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I have a load of scripts used to produce different PDF's. These will not work in the New InDsesign 2025.
Attched screenshot of error message.
This is one of the codes which I have used for over 10 years until the new version.
tell application id "com.adobe.indesign"
set _NoCrops to PDF export preset "No Crops"
set _Crops to PDF export preset "Crop NO Text"
set _dest to path to desktop as string
tell active document
set _Name to name
if _Name ends with ".indd" then
set _Name to text 1 thru -6 of _Name
end if
set noCropPath to _dest & _Name & " PROOF" & ".pdf"
set cropPath to _dest & _Name & " PRINT" & ".pdf"
export format PDF type to noCropPath using _NoCrops without showing options
export format PDF type to cropPath using _Crops without showing options
end tell
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set label index of file noCropPath to 7
set label index of file cropPath to 2
end tell
<Title renamed by MOD>
Thanks you Can now exprt the 2 PDF's and add the extra words to the file name using this line
set _dest to "Machintosh HD/Users/username/Desktop/"
Just need to sort label tag colour change.
I think i might be in way over my head here as I have no idea what to do with that i'm sorry.
By @Luke25170286g4xv
In your particular script, all you need to do is change
export format PDF type to mgFilePath using "HR PDF" without showing options
export format PDF type to (POSIX path of mgFilePath) using "HR PDF" without showing options
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You must use POSIX paths starting with InDesign 2025 (as opposite to legacy comma-separated HFS paths).
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p.s. would be nice if Adobe communicated this change more obviously to the regular users.
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Thanks leo.r
This solved it for me.
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You've the same problem as described in this thread:
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I have same issue in a way: a script that works perfectly with Indesign 2024 it crashed completely with Indesign 2025. I changed the paths to POSIX but with no luck.
the script takes a list of indd files from a specific folder then
1. creates a package
2. export an idml file
3. export a preview rgb pdf
4. converts some color to a specific cmyk value
5. export print pdf
6. reactivate a layer
In Indesign 2025, after updating paths to POSIX:
1. creates a package corectly
2. fails to export an idml file. even the path is correct but does not save the file, and there is no error message
3. fails to export a preview rgb pdf:
error "Adobe InDesign 2025 got an error: Failed to Export the PDF file." number 9485
If it helps I can share the script
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macos 15
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macos 15
By @mstavri
So the latest Sequoia - there are few threads already with the same PDF export problem.
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Up to date 15.0.1
Probelm started with new version of InDedign last night.
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same issue is also on macos 15.1 - tested on a dev machine
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also tested on Indesign 20.1 beta and it is the same on production and dev machines
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As always, you should never switch so quickly to the new OS / software version - wait at least for the 1st or 2nd minor update to even begin thinking about switching.
Best example - early days of Sonoma...
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I know, that is way i have a developer machine and a producytion one.
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I know, that is way i have a developer machine and a producytion one.
By @mstavri
Unfortunately, you need to file a bug report and wait for update(s) to OS and/or InDesign.
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This time, the problem is in either InDesign 2025 (or still the script itself not yet being completely updated for 2025 changes); not related to Sequoia.
I myself need to investigate similar scripts further, I think I can report the same issue. Will follow up on this.
There were several severe bugs in AppleScript support in InDesign 2025 prior to the release; the ones that were caught were quickly fixed by Adobe. It's possible that some have not been caught yet.
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@leo.r I can send you the script if you want
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Thank you
Have sorted the error message by deleting last part of script (colour tag). InDesign isn't creating the pdfs on the desktop.
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Ok I can only report that after changing all paths to POSIX, I don't have any issues packaging files (including IDML and PDF).
Try to isolate the error and post the specific lines of code that cause the error here.
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this is the export part and attached are two dialog windows that are listing the path for .idml and .pdf
-- export idml to OneDrive
export active document format InDesign markup to file (export_path & OpenFileNameActiveWOExt & ".idml") without showing options
display dialog (export_path & OpenFileNameActiveWOExt & ".idml")
--pdf export --
tell PDF export preferences
set use security to true
set disallow changing to true
--set security
set use security to true
set change security password to zero_pad
end tell
-- export interactive to OneDrive
display dialog (export_path & OpenFileNameActiveWOExt & "-interactive.pdf")
export active document to file (export_path & OpenFileNameActiveWOExt & "-interactive.pdf") format PDF type using PDF export preset thePdfPresetForInteractive without showing options
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-- export idml to OneDrive
-- export interactive to OneDrive
By @mstavri
and will it make a difference if you export locally, for example to your Documents folder?
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I am not allowed to save any files outside OneDrive folder.
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Also is it very strange because before exports is a package line that works and creates a complete package.
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also, grant Full Disc Access to InDesign in System Settings > Security & Privacy (if it's not there already).
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Thank you! I was worried my Javascripts broke, but apparently certain ones need Full Disk Access enabled on Mac for InDesign to run them all.