Make sure to not have any assets in any folder/folders that Google Drive (any cloud service) uses.
Make sure to not save/create a new project that lands in any folder/folders that Google Drive (any cloud service) uses.
In OneDrive/Google Drive you often have links to files that are stored in the cloud but not locally on your computer. They will appear as files though they are not, until they are downloaded. If you use them in a project, they will indeed be downloaded since Pr needs them and only works with assest that are stored locally.
Thumb of rule is to never ever include files in folders that OneDrive/Google Drive, or any cloud service, controls in a project. Don´t save project files in any of those folders. Yes, upload project files you want to backup them. If one need files that are stored in the cloud, download them first and place them in a local folder outside reach for OneDrove/Google Drive, or any cloud service. That will work.
All cloud services want to control and backup/sync user folders such as Documents, Desktop, Downloads, Pictures, etc, etc and unfortunately Adobe apps, including Premiere Pro, defaults to those folders out of the box and that causes issues like this and sometimes files/assets are lost, precious project files as well. Avoid those folders, always.
Having this problem right now with Google Drive. I was working with a bunch of clips in Drive a month ago that were local to my system. Now most of those files have gone back into the cloud, I guess because they were inactive. Now when I open that project my entire Google Drive starts downloading
By @Chandler32717681qisn
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