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When I try to save a copy of a PDF to OneDrive, regardless of whether it's already been uploaded to Adobe Cloud storage, it won't save and says there's an error in the saving process. I really need this to work. How can I get this process functioning properly? I use Android on a Motorola phone
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It's absolutely ridiculous! I haven't been able to use it since or about October. We should all demand a fix & 6 months free service because of the hastle they caused millions of people!
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Did you manage to find a solution?
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Hi there
This issue is still in discussion with our engineering team and they are actively working on it. While we do not have a fixed timeline yet. We will share the update as soon as we get more information.
Thanks for your time and patience so far.
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So many experiencing this issue and it's making Adobe as a working platform useless .
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Amal, I am having the same annoying problem and it only occurs with PDFs. See attached. Until or unless the company resolves the issue, which began after the update, I am requesting that the fees I paid for November, 2024 be credited back to my charge card. In the event same is not credited, I will file a dispute with my credit card company for November's charge, and each month therafter. Thank you.
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Just undo the recent update ... This is absolute nonsense!!!!
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Do you have a resolution to this issue? We are still unable to SAVE files. Totally unacceptable especially since Adobe have now been able to reproduce this Error. Please advise.
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Please advise why this very important issues is yet to be resolved , months after it was first reported to Adobe?
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Hi there
Thank you for reaching out, and I hope this message finds you well.
I wanted to let you know that this issue is still under active investigation by our engineering team, and they are working diligently to address it. At this time, we don’t have a specific timeline for resolution.
However, please rest assured that we will provide you with updates as soon as we have more concrete information to share.
We truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this.
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It seems this MASSIVE issue is getting very little attention from Adobe . What is the point of a File Saving software if we are unable to Save our documents to a Cloud Storage? It renders the whole Adobe platform useless and it's a shocking reflection on your Customer Service.
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Hi Amal,
I also wish to raise that I am having the same issue. I was previously on a Samsung S23 Ultra and have just been given a brand new replacement from Samsung and the issue still persists. I have been having the issue since July 24 and have been finding a bit of a work around, by saving the document to the device. However this is not a sustainable solution as it is timely and takes up critical space on my device (which is nearly at capacity).
As the device is brand new (as of today), all apps were refreshed. I see this issue has been ongoing for a while, is there any chance of a resolution?
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Maybe this is Adobes way of forcing people to use their cloud instead of Onedrive????
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I have the exact same issue.
I can open files in onedrive, but when I try to save after making changes I cannot save the changed file using acrobat. I am using an ios version of acrobat.How do I get this issue resolved? I am using a personal onedrive account
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I have tried all the solutions posted in this thread and none worked for me.. people have been reporting about this issue for like a year. Please fix the issue Adobe
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Hi there,
This is already being discussed with the engineering team and is being worked on. We do not have any updates yet to share. We will keep you posted as soon as we have information.
Thanks for your patience so far.
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As of a couple of days ago, I too cannot save a PDF to OneDrive from within the Adobe app on my Android phone or my iPad. On the phone, I get the 'Error saving a copy of this document' pop-up. On the iPad, none of my OneDrive files and folders appear when I try to save the document. Yesterday, following the 12 November 2024 Windows Updates, OneDrive 'processed changes' for all of my many OneDrive files on my laptop. It seems to be since then that I can't save documents using the mobile apps. I presume that the OneDrive API is at fault. (I can save files to DropBox using the mobile app on my phone). The issue is very frustrating as I am very dependent on that functionality when out and about.
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P.S. I have posted feedback on the MS OneDrive website and also posted to the Microsoft Community, as this must be a issue that Adobe and MS are jointly responsible for resolving.
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I have removed OneDrive links from the Adobe Apps on my Android Phone and my iPad and reset those links. The problem of saving files still exists, but I can now see my OneDrive files and folders via the Adobe app on my iPad. I notice that my phone updated Adobe Acrobat at some point yesterday (presumably before I first experienced the issue). The version on my phone is On my iPad, I have version 24.10.00 (20241023.121212), which was last updated on 29 October.
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I have now also spoken to Adobe Tech Support. Their customer services person was able to reproduce the issue and has referred it to the back office team to address. I have also posted feedback on the Adobe Acrobat feedback site.
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How can it take so long for a Company like Adobe to fix such a pivotal part of it's software? Saving a file to a device is ESSENTIAL surely !
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Can someone from Adobe please inform us of the timeline to fix the file saving to OneDrive error please? It has been around 3 weeks since I first experienced the issue and I would have expected it to have been addressed by now, however notififcation of a reasonable timescale now would be welcome. Thank you.
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Does anyone know if saving to OneDrive works on the Adobe Acrobat for Android Beta version please?
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