I suggest adding support for multiple languages on adobe firefly beacause if you think about it the porpuse of adobe firefly is to make it easier to make designs and text effects to use on designs so when trying to make the targeted text to put the effects on(not the description which has to be in englisha and i do write it in english) it doesn't and has to include a lot of work on photoshop so that i can apply the effects on other text that i wuess firefly can't deal with for now so i would most likely prefer that a (in english only) text is added to Enter text that is on teh area where we insert the text that we want the effects to be on.
Que tal um conversão de voz para texto? Posso ajudar. A língua em questão e a intensidade vocal modifica o fluxo da rede neural criativa. Isso literalmente daria vida às criações. A interface pode ser melhorada a ponto de animação: desperta a capacidade criativa.