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I teach at a public high school "academy". We have CC installed on the computers in my classroom. The problem is, most of these students don't have CC at home, and that makes lesson pacing difficult as my students range from 10-90 on a 1-100 scale with regards to being able to do the assignments.
I asked my principal if we could get additional logins for students to use at home, and she said we could not provide software to install that wasn't installed on district-owned hardware.
I was wondering if this was typical? !
You might be interested in this article
"beginning May 15, 2018, the full suite of Adobe Creative Cloud apps will be available to K-12 schools via their authorized Adobe reseller for $4.99 per user license, per year, with a minimum purchase quantity of 500 licenses for a single school, or 2,500 licenses for a school district.".
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Subscriptions cost money... so how much your school is willing to spend is a matter for your school to decide
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No doubt, and I am crystal clear on that.
What I was wondering is if it is pretty typical to not be able to install software on non-district hardware?
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That is your school's policy
Adobe allows the OWNER to install on their own computer
Since the owner in this case is your school, the school decides where the software may be installed
Anyone may, of course, buy their own subscription
Adobe Education... Start here
Education Plan
When you buy an Education subscription, the terms you "click to agree" should be clear about the first/later years
-One Year Intro Price explains
Redemption Code
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It's really about the education budget. Some places give out "free" CC licenses to students, but of course Adobe still get paid. So this comes either out of tuition or taxpayers, according to the country's finance model. You raise a very serious point though. There are analogies. Suppose you were teaching woodworking. Would the college supply tools for the student to take home? I'm not suggesting it should or it shouldn't, only that you compare.
If the students need to pay for software which is not free, this needs to be very clearly stated in the course description, even if it is obvious to you. At least the subscription model allows a limited period of time.
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Yes, this is completely normal for public schools. You'd be more likely to see software made available for home use in private schools or affluent public school districts, but that is entirely up to the people that pay the bills
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You might be interested in this article
"beginning May 15, 2018, the full suite of Adobe Creative Cloud apps will be available to K-12 schools via their authorized Adobe reseller for $4.99 per user license, per year, with a minimum purchase quantity of 500 licenses for a single school, or 2,500 licenses for a school district.".
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We have quite the same type of pb here in high-school and college in Lycee at Villefontaine -France
60.000 $ for CS6 licences and until now it was ok, but the tests with OS monterey and CC are not good enough
I have a big problem to teach to 100 students and 98 pupils with adobe products (applied arts diplomes) : because
1/we must check the licences on the adobe cloud for each course but :
2/we haven't rj45 connections nor wifi in the classrooms ! Some pupils and students can't have datas for sharing the connection and there are no rj45 nor wifi possibilities in the classrooms - Region Auvergne Rhone-Alpes is not ready to install it!
I would like help please ! I would like to teach with some adobe products at high school and college (bachelor in Applied arts) where they have paid for 200 Adobe CC licences !!!!!
So I will use open source solutions waiting help from you, dear Adobe specialists... !
All our Public schools don't have a good web connection service (one fiber access for more than 500 machines) and we really need a more friendly politic ... if the softwares continue to upgrade (by default) at each course they will never use any of the Adobe products…
I really love the CS6 creative suite 64 bits and I will use it as longer as possible on Windows… but think about the MacBook Pro parc at school, where no Adobe solutions can be confortable to teach at the moment !
Sandrine D.
computer graphic teacher
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are you asking for help with cs6?
are you asking for help with a current cc subscription?
are you asking for something else?
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all the help you can give us...,
CS6 is too old for Monterey and we would like to use our CC licences but with special configurations ... We need to install a CC version on each macbook and pc, only once time per year, no upgrades during the year, no need with the web connexion at all (cloud is too much for us). Each student and pupils can create their account (it's done and our accounts are existing) and go install a CC suite at home if they want .
Sandrine - Lycée Léonard de Vinci Villefontaine France
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contact your plan administrator.
if you are the plan administrator, open the support tab on your admin console > start chat or start case or request expert session.
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I know the plan administrator for the licences with bought. I repeat my need for the Highschool : We need to use our 200 Adobe CS 6 licences on macbook Pro (date 2017) and for windows 10 (or Windows11) . We are suffering with a very slow network, the students can't wait till the connection work and so on. We have paid for our active plan with 200 education licences Adobe CC but the network quality is too bad to use it. There is no wifi allowed in this highschool. The problem is really heavy. We dont' want the students to use their smartphones data's, it's not allowed for them to configure the computers... We need to keep equality.
