InDesign GREP chart
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I've recently uploaded a GREP list/cheat sheet/reference card to a couple of topics. It's one I created a few years ago and have been updating for my own uses, since I can't seem to find one that meets all my wishes — complete, accurate, organized, reasonably tidy-looking and without the points of murky example or understanding that so many of the references out there seem to have. (Okay, I'm fussy.)
After my upload yesterday I noticed an error, and some omissions, and one thing led to another, and so — very polished version of what I think a GREP reference should be is attached. I hope both newcomers and grizzled GREPpers find it useful.
PDF and IDML also available on my digital publishing reference site.
All due credit, both in general and as a resource for this update/polishing round, to @Peter Kahrel 's authoritative GREP in InDesign.
[Older version removed; updated file in later post.]
┋┊ InDesign to Kindle (& EPUB): A Professional Guide, v3.1 ┊ (Amazon) ┊┋
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@Robert at ID-Tasker you are no village idiot!—you are an expert like each of us. I have made many more errors than you have on this one thread—some quite embarassing—so on that metric I would win the village idiot olympics here.
We could, as time permits, go back and look over our contributions on a thread such as this, and analyze the contribution we made. Did our comments push forward the discussion, or side-track it?
I find it uncomfortable work, as I see all my mistakes, but it can be edifying.
- Mark
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I should have just skipped those two commands. Only the minority who can explain them at length would noticed them missing. 😛
┋┊ InDesign to Kindle (& EPUB): A Professional Guide, v3.1 ┊ (Amazon) ┊┋