P: Generative Remove Feedback (Lr Classic & Lr Eco)
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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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not removing light poles in the distance keeps the lightroom in different variations. Let's do better
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@Carlie26372870bwcy: "not removing light poles in the distance"
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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What's with the texture/grain mismatch in Generative Remove. In most cases the generative remove does a great job of removing the distraction however the replaced area looks like it's on textured paper surface for lack of a better word. It doesn't have that same grain/grit as the original image. See attachment.
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There are a couple issues with grain and textures:
1. The replacement patch supplied by Adobe Firefly has a maximum size of 2048 x 2048 pixels. If the selected area in the photo is larger than that, then the replacement patch gets upscaled (and blurry). Your screenshot suggests that you may be replacing an area larger than 2048 x 2048.
2. Even when there's no upscaling of the replacement patch, Remove doesn't always match textures and grain very well.
For grain in particular, see this post for how to ameliorate the problem by adding the grain back:
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Hi team! Whenever using LrC, after perhaps 10-15 consecutive times of using 'Generative Remove' the system stops recognizing that which I'm highlighting to remove. It's almost as if it gets 'tired' and stops recognizing the subjects, the sky, objects, etc.
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I'm trying to remove some stretchmarks on a persons skin. Just a small area. The bot thinks I'm working on nudes. I am not. It's just a small area of skin. Do I need to go outside of Lightroom to fix it?
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I'm trying to remove some stretchmarks on a persons skin. Just a small area. The bot thinks I'm working on nudes. I am not. It's just a small area of skin. Do I need to go outside of Lightroom to fix it?
By Dennis Larson
Try using Clone or Heal or even Content Aware, it could work and give good results (fingers crossed because Content Aware is very bad)
If not yes you need to use Photoshop.
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@Dennis Larson: "The bot thinks I'm working on nudes."
See here for why Remove (and other AI platforms) make so many mistakes in identifying "unsafe" content:
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It is not working all the time, sometimes is not make anything, I do not know the reason or proble because I closed and open again.
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@angel_omar_8160: "It is not working all the time, sometimes is not make anything, I do not know the reason or proble because I closed and open again."
So after closing and restarting LR, does Remove start working again?
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lightroom classic mac generative remove failed
we've encountered an issue and can't complete your request at this time.
can someone please help. I am using MacBook pro mac OS14.3
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@leonard_8252: "lightroom classic mac generative remove failed. we've encountered an issue and can't complete your request at this time."
Sometimes firewalls and anti-malware / anti-virus utilities incorrectly block some network requests from LR. Try these troubleshooting steps:
- Temporarily disable all the firewall / anti-malware on your computer. If that solves the problem, then add a specific exclusion for LR to the firewall's rules.
- Connect to another network, preferably one serviced by a different ISP. E.g. a Wifi connection of a neighbor, a coffee shop, work, or your phone's hotspot. Sometimes the routers in these networks block LR's requests, especially in authoritarian countries like China.
- Try relaunching Finder -- start Finder, click the Finder menu, and do Quit Finder. Someone reported that this solved this problem for him. It's easy to try.
Please let us know which of these work and which don't.
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Hello, thanks for the info you gave us. The first step of disabling the firewall worked for me, and the IA generative elimination worked perfectly. What I don't know is how to open a rule only for LR so that it works... if you could give us some indications. and activate the Firewall. For the moment I am working with the Firewall disabled. We look forward to your response, thank you.
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@Joan5C5C: "What I don't know is how to open a rule only for LR so that it works..."
I'm not expert in all the various security products. If you're using Windows Defender built-in to Windows, then start here:
If you're using a third-party product, you'll have to contact their technical support.
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thanks for writing. if I already had this option added because I spent all morning today trying to add and remove it 🙂 I added it again and when I activate the windows firewall and when I want to use generative elimination now it tells me that I have to check my internet connection (Check the internet connection and try again) I think I need to add something else?? at the moment I am using it with the firewall disabled.
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Maybe someone else who knows more about Windows Defender can help, perhaps this person who just figured out how to stop Defender from blocking LR:
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Tried this out on a photo with a branch of a bush against a sky background. it did a great job identifying the object and removing it, but, what was left was a lighter color of the background so it looks like a watermark of the branch. I don't know if this helps but thought I would leave a review from my experience.
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@Mike_Scott28: "Tried this out on a photo with a branch of a bush against a sky background. it did a great job identifying the object and removing it, but, what was left was a lighter color of the background so it looks like a watermark of the branch."
Sounds like you've applied Remove on top of a Sky mask. Do the menu command Settings > Update AI Settings to recompute the Sky mask, and the branch ghost should go away. But if that doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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When the remove tool is used on photos taken with high ISO, it ignores the existing noise. The resulting generation may be very good but much smoother than the surrounding area, which makes corrections prominent and visible. It would be perfect if the generative remove tool would recreate the character and intensity of the picture noise / granity.
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Since the very first days of Generative content in Phothsop user reported this problem with grain...alas a solution is not coming anytime soon.
Read my earleir comment on how to deal with this situation within LrC: https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-discussions/p-generative-remove-feedback-lr-classic...
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I'd be so annoyed if they introduce paid credits, it usually takes about 6 or 7 goes before Generative Fill removes objects, not adds in weird objects
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@Toastman3000: "I'd be so annoyed if they introduce paid credits, it usually takes about 6 or 7 goes before Generative Fill removes objects, not adds in weird objects"
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
When you learn the simple rules in that article, most objects get removed on the first try (as shown by the several dozen problem photos posted in this thread).
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Let me start by saying I love this new feature and it speeds up work flow immensely. Especially since I'm someone that uses Lightroom for 90 percent of my editing. Only going to Photoshop for removing unwanted items and distractions. The reginerative AI usually works great for me, however ocassionally it just replaces the selection with a shadow or ghost of it. Also it doesnt seem to matter how many times I refresh or try again it from the beginning. Is anyone else having this issue? I attached an example.
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@Troy Smith Photos: "ocassionally it just replaces the selection with a shadow or ghost of it. "
These ghosts are caused by applying Remove on top of an AI mask (e.g. Sky). Do the menu command Settings > Update AI Settings to recompute the mask.