When composing a layout, there is no way to access items/assets past the first few options within the Brand tab. The screenshot demonstrates that the UI/UX panel for access those items does not allow for scolling or access to the View All option other panels have
Brands and libraries pannels are showing limited options. the "view all" link is not visible and the pannels seems to be displaying horzontally, but no horizontal scroll bar is present.
Another issue in handelin Brands and Libraries, adobe express is not showing all available libraries and brands in the pannels.
Cannot view whole left window with assets and branding. Branding won't load unless I search it and I can't click "view all assets" there is no button or it's hidden.
All of my assets and brands are no longer available. First you moved where they were located, and now they are no longer stored in the "my stuff". My logos and colors are also missing from the brands section.
I have a brand, but I all of the sudden can't access the assets from a new design file. When I click on 'brands' while working on a design, nothing shows up.
Hi, from the homepage I can access the brands link on the left and can see all the brands I've created or am added to (6 brands first screenshot). But when I'm in working on a file and want to access the same brands, only a few show up and not all the colors or assets are in those brands (2nd screenshot). Is this issue being worked on? Is there a workaround or reason why this is happening?