Just in the last few days my CC Libraries are loading really slowly and sometimes they never load. I've done all the troubleshooting on this page and NOTHING HAS WORKED!
1) Could you post a video (or at least screenshots or information on the exact error strings/verbiage) of the issue you are seeing so that we can troubleshoot further? (Videos are best if you can.) 2) Additionally, could you confirm specific details: which app are you seeing this in, what version is that app, ideally what version of CCLibraries are you seeing in that app? 3) And could you try checking to see if the "Creative Cloud Libraries Synchronizer" process is running in Activity Monitor *before* you open the app, or if it is only starting after the app and libraries panel opens? One thing you could try: quit the synchronizer process in Activity Monitor, quit all Adobe Apps including Creative Cloud Desktop, open an Adobe app anew and open the Libraries panel in it (which should restart the process).
No technique works for me And every agent I talked to did the same thing three or four times and wasted my time. And I myself have uninstalled and reinstalled Photoshop a couple of times and cleaned all the software but still this problem is not solved.
I am massively struggling with this. It's crashing photoshop every other time I add something to my libraries. Super slow loading as well. There is obviously a problem that isn't being fixed.
Same issue for us. We need a solution. We are 32 designers in the company working with libraries. More than 70 others users are using PSD templates linked to those libraries.
Hello, We're having the same issue here. Either we try to open the libraries in Illustrator or the CC app, they juste take an extremely long time to load, and they bug. I hope this can get solved because it also affects my team a lot. Thank you
Same problem here with version 2025 on Mac Pro 2029 OS14.7. Before the update CC librarys work like a charm, but now the y are every time loading content, they are nearly to be unusable
I have had problems with this for a couple of days now. One of my collegues cant use her librabry at all. Mine is mainly slow. Looking forward to Adobe fixing this problem 🙂
Yep same for me. Incredibly slow loading in the creative cloud app and the libraries panels across indesign, illustrator, photoshop.
Using an office connection so internet speed on my end isn't the issue. For sake of variety as I've seen few comments using macs, I'm on a windows build.
I have also been struggling with this for the last few weeks, out of no where, maybe one or two assets in my CC libraries load and then just stay in an infinite loop. In all my years, I've never had an issue and all of my assets in the libraries would appear instantaneously, across Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. It was happening with both my work PC and personal Mac. I called for my work PC, the agent remoted in, used the CC Cleaner, reinstalled the apps and now all my apps are displaying libraries perfectly. I called the next day for the same thing on my Mac (Sequoia 15.3.1), the agent ran the cleaner, reinstalled but did not get the same results as the PC. The agent had me create another user profile on my Mac, had me open an app using that profile, and what do you know, it works perfectly! The agent then tells me I need to "merge" my current Mac profile with the dummy one they just created to use the apps properly because that's all they can do... they directed me to call Apple for assistance with that. Thats it? I'm rethinking paying for 1TB of CC Storage to have none of my assets load. Something Adobe needs to fix immediatley.
I also have this issue. I open my library panel, select a folder and wait 10 mins or so for only a couple of files to load. This repeats on scrolling. It's causing major issues and delays to get my assets.
Not only that, panels fail to display, despite them being open. I have to minimize Photoshop and maximize it for the panel to display again. Plus I've had a multitude of crashes recently.
I'm also tired of libraries filling up my Surface Pro 9's SSD, which only has a limited 256gb ssd (as, well as my main PC, specs below.) It defeats the "cloud" option with files downloading to to the ssd giving me duplicates.
Intel i9-14900K 6.3ghz
128gb Ram
Nvidia RTX 4080
Windows 11 Pro
2 x 4tb Samsung M2 SSDs + 40tb external storage
1.5 gigabit Internet (wired)
With these specs, there should be no issues, but with this release, there's a plethora of problems.
@DutchAlex This may be ok if you don't have thousands upon thousands of large files, imagine doing all of that with 800gb+. No matter how fast ones internet is, it will take too long, and if it doest work (which I've since read, the more files you have, the more you get this problem), you'll have wasted your time. Time many of us don't have. But I'm glad it worked for you, though we shouldn't be having to do these things. Adobe's Cloud has always been troublesome. Riddled with problems from libraries not loading (different from this issue), to filling up storage, to corrupted files, and a long list of other issues. They really need to revamp the system they have as its terrible.
My team are also being heavily affected by this issue across After Effects and Illustrator. Libraries are taking forever to load and then instantly crashing as soon as you try to do anything in them. None of the troubleshooting steps suggested by adobe have helped the issue and so we're basically at a point of waiting around for the issue to be fixed by Adobe now. Our motion graphics workflow relies heavily upon the libraries functioning properly, so productivity has slowed right down because of this issue.
Team of 12, all experiencing this issue on Mac across diffferent internet networks.
Every agent I've talked to tried telling me my processor and graphics card were the issue. I went and bought a new computer with all the updated stuff and still have the same issue.
@chunkx31 They're lying. They do that to deflect because they don't know what's causing the problem that's affecting it's userbase, so, they blame their userbase because they think we're all stupid. I've got a very powerful PC at home and work, so do all my colleagues, (and we all use Surface 9 Pro's on the move), we even use render farms and server clusters. Yet libraries are seriously crippling our workflow. As long as your PC/Device meets the minimum requirements, there shouldn't be an issue. After all, they set those requirements.
I want to start off by apologizing for the inconvinience this has caused many of you. The team has been actively working to resolve this issue asap and has identified a fix to the bug.
We plan to roll this fix out in a release to ensure that everyone can use their libraries again.
I will share an update in this thread once the fix is rolled out.
I too am having this issue, and am commenting so I can get updates! I've tried cache clearing, restarting, updating everything. I'm even getting a new laptop next week. But the issues with libraries exist across multiple libraries on multiple machines.
My team and I have been having the same issue. It only started within the last few weeks, we had no issues with loading time previously. It's causing serious workflow issues. Why has it taken so long for Adobe to come up with a fix for this?