‎Feb 22, 2024
03:42 PM
I've downloaded a XD file with all material design icons, I'd like to "convert" it into a library with those icons, how to? Would I have to convert each icon individually into a symbol within XD? I used a plugin "icons 4 design" from "EM software" but they updated that and now it almost only displays icons from paid packages.
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‎Feb 06, 2024
10:26 PM
I'm not sure if this the right topic to post about, but here we go... I formatted my PC a week ago, just installed everything I needed including Adobe of course, and the CC app itself does not "want" to run at Windows startup, I already checked on Windows list of apps to be initialized at logon, all needed is checked. I didn't authorize my antivirus to change those kind of config, so I don't know what's going on. I'm on Windows 10 Pro. Do you have any thoughts on this? Maybe I'm missing something, not sure. I use Norton 360 and CCleaner, but they only go "action" per user request, I didn't configure any kinda option to do that automatically. It's an annoying situation because I have fonts activated through Adobe Fonts and I use them for my projects, and if CC does not run at logon, I forget that it isn't open every time.
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‎Jan 24, 2024
02:46 PM
Also, that link you sent should be on some button there with a cta "see your full library here" or something similar. Thanks for sending it me the correct link.
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‎Jan 24, 2024
02:42 PM
What "criteria"? Where is written that, supposely, a "criteria" was selected? On the select box, it's selected "Display all", so it should display all, as announced. That's the result of paying lots of money to those "ux whatever", everything always get worse.
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‎Jan 23, 2024
06:39 PM
I had saved a while ago a lot of assets, mainly icons, into a library (see printscreens attached) and I only can see all them from the software itself, XD for example, but when I access that same library on Adobe Stock website, I only can see those who I saved from there. Where did Adobe put my assets and how to manage them? I wanna build a personal library only with icons, however many of them I already have saved locally on my hard drive, so now I need to put them online. How to?
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‎Jan 04, 2024
06:37 PM
Hi there. I opened my CC app today and after a update, I got a message warning saying that Adobe is gonna discontinue the CC files on cloud. Then, I need to know how to proceed about my files on CC cloud, specially my XD files saved on cloud directly from XD. Will I have to save all them to another cloud service, like onedrive or similar, or Adobe is gonna keep its CC cloud files to current clients that are already using the feature? What am I supposed to do so I keep all my files, mainly including XD ones, saved? And what about my CC libraries?
After each update, Adobe screws up with something, incredible. Invision screwed up with their original content by replacing with a "freehand-only" approach, and now Adobe come with that. Being a tech professional is taking the wrongest course ever.
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‎Jan 13, 2020
12:08 PM
Thanks for letting me know that there's already a feature request on that subject. I will try the plugin, thanks also for recommending it. Could you clarify what is that "master file" the other user mentioned? I didn't get about it.
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‎Jan 11, 2020
01:36 PM
Before closing this entire topic, I have another question regarding text boxes. All text boxes have on theirselves an exact minimum height value associated internally in XD, I mean, for each text box (paragraph text boxes), there is a height that if you define a lower height value than that, your text's last line gets hidden. When you use a plugin like "lorem ipsum", after you insert a lorem ipsum content, that plugin adjusts that text box to match that exactly minimum height. So, is there a way to make a text box (boundary frame) with the exactly height that is enough to match our piece of text? I'm asking that question because it allows us to adjust the gaps between a block and another one to have a real notion of distance, so when we go to code css, all distance values between our page boxes will be more accurate and therefore we won't have to just rely on our eyes.
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‎Jan 10, 2020
02:00 PM
Posted it on User Voice right now. I didn't understand about "master file" and adding it to the assets panel.
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‎Jan 09, 2020
04:39 PM
I got a question about XD for you, regarding something that is very boring. Every time I wanna insert a new text box on XD, I have to create the text box, type a text and then, only after I typed my text, I'm able to apply a character style from the ones I have on the assets panel. The problem is that XD saves in its memory the last text size I used last, and sometimes it's a big size, so every time I have to reduce text size to fit in the bounding box, so it's an extra work.
Is there a way to insert a text directly from a character style, without having to type a text before and only then applying a character style? It would be so much time saver if I could insert a text right from a character style already saved on my assets panel. I tried to double-click or dragging and drop a character style to my artboard to see if XD would create a text box exactly with that character style settings, but it didn't work.
