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Buenos dÃas. Recientemente hemos adquirido una licencia para Adobe Ilustrator. La versión que podemos descargar no es compatible con Windows 7 x32. ¿Pueden indicarnos cómo conseguir una versión compatible con ese sistema operativo?
Muchas gracias,
1 Correct answer
Adobe do not supply versions for unsupported systems. Check the system requirements before buying any app for your obsolete Windows!!
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Adobe do not supply versions for unsupported systems. Check the system requirements before buying any app for your obsolete Windows!!
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v 22 (2018) was the last ai version compatible with win 7 32 bit.
1. you can install the latest and 1 version prior versions using the cc desktop app. you must have a subscription because previous versions are not available with trials. other versions are revealed after clicking file preferences>apps>tick show older apps (at panel bottom).
2. for versions cc 2019 and older, use prodesign*.
3. for versions newer than cc 2019 but older than one previous version, contact adobe support for links.**
* most (but not all) adobe download links are available from
follow the directions (esp, step 1)
save the install file. it may not remain online.
thank jim @
** there are 3 ways to contact adobe; chat, phone and twitter:
use a browser that allows popups and cookies, and click here,
in the chat field (lower right), type AGENT
be patient, it can take quite a while to reach a human.
tweet @AdobeCare
p.s. if you're contacted by anyone (via email or private message), it's much more likely to be a scammer than an adobe representative. ie, double check for an employee badge if contacted in the forums and look for an domain in the email address if you click reply to an email. then check again and be very suspicious. any other method of contacting (or offering to contact you) is almost certainly a scam,
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Buenos dÃas.
Hemos conseguido descargar la versión Adobe Ilustratror CS3 que es compatible con nuestro sistema operativo. Sin embargo, nos solicita un número de serie (que no poseemos). ¿De qué manera pueden facilitarnos un número de serie para dicha versión de Adobe Ilustrator a partir de nuestras licencias actuales?
Muchas gracias,
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you can no longer (legally) obtain cs3 a license and users with a cs3 license can no longer activate (and therefore use beyond a 30 trial period) any cs3 app.
do you have a cc subscription for illustrator?
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Yes, I have it. But I can't download an older version from Creative Cloud.
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did you read my first response to your post? again, download v 22 (2018) was the last ai version compatible with win 7 32 bit.
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Yes, I did. But I don't find where to download an olver version.
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Did you click the Prodesigntools link that was provided?
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see if you can find the ai link on this page,
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I can't sugar coat this. You need a new computer.
Installing an old version of Illustrator won't help much. Your computer doesn't meet the basic requirements needed to run Creative Cloud service. And it's not supported by Microsoft anymore. I'm sorry but this is a recipe for trouble.
You need Windows 11 (64-bit) or Windows 10 versions 22H2, 21H2, 21H.
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He conseguido instalar correctamente (y evaluar la versión de prueba) del Adobe Ilustrator CC 2018. Sin embargo, para la versión completa, me solicitan una cuenta de Adobe ID. Hemos probado con la que tenemos actualmente, pero nos indica que no es válida. ¿De qué manera podemos asociar este producto a nuestra actual suscripción a Adobe?
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check your account to verify your subscription is what you expect and to verify your adobe id,
if a current active subscription is shown, sign out and then back in to your cc desktop application using the same adobe id used to verify your subscription:
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Les resumo mi suscripción:
- Adobe Ilustrator (1 licencia)
- La última versión de Adobe Ilustrator se encuentra instalada en un portátil W11 con un usuario.
- Quiero instalar Adobe Ilustratror CC 2018 en otro equipo. Supuestamente, la misma licencia se puede instalar en dos equipos si no se usan a la vez. Aunque sea una versión anterior, ¿puedo asignarla al mismo usuario en su otro equipo?
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Yes you can install another version of the subscribed application on the same or different computer. For CC2018 version you can try the link given by @kglad above
Do note that Adobe does not support any version beyond the latest and the one prior to it. So even if you get to download the installer it will be just the base version and don't expect any bug fixes, updates for that version.
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I've installed CC2018 in other computer, but I can't verify my subscription (only 7days trial).
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Revert to trial may help
-and troubleshooting FAQ
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start here with @John T Smith's first link.
if that fails, proceed to these steps -
if that fails,
below are solutions some users reported:
if those all fail, change your cc language. eg, try international english -
if that fails, change the install location