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Bonjour Sandrine,
Vous avez de beaux problèmes. De mon temps, il y a presque 40 ans, il n'y avait déjà pas de salle informatique sans réseau, même si Internet n'existait pas encore.
Je ferai appel soit à Adobe France, soit à un revendeur de produits Adobe. Ils pourront vous faire une offre adaptée à votre école.
Mais, je ne pense pas qu'il soit encore utile aujourd'hui d'enseigner le graphisme sans avoir accès à Internet.
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Je ne suis pas de votre avis, nous devons bien faire avec, et ces élèves ne sonbnt pas encore des professionnels je vous le rappelle, notre CDI est très bien fournit pour commencer, mais évidemment le web... Nous sommes tributaires des choix d'équipement de la Region qui finance... si nos eleves n'ont pas de datas en quantité suffisantes, et sont dans un etablissement public, ils sont défavorisés de fait et je refuse cet état de fait... Il est toujours écrit liberté , égalité, fraternité sur nos mairies pourtant...
J'ai fait un cahier des charges pouyr la version CS5_5 qui fonctionnera tres bien sur Windows et nos machines, ainsi au moins une salle info est "égalitaire"...
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again, contact your plan administrator.
if you are the plan administrator, open the support tab on your admin console > start chat or start case or request expert session.
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@kglad ,
They don't have a plan, so no plan administrator. They will need first a commercial offer. The problem is that their computer classrooms are not equipped with network infrastructure. I do not know, how you can teach in 2022 computer art without network access.
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@sandrineB82D has no subscription? what does, "CS6 est trop vieux pour Monterey et nous aimerions utiliser nos licences CC mais avec des configurations spéciales" mean?
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@sandrineB82D has no subscription? what does, "CS6 est trop vieux pour Monterey et nous aimerions utiliser nos licences CC mais avec des configurations spéciales" mean?
By @kglad
Their infrastructure is completely not apt for modern teaching. They have no or non adequate access to the internet. No, or non adequate network in the classroom. So they would need Creative Cloud offline.
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@sandrineB82D's school just needs internet connectivity, not necessarily a high-speed and high-volume connection. they just need to accomodate user sign-ins (unless significant file sharing is needed).
i know she still has an issue, but two fiber optic cables seem like more than sufficient for sign-ins and probably for file shares.
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Yes. They need internet access. But they do not even have fibres yet. As I understood, they don't even have networked computers! As I said, 40 years ago, that was the standard for me. It wasn't internet, but the computers were networked. The year after I left high school, my school installed networked Apple II computers for students to learn computer science.
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My plan administrator can be in my school or at the Grenble Rectorat ? How can I get this info ?
We have at least 200 licences here ...for pupils and post bac students.
Lycee Léonard de Vinci - Villefonrtaine 38090
thank you for your help
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rectorat de Grenoble
Villefontaine is our city, we are a public high school with 2 "college" districts : Design and Audiovisual
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again, contact your plan administrator.
if you are the plan administrator, open the support tab on your admin console > start chat or start case or request expert session.
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Vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec ceci ?
Je ferai appel soit à Adobe France, soit à un revendeur de produits Adobe. Ils pourront vous faire une offre adaptée à votre école.
Ou vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec ceci ?
Mais, je ne pense pas qu'il soit encore utile aujourd'hui d'enseigner le graphisme sans avoir accès à Internet.
Ma déclaration reste la même : vous ne pouvez pas enseigner correctement l'art informatique sans accès à Internet en 2022. Plus encore : pour utiliser les ordinateurs et les logiciels les plus modernes, il faut se connecter à internet. Le choix est limité.
Et, ne pas fournir d'accès à internet à vos étudiants crée une inégalité. Vos élèves sont désavantagés par cette situation.
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C'est la Région Auvergne Rhones Alpes qui ne fait pas correctement les démarches pour nous. Nous galérons et de toute façon, même si par un heureux vote de la commission, le Région financait deux abonnements de fibre optique, ce sera insuffisant pour les nombreuses salles informatiques de cet établissement...1440 eleves.
JE suis sure que bien des lycées sont confrontés à ces mêmes problèmes, y compris avec des logiciels moins gourmands en bande passante. Prenez un groupe de classe à 35 et mettez les devant vous avec de l'adsl...!