Working with LRC 12.3, I've noticed an odd behavior of the mouse pointer a number of times now, but I can't really figure out the exact conditions and how to reproduce it (yet). I'm posting here just to see if anyone else is experiencing this.
For example:
- when I'm zoomed in, the mouse pointer only shows the "Hand" symbol (to move the zoomed area around) while I make movements (with my mouse); when I don't move it, it reverts to the normal pointer.
- similary, when I'm using the Brush with a local adjustment, it only shows the brush as pointer while I move it; when I don't move it, it reverts to the normal pointer.
I hope this description makes sense.
My system is a 2019 27" iMac with 40GB memory, Radeon 580X 8GB. If it's of any importance, I'm running the iMac's 27" screen scaled, at 2880 x 1620 instead of its native 2560 x 1440, but this behavior is new to Lightroom Classic 12.3 and did not occur in version 12.2.1