a look.
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‎Apr 20, 2018
10:38 AM
Thank you for the report. We have reproduced the issue and are investigating a fix.
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‎Apr 06, 2018
10:28 AM
Unfortunately it is limited to VBR 1-pass currently.
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‎Apr 05, 2018
11:06 AM
Ok, that's easier to explain: 2 pass is not supported for hardware acceleration (that's a limitation of the hardware, not the software).
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