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Lightroom mobile not syncing

New Here ,
Apr 08, 2014 Apr 08, 2014

I have installed the desktop and mobile applications. I did a sucecssful sync. Then I installed on the laptop and did the same, after agreeing to switch catalogs. Then when I went back to the desktop (after switching off syncing on the laptop) I found that after transferring 2 files the syncing got stuck on the rest of the files building smart previews (255 in all). I tried turning off sycning for the collections but that did not change anything. I removed and reinstalled the desktop and mobile apps. When opened up again the files were still syncing, even though nothing was supposed to be happening. It remained frozen at 255.

It's obvious there is some file or set of files which are in the program which aren't deleted by removing the apps but I don't know what they are - I need to make a clean start on syncing to mobile. Can anyone help on this issue?

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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Apr 08, 2014 Apr 08, 2014

To make a clean start, try going to the Lightroom Mobile tab of the Lightroom 5.4 Preferences menu and click on "Delete All Data"....be aware that it'll do exactly that, all sync data will be removed (note, NOT the images, just the synced data). Then try syncing again.

If you're going to switch between catalogs, bearing in mind that Lightroom mobile is really designed for a single catalog workflow, just make sure all sync activity has finished before trying to switch to another catalog.

Participant , Apr 28, 2014 Apr 28, 2014

"With Lightroom closed go to /Users/intel/Library/Caches/Adobe/Lightroom/Sync Data/ and remove (or rename) the Sync.lrdata folder. Restart Lr and it should try to reconcile your local synced data and the cloud synced data. This can take a while depending on your machine, network connection, and the number of synced images.  Additionally, when it completes it may leave some images in the All Sync Errors collection. These are usually fixable by applying any setting that forces a sync (like an expo

replies 136 Replies 136
Community Expert ,
Apr 08, 2014 Apr 08, 2014

To make a clean start, try going to the Lightroom Mobile tab of the Lightroom 5.4 Preferences menu and click on "Delete All Data"....be aware that it'll do exactly that, all sync data will be removed (note, NOT the images, just the synced data). Then try syncing again.

If you're going to switch between catalogs, bearing in mind that Lightroom mobile is really designed for a single catalog workflow, just make sure all sync activity has finished before trying to switch to another catalog.

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New Here ,
Apr 08, 2014 Apr 08, 2014




0417 670 730

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Participant ,
Apr 19, 2014 Apr 19, 2014

What exactly does delete data mean? Will I loose all the work that I did on 2700 photographs?

I have a problem with syncing also. I am trying to sync 120 photographs via the route that worked so far, dragging photo's on desktop into collection and make that collection syncable.

It does create the collection on ipad (together with 4 existing collections already) but it refuses to sync, and it keeps saying no images in collection on ipad. Yet on desktop they show as synced... Where are they? I think I got the problem after I changed a setting for smart previews. Is this possible and coult it be a bug?

I have deleted collection both in LR and on ipad and tried again to sync, but to no avail.

So I think I might have to apply the delete all data but want to make sure first that I do not delete the work done... Anyone who can help me with this? The syncing before that one collection worked fabulously... I love the Mobile version. Sitting in my couch in the evening, multi tasking watching tele and working on pics...

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Community Expert ,
Apr 19, 2014 Apr 19, 2014

Delete All Data means delete all the sync data stored in the Cloud. The original files, with the work that you've done on them on the desktop, will be unchanged. Any edits you made on the iPad and successfully synced back to the desktop will also be retained. What you lose will be all the synced collections on the iPad, i.e. you'll need to resync from the desktop again.

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Participant ,
Apr 19, 2014 Apr 19, 2014

thanks Jim... I will try that one. :0)))

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New Here ,
Apr 19, 2014 Apr 19, 2014

I'm having a sync issue. Never has synced at all. It's enabled on the desktop, signed in and out, disabled and enabled. Nothing. No collections synced is the error

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New Here ,
Jun 01, 2022 Jun 01, 2022

did this work ?

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Participant ,
Apr 19, 2014 Apr 19, 2014

Hi Jim, I deleted the data. All the things on ipad are gone now. My desktop is now syncing again, and counting down, but nothing comes onto my ipad. Unless it will only show when it finished syncing. I have six collections, with 2660 photos. It is now down to 1646 photographs to sync, but nothing on my ipad. Where is it syncing the pics too? I checked online and some of the pics are in my collections online. Some of the collections show an image, but four of them say no images. Only two of the collections online show a cover image. I am very confused...

Am I correct in wondering if it will only show the pics on ipad once all the syncing is done? Should it not intermittently show images being added live?

I tried to chat with agent from Adobe but he can't help me. They are only allowed to help with installs and serials and such. Not with working help... I am stuck till tuesday it seems unless one of the good people here on the forum can help out... Thanks in advance...

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Community Expert ,
Apr 20, 2014 Apr 20, 2014

It syncs initially to the Adobe cloud servers, and from there to any suitable mobile device which is logged in to the same account (currently only iPads, but others to follow).

Yes, you should see activity on the iPad pretty much at the same time as the upload is progressing (though will depend to some degree on your network connection). Just try logging out of the Lr mobile app on your iPad and logging back in again to see if that starts downloading the collection.

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Participant ,
Apr 20, 2014 Apr 20, 2014

I logged out and restarted ipad cold, but no luck. Nothing is showing that it is syncing. I am starting to think that the fault is at Adobe's end... How does one actually set the sync in working? Apart from the sync now button in mobile. It should probably go automatically, but there is no real status bar that tells you anything...

Guess I will have to go back to my old ways, export from LR desktop to iphoto shared streams, and from there import in mobile. Don't think Adobe will pick up anything wrong before tuesday... Dog on it!

