I have been using Lightroom for years on my PC. When I edit and use the sliders to adjust, I always click on the tab or dot in the middle then scroll with my mouse on the scroll wheel to adjust it + or - . Well, I just switched to a MacBook Pro and both mice I have are compatible and work fine with everything except on the sliders. When I click on a slider to adjust it, it just scrolls the whole editing window up or down. This is super inconvenient when you're used to using the wheel the whole time to be efficient. Anyone have some help?
I believe this is an OS limitation otherwise Adobe would have implemented at the same time as in the Windows version.
BTW, there are examples of features that work well in macOS that don't exist on Windows for the same reason as above (e.g. drag and drop images from LrC into third party apps)
Just switched from Windows to Mac due to a laptop failure and this is a dealbreaker for me. My whole muscle memory is built on touching the slider and scrolling a couple clicks up or down for guaranteed 1 or 10 point increments. