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Greatly Appreciated!
1 Correct answer
Sorry for the confusion, I've confirmed the function of the file as cited in the documentation you link with our engineering team, and it controls updates to applications such as Photoshop or Illustrator, not to the Creative Cloud Desktop itself.
The preference to keep Creative Cloud up-to-date is unrelated to the file AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
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This setting is probably set in a file which seems to not be getting overwritten by the CCD installation; please can you check the contents of the following file, rename it and reboot the system to confirm this:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AAMUpdaterInventory\1.0\AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat
Further details available here:
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Hi Dominic,
That directory does not even exist on my workstation you stated:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AAMUpdaterInventory\1.0\AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat
And this is a Creative Cloud desktop application only Package created on our Enterprise Adobe AdminConsole.
Another problem I have is IF I manually install the CCDA, after launching it, it has a Blue Bar at the Bottom indicating another Update is available to Click on. When I click on this a User Account Control (UAC) Prompt comes up for the user to click on. Any way around this too?
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You can also check AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat under users. It could be possible that the policy is applied to the user account, not the machine.
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat
I also have a package created for the Creative cloud with self serve enabled so that users should be able to update the adobe applications without admin rights. Could you try installing this on any of the machines and check if that makes any difference
Download package:
Nikhil Gupta
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Hi Nikhil,
Thanks for responding. I tried your downloaded package on MY Personal Desktop at Home (bypassing my work laptop build), and even installing the Creative Cloud desktop application on it, the CCDA Setting: 'Always keep Creative Cloud up to date' is greyed out NOT turned on.
I was advised any package exported from the Adobe AdminConsole 'should' have this setting ON by Default. Could this be a BUG as well?
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Did you check the AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat file under the users Appdata folder? Check if there is suppression enabled. It could be the reason.
Nikhil Gupta
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This is the contents of the file on my work laptop, on my Home Desktop i do not even have this file located in this path, there is no AAMUpdater folder but i only have CCDA installed on it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<MapPrefEntry MapPrefKey="AdobeApplicationManager-1.0">1</MapPrefEntry>
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Could you send me your contact delaits via private message and let me try to arrange a call for you.
Nikhil Gupta
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Hi Nikhil,
Aayushi Jain is informed me of the following:
1. CCDA after a install there is a 'Bug' reported to Engineering due to it STILL Prompts the user in Blue Bar at the bottom once opened to UPDATE it again. States it should not do this, especially from an I.T. deploy respective where we want NO user interaction
2. The 'Always keep Creative Cloud up to date' option NOT being turned ON, from a Exported AdminConsole package is apparently ANOTHER potential 'BUG' that Aayushi has now informing the Engineering team.
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I checked and yes it been logged as a Bug and the team us working on this. Hopefully, we will have an update soon from the engineering. You can continue on the support ticket logged for this. In case of any issue or you need any information, feel free to connect with me.
Nikhil Gupta
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Has there been any update on this bug as we appear to be experiencing this issue with an IT managed deployment of the creative cloud suite. Any settings we apply to the Adobe Creative Cloud client are ignored and it is constantly asking to be updated. I've tried updating both .dat files but again, anything I do is ignored and the client prompts to be updated everytime an affected user restarts their machine.
Any feedback would be very welcome.
Thank you,
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Hi David,
Wanted to provide you what i have learned on this unique situation, as i feel your pain. First of all are you from Canada?
The reason i ask, this is the response i received from Adobe Engineers back in Oct.:
"Good afternoon and hope you are doing well. My name is Avanish and I am a part of the Enterprise Support team here at Adobe. I am writing this email in regards to an open support ticket you have with us for ‘CCD not updating automatically on the end user’s systems despite the auto update preferences being turned on’.
Now, this issue was sent over to the engineering and after a detailed analysis involving multiple teams here at Adobe we have finally found the real reason behind this strange behavior. The reason is that for all consumers in Canada, we are not allowed to update the apps automatically without seeking consent from the end user. This is as per the legal and GDPR requirements and the software usage agreement policy for Canada region. So, in short the issue you are experiencing is not a bug but a feature request that requires approval from several teams within and outside of Adobe ( as we always want to be compliant with the GDPR and legal requirements)
Also the new update of CCD 5.3 will be available in the Admin Console on the 12th Oct post which Admins can themselves create CCD package and deploy it on the client machines. We always release the CCD updates a little later for the enterprise admin console after the general release.. this is again as per the policy.
you sometimes may also notice that even after updating the CCD there is another prompt for installing an update; this is because CCD is now looking at the update of Core Sync which doesn’t come bundled with the CCD. Core Sync is a separate process that is responsible for running the cloud services in the background.