Thanks for your suggestions

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Community Beginner ,
Nov 13, 2015 Nov 13, 2015

same here... no response from adobe (unfortunately typical) and nothing seems to restart syncing :-<

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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2015 Nov 16, 2015

Could you please send me a LR Desktop diagnostig log  - best as a private message with a downloadable dropbox link.

You can trigger the log via LR Desktop preferences -> Lightroom Mobile and when you hold down the alt key you will notice a generate diagnostic log button.



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Community Beginner ,
Jan 19, 2020 Jan 19, 2020

This Adobe guys so fuxxxing annoying. Getting so much money from this monthly payments and nobody wants to give an idea about this update issue. It just sucks. Hope there are coming other software from other companies who will be better. Adobe thus sucks so much - do something about it!!!

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New Here ,
Aug 04, 2016 Aug 04, 2016

I am experiencing the same problems with my current version of Lightroom on on all of  devices. I am also reverting back to the old ways, too bad Adobe hasn't found a fix for this issue yet.

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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 09, 2016 Aug 09, 2016

Could you please send me a LR Desktop diagnostig log  - best as a private message with a downloadable dropbox link.

You can trigger the log via LR Desktop preferences -> Lightroom Mobile and when you hold down the alt key you will notice a generate diagnostic log button.



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New Here ,
Nov 07, 2016 Nov 07, 2016

I'm a brand new user, just signed up for the free trial last night.  I'm also having syncing problems but not exactly like the ones I've read about here.  I'm working with ~2 minute videos rather than photos, in case that makes any difference.

I imported a few videos to Lightroom desktop (on Mac) and put them in a collection.  I turned on syncing but all I got on the web was an empty collection of the same name, nothing in it.  I then installed Lightroom mobile on my iPhone and turned on syncing there.  I imported a couple of videos and put them in the collection, which synced properly to the web and then also to my desktop.

I then manually uploaded a video directly to the website.  This was also properly synced to my desktop and to my phone.  So, I conclude that mobile syncing is working in both directions, but desktop syncing only works down, not up.  There are no signs that any uploading attempts are taking place, but I must have syncing set up right or the down direction would not be working.

I've already tried deleting the Sync Data folder and deleting all data from preferences, to no avail.

Guido, I will send you a diagnostic log shortly, but I wanted to post this here in case there are fellow sufferers and/or someone has an idea of what might be going on.

Update:  Guido says that syncing of videos from desktop to mobile is not currently supported, which is why it's not working.

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New Here ,
Sep 08, 2022 Sep 08, 2022

I am having this exact same issue, except with photos. All photos are organized and edited on my desktop (Lighroom Classic), and their folders show up on my iPad, but the folders are empty (they're called "folders" on iPad and "collections" on desktop - I haven't changed anything). The photos are synced to my iPad, but completely disorganized in the "All Photos" album. 


I spoke with Adobe customer service on the phone last night and was told "wait an hour" it takes time for them to sync. Completely useless as I could see them actively syncing but then not retaining their organizational structure. I left my desktop and iPad up overnight hoping that it would sort itself out, no luck, the folders on my iPad remain empty. Feeling super frustrated that I've been paying adobe for 2 years and this has never been fixed in an update and now I'm having to spend hours on it and getting nowhere with customer service. Please help!

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New Here ,
Jan 07, 2017 Jan 07, 2017


my issue is that the pictures taken on my iphone are not synced to my desktop. I understand that they are supposed to be uploaded to the cloud first and this does not work either as each picture is shown as a grey icon with "a cloud and lightning" in it. Other pictures are shown with a ! inside.

Is there anything I need to do to make it work?



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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 16, 2017 Jan 16, 2017

Hi Andrea, when you look under the Cloud status icon within the Lr Mobile app is the status shown "all-up-to-date"?

In addition could you have a look under Lightroom Desktop Preferences->Lightroom Mobile and let me know if there are photos listed under the Pending Sync Activity window...If so could click one of these entries and send me the browser ulr as a privat message. Thanks in advance.

In addition could you send me information about your device upload speed?

You can  measure the speed with this app for example...


Btw. since Lr Mobile upload is very limited when you have the app not active please double check if the Cloud status shows up to date before you look at e.g. Lr Desktop or Web

- Guido

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New Here ,
Mar 09, 2017 Mar 09, 2017


I have desktop lightroom (CC), and I installed mobile LR, but my photos are not being sync fro my 7Plus to my desktop.

When I click in the little cloud icon the message says "All up to date"

What should I do?

thank you

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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 10, 2017 Mar 10, 2017

HI Margarida, could you double check if syncing with  Lr Mobile is paused from within Lr CC.... . Just open up the top left activity window as shown in the attached sceenshot....

Screen Shot 2017-02-27 at 10.03.04.png

Hope this helps.

With sync enabled you should see your collection which you have created via mobile app under LrCC-> Collections-> From Lr Mobile

Hope this helps.


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New Here ,
Apr 28, 2017 Apr 28, 2017

Hi everybody,

I'm used to upload my pictures from my camera directly in my iPad and use it to refine them in Lightroom. Unfortunately the sync seems not working properly, and I cannot download all the pictures on my Mac. It starts download some of them, but at a certain point it stops.

I see all my pictures in the browser, but it seems impossible to download all of them on my laptop.

Someone can help me?



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Adobe Employee ,
May 02, 2017 May 02, 2017

When you look under Lr Desktop preferences ->Lightroom Mobile....do you see any entries listed at the "Pending Sync Activity"-Window? - Guido

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New Here ,
May 02, 2017 May 02, 2017

No, as attachment the screenshot of my Lr Desktop pref.



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