It's always an unnecessary work having to firstly add a text box, insert any text and after apply a style. Have you got bored with that thing too or it's just me?? 😢
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‎Nov 09, 2019
01:27 PM
I've been looking for that solution since a very long time. You're a genius!!! The only and, obviously, main reason we sometimes wanna clear recent files is the fact we're re-organizing our files, either by changing their names or folders where they were originally saved on. I just can't believe Adobe put a "Clear recent files" option on Photoshop and didn't it on Illustrator. Such an absurd! Thanks again. I changed illustrator prefs file here and worked like a charm 🙂
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‎Oct 24, 2019
06:29 PM
Some things are only solved by pure luck, that was the case 🙂
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‎Oct 24, 2019
02:21 PM
Solved: in order to keep the gradient continuity and have the possibility of moving the shapes without changes on their gradient proportion, make a compound path and then apply a pathfinder "Divide". Bingo!
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‎Oct 24, 2019
01:49 PM
See my edits
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‎Oct 24, 2019
01:38 PM
1 Upvote
I wanna "cut" a triangle (see above, the black one) from that rectangle's left bottom corner, but when I use pathfinder or shape builder tools to do that, the triangle "assumes" the rectangle's full gradient, and instead, I need the triangle to "grab" gradient continuity, like if it had been cut with a scissor (on photoshop I just would have to rasterize the rectangle). I wanna put that triangle on my artwork left bottom, and sure, keeping it editable. I followed some instructions from an article that said we have to make a compound path and then apply the gradient, however when I move the triangle to the other side of my artwork (where I want it to be), the gradient proportion changes drastically, as you can see here: Below is the image where you can see the triangle with the right gradient proportion: So, I want that same gradient exactly the triangle gets while is sticked to the rectangle, but I want the triangle to be where arrow left is, on the artwork left bottom.
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‎Oct 24, 2019
12:50 PM
I wanna "cut" a triangle (see on the image, the black one) from that rectangle's left bottom corner, but when I use pathfinder or shape builder tools to do that, the triangle "assumes" the rectangle's full gradient, and instead, I need the triangle to "grab" gradient continuity, like if it had been cut with a scissor (on photoshop I just would have to rasterize the rectangle). I wanna put that triangle on my artwork left bottom, and sure, keeping it editable.
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‎Oct 10, 2019
11:13 PM
This is what I was looking for, an answer to another user on GraphicDesign Stack Exchange: CMYK can produce less colors than RGB, which is why many "equivalent" colors can seem dull or washed out. Pantone can produce brighter colors since they use specially-mixed inks, however it is often more expensive to use spot (Pantone) colors for printed materials. In an ideal world you'd have a color that works well in all 3 systems, but that is not always possible. So what to do? What I'd do is find a CMYK color you like (because CMYK is the hardest to get right), find the RGB/Pantone equivalents, going by eye (with a well calibrated monitor and pantone swatches). So, why is so difficult to answer a simple question???
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‎Oct 10, 2019
01:17 PM
Your answer was great, thank you so much to clarify a very simple question! It has been very hard to find here people who are really willing to give us what we're looking for. Thank you again 🙂
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‎Oct 10, 2019
01:06 PM
But paying for a damn Adobe CC subscription makes sense right? Thank you for helping.
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‎Oct 10, 2019
12:48 PM
Great, so when I open a new document on Illustrator or Photoshop defined to manage colors in CMYK, when I insert a HEX code, Illustrator will pick a match in a more reliable way than Adobe Color. Is that what you said??
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‎Oct 10, 2019
12:45 PM
Ok, I will search for "color management" on Google to see what comes. However, my question is about a more practical thing. When we download a brand guidelines manual, we will find there a default CMYK color code to be used by whoever wants to use that logo wherever they do. So, the person or people who created that manual DOES NOT KNOW MY MONITOR's COLOR CALIBRATION, and neither other people`s monitor. My point regarding my question is: how would you pick a CMYK color to your, let's say your logo, to be used WORLDWIDE doesn`t matter anyone's monitor whether they know if it's calibrated correctly or not? I think I could be more clear this time.
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‎Oct 09, 2019
09:39 PM
I finished my new logo and always I make a logo, I pick CMYK format, thinking on print and vector first. I created a color scheme using Adobe Color by setting up the HEX values. As you may know, Adobe Color displays each color you picked in a variety of formats, including RGB, CMYK and, as a new feature, its Pantone respective match. My 1st doubt here is that when I apply the CMYK values Adobe Color shows, those colors look like a little different from the RGB. Is that normal? Can we "rely" on Adobe Color regarding color conversions? And, before someone saying to me, I don't have Pantone physical palettes, I'm still unemployed 😞 2nd point: the CMYK values Adobe Color shows to us is different from those which I see on Illustrator CMYK correspondent fields after putting that respective color's HEX or RGB code. Example: one of my colors is #CD0A5A. Adobe Color "says" that its CMYK value is 0, 95, 56, 20, however, if I insert #CD0A5A on Illustrator and take a look on the CMYK respective value, you'll see 15, 100, 48, 2. Also, after I add my color theme from Adobe Color to swatches on Illustrator, those colors are added with some variations on their values, e.g., the HEX #CD0A5A after I add onto Illustrator, it "becomes" #CD1D5C". Could you help me with those points??