We know that this experience is not good for an enterprise customer and we have the request logged into our request tracking portal to send the updates for all CCD components in a single patch. This is currently under review and we may see this roll out later next year( subject to all other testing and successes)
So with this email, I hope to have answered the questions that you had raised and in case you have any further questions you can always reply to me on this email thread.
Avanish Divya | Principal Technical Support Consultant | Digital Media Customer Care | Adobe | 0800 44 200 64 (Enterprise Support U.K)
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The questions left is where does it currently stand right now with: Adobe doing the "feature request that requires approval from several teams within and outside of Adobe" ?????
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Hello AnotherITGuy,
I suspect I may have highjacked your thread a little bit as I do not want Adobe Creative Cloud Client or the Creative Cloud Suite to ever update. This works for the Suite but the Adobe Creative Cloud Client is relentless in wanting to be updated, and then when it is updated using UAC/Runas, it ignores the preferences that someone sets to stop it updating... I guess it's a similar issue but from different sides.
In answer to your question, we are UK based and GDPR also applies here so I suspect we would encounter the same issue that you're experiencing if we wanted the Suite and CCC to update.
Also with us things are perhaps slightly complicated further as we are using non-persistent VDI on VMware.
I appreciate you letting us know the response that you received.
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Hi David,
Thank for your reply. Do you understand exactly what this GDPR situation is? Why Canada and UK is blocked to have Adobe Creative Cloud desktop application automatically updating?
When you say it works for the Suite, you mean Creative Cloud applications within the program suite if set to auto update, automatically do update?
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Sorry no I do not know the GDPR situtation with Adobe.
For us we do not ever want any Adobe products to update so we create a managed package and select the option to not allow users to update their assigned software (Photoshop, InDesign etc), then we install that package. That has always worked for us in the past but for the July 2020 release (I think version 5.20) that we installed this time around, the Adobe Creative Cloud Client keeps wanting to be updated. None of the other assigned programs prompt for an update, just the Adobe Creative Cloud Client.
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Unfortuantely this option is not supported any more with recent Creative Cloud Desktop versions. Since this is a cloud-based application, it is required that the Creative Cloud Desktop application be kept up-to-date for compatibility with the licensing and synchronisation APIs which it uses from Adobe's servers. We are currently evaluating a replacement option.
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Thanks for the response. Just to be crystal clear, the options outlined in this post
will only apply to any suite applications that are installed but not to the Adobe Creative Cloud Client itself, is that correct?
Also, does this mean that any changes a user makes to 'Launch Creative Cloud at login' and 'Always keep Creative Cloud up to date' under 'Preferences', 'General' and 'Settings' on the Adobe Creative Cloud Client will be ignored? Thanks for your assistance.
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Sorry for the confusion, I've confirmed the function of the file as cited in the documentation you link with our engineering team, and it controls updates to applications such as Photoshop or Illustrator, not to the Creative Cloud Desktop itself.
The preference to keep Creative Cloud up-to-date is unrelated to the file AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
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Hi David,
Just curious why in your organization/environment do you 'not' want Adobe Creative Cloud products in the suite to update by the user's?
In our organization it is the complete opposite vision for Security to have all of our core apps to Auto Update if possible to manually update on a regular occurrance.
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I would prefer not to go into details regarding our security, I hope you understand. The reason we do not want updates to the suite is that we use non-persistant VDI which means the VMs are refreshed with every restart. Also InDesign version mismatches would cause a major problem for us.
I'm still seeing inconsistences with the Adobe CC client where it continues to pop up even when it's been told not to. This is happening even after applying the registry change outlined in this post.
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Yup, that blue bar on the bottom to update, as per the vendor is a known issue and possible feature update. I would follow up with them to see where this stands.