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So We have just had the update to the Admin Console and one of the new features we were told to expect was the following, (I quote an Adobe email).
"Combined your individual users’ storage capacities into pooled storage for the whole team, so individuals have the flexibility to store more than 1TB of content"
We have 34 users with Creative Cloud All Apps, so that should be 34tb in total. We are on Teams but that looks like it’s now the same as Enterprise..
We need one of our user to have more than the default 1tb, and although Adobe led us to believe that would be possible now, we cannot see how to do this in the Admin portal. Adobe Support don’t seem to be up to speed with what been promised with this Admin Console update.
There is also the info here.
Which clearly outlines this being part of the new features, Yet Support haven’t got a clue and get stuck on users quotes only be 1tb and that maximum any one user can have.
“Better storage flexibility with pooled quota
Applies to: Creative Cloud for teams and Creative Cloud for enterprise
Now, all user storage quotas are combined and shared across the whole team. This allows those who need more storage to access unused storage from those who need less.
Previously, Adobe storage was allocated per license with a storage limit. For example, when an organization purchased 50 Creative Cloud licenses, each license was allocated the entitled amount of storage. Users who reached their limit needed to delete some content or have their organization purchase more storage—even if others weren't using their full quotas.
With this update, allocation is now based on the total storage amount purchased instead of per license. So, if an organization purchases 50 Creative Cloud licenses, each user still gets the entitled amount of storage—but now any user can exceed their entitled allocation as long as the organization hasn’t exceeded its total amount of allocated storage. For more information, see Manage Adobe storage.”
To be clear in the past this user had the storage upgrade that was possible and had 2tb in total, but as that’s only available on 'personal' accounts no Business ID's they have now lost this.
We have spoken to 2 different Adobe specialists at our resellers and both agree that this is should be possible, but no one knows how to do it...
2 Correct answers
So...We have found that, although the users are getting an error stateing thier storage is full and they need to upgrade (which is not possible with bussines ID's), they are able to contunit to add file to take them over the 1tb.
We had a ticket escalated and the agent told me that this was a known error and was being looked at, but for time being our user can ignore the local error.
I just got off with support. They told me that storage pooling is just for the Shared files area. You cannot allocate more storage to a user no matter how much you have. you would have to purchase more for the user or assign them additional licenses to give them more storage. Below is the exact response i got. This is just another way Adobe's new admin console sucks. It has to be the worst update ever. I refuse to give adobe more money for additional space when i have 11 TB free. I'd rather put
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Thanks for reaching out and providing your feedback. We'll also try and update our communication/content to make this easier to understand.
You don't need to do anything explicitly to allocate quotas, as long as the combined usage is under the overall available limit.
So, if an organization purchases 50 Creative Cloud licenses, each user still gets the entitled amount of storage—but now any user can exceed their entitled allocation as long as the organization hasn’t exceeded its total amount of allocated storage. For more information, see Manage Adobe storage.”
For example,
- User A can store more than 1TB without encountering any errors or issues, as long as there is unused storage across your team.
- Shared assets, such as Teams Libraries, will also consume from this combined storage and show up as Shared storage.
Admins can track storage consumption across the team using the Storage tab on the Admin Console.
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Hi Vikrant
This is unfortunately is not what we are seeing happen.
The user with over 1tb (1.2tb) was shown an error and was unable to sync anymore data to the cloud storage.
The error said he needs to upgrade their cloud storage allowance or reduce the data. This ungraded is no longer possible with business ID’s.
How every adobe believe this is working, it’s not.. well at least not for us.
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Ok. Let me figure this out and get back.
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So...We have found that, although the users are getting an error stateing thier storage is full and they need to upgrade (which is not possible with bussines ID's), they are able to contunit to add file to take them over the 1tb.
We had a ticket escalated and the agent told me that this was a known error and was being looked at, but for time being our user can ignore the local error.
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Any updates on this? I have a user that is wanting to upload 3TB of data to their library (we have 100TB free) and I want to ensure they won't be restricted.
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Do you have any "fresh" information on the "pooled storage"?
Is it working?
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Any new info about the "pooled storage"?
Is it still working? We have a user almost reaching 1TB and our workflow depends on that "main" user's abillity to have more than 1TB available.
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Hello - just wondering if anyone has received any updates here? We're having the same issue. One user needs more than 1TB of storage - the company has plenty to spare but I can't allocate it to him and his sync functionality has stopped working.
Please help!
Thank you
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On all adobe info you can read " allocation is pooled at the organizational level,...".
But it is still not working...
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Not working for our organization as well. Let's get on this, Adobe!
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I agree with others here - no signs of it working. We've got massive amounts of available storage overall, but no way to move it to the users who want more than the default allocation. I have the new storage tab in my admin portal, so presumably the new feature has been released to us. But there is no way either to decrease the allocations of some users (in order to create some available storage to reallocate), or to increase the allocations of certain users. The documentation is a bit vague in reality - pages such as the following say you can do it, but have no screen shots that show what controls, and where, should appear to allow you to do it:
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open the support tab on your admin console > start chat or start case or request expert session.
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Hi @kglad - thanks for that. As it happens, that's what I've been doing since posting. It didn't help. The specialist I "spoke" to didn't seem to know about the feature that Adobe have been promoting all year, and sent several links to help pages that didn't resolve it (and didn't really address it either). That's consistent with comments from others who have been equally confused. The chat session has just dropped. Not sure why. I'll try again later today.
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you're welcome.
and sorry about that failure. but yes, keep trying. that's the help you're paying for.
these are other user forums, and sometimes other users can help but i'm not sure this is one of those problems with which other users can help. ie, each account probably has a different reason for the storage failure.
BUT, if you get your problem solved, please return and post your solution. it just may help others.
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I just got off with support. They told me that storage pooling is just for the Shared files area. You cannot allocate more storage to a user no matter how much you have. you would have to purchase more for the user or assign them additional licenses to give them more storage. Below is the exact response i got. This is just another way Adobe's new admin console sucks. It has to be the worst update ever. I refuse to give adobe more money for additional space when i have 11 TB free. I'd rather put my files on Dropbox.
Thank you for the information, this is to inform you that we cannot increase or add additional storage in the business account however we can add additional storage in the indivdiual account. Pool data is available to share the data or the project on which the users are working on and not to increase storgae, however if you still need more storage then you can assign any additional license to the user and she can have the additional storage (workaround)
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thank you for the follow-up and info @defaultwfvhdhl39vk7
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Thank you also from me. I'm really confused though - can anyone help? This may be because I'm not a substantial user of the Adobe services, but just administering them and other services for those colleagues who need them.
So, if the new feature is to share storage allocations (as claimed), how can it apply only to an existing area of "Shared files"? Surely that was shared already, according to its name? Or is the shared files area itself a new feature? (Sorry, again, ideally I'd know that, but I don't.)
Any chance of someone from Adobe giving us a statement of what's actually new and what it's supposed to do that it did not do before? (As was promised last February here.) We've still, like others, got masses of storage, but seemingly allocated in all the wrong places. Or something.
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your chances of hearing from an adobe employee are greater if open the support tab on your admin console > start chat or start case or request expert session.
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I'm ready to find another alternative. We have over 100 users in adobe and 15 or so in the creative all apps and users at the 1tb range and we can't use our pooled storage as we were promised. I was told by our sales rep that it we could change a users storage quota but you cannot
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Please confirm how you determined that the users are unable to use the pooled storage. May I know if they are facing any issues in uploading the assets above 1 TB? Any screenshot of the issue will be helpful.