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‎Mar 11, 2019
02:07 PM
Absolutely RIGHT! My BA was in journalism and I migrated to graphic/web design since I liked that. The only things I drew (when child) were car speedometers, only . Some time ago, I posted a similar doubt on StackExchange's Graphic Design forum and I was only criticized with replies like "if you had tried to do on your own, you'd know how to do it". Unfortunately, some people have no education, that's something I faced in my whole life since we can't be good at something without asking things. Not all professionals like to be "asked".
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‎Mar 11, 2019
01:25 PM
Thanks everyone for the replies, also tromboniator​​ and @Doug A Roberts (I couldn't find your user on mention suggestions, sorry ) for the step-by-step instructions. I will practice using both ways, but I think the Peter's one is easier, at least when looking at it. I don't know if it's just me, but I have so much difficulty to see the logic in the arts behind logos, I mean, Bojan Živković​ told me about the overlapping, and I just couldn't figure it out since it's something relatively simple. I'd like to ask if you are able to see those logics because you already made something similar or if someone taught those things to you. I'm a web designer but I really wanna be good at logo design, which is for me the first and most important step of the whole thing behind a brand.
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‎Mar 11, 2019
01:35 AM
Yes, I got it, I hadn't realized about the overlapping, but actually there's a curve on the edges of the white part which gives them a fold illusion. How to make those "joins" which are "connecting" white and red exactly where I put the green circles?
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‎Mar 10, 2019
07:53 PM
I love the LATAM Airlines logo and I'd like to learn how to make that "fold" we can see on the edges I marked with those green circles, connecting one line to another:
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‎Feb 01, 2019
02:33 PM
That's exactly what I needed to know. I asked it actually based on a scenario I have here: I made a design test for a job position (I was not approved hahaha) which consisted on creating a landing page, just a desktop version. After a while, I decided to improve that design to show it on my Behance profile as I liked the work and it's good, but as I've seen and with this new "UX" wave in the current market, almost all designs I see on Behance "take care" of mobile approaches, so I thought I shouldn't publish something without some "ux research bla bla bla" and showing a mobile version of what I've done, to help me proving to the recruiters I can do mobile too. In this case specifically, I didn't make a wireframe before delivering the test, and since it's a good practice, I need to show some wires in order to make a good impression to recruiters so they won't think "he didn't know what he was doing on that design" or "he does not know what a wireframe is" etc. Then, I have the final design and now I need to display at least 1 wire, that's why I asked to myself "so now, which screen should I start?".
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‎Jan 31, 2019
03:45 PM
Usually, browsing on Behance, Dribbble or other online stuff like those, we see wireframes only for desktop or only for mobile, so I'm still in doubt about something: when we need to make a wireframe (and considering the "mobile-first"), where should I start from? Desktop to tablet to mobile or the inverse?
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‎Jan 23, 2019
10:28 PM
I've downloaded some adobe xd grid "defaults" and every xd file I downloaded suggests a different grid to use on mobile: one shows 3 columns, another one shows 6 columns, another one shows even 12 columns. My mind is a mess around this subject. So, how many columns (and gutter value too) should I use when designing for a mobile screen (or when transposing a desktop layout to mobile)? I have 3 artboards with the same design (in my case, a landing page). See below my grid config to each of them (bearing Bootstrap in mind): Artboard - Desktop 1366 x 768 12 columns / Gutter width 30 / Column width 70 / Margins 98 (value for left and right margins) Artboard - Tablet 768 x 1024 6 columns / Gutter width 30 / Column width 90 / Margins 39 Artboard - Mobile 375 x 667 (iphone 6/7/8, not plus) 3 columns / Gutter width 30 / Column width 95 / Margins 15 I got those grid measures/values from a XD grid freebie from the internet. However, every website says something different, and I'm in a deep doubt about if those values are good or the recommend ones, specially talking about mobile, because I've read that we should use 2 columns on grid when designing for mobile, and I'm using 3 columns. I started asking that to myself because I'm in doubt about a specific section of my landing design, I mean, I couldn't think how to distribute some texts properly on the section. So, what would you recommend me to use? Are my grids "correct"?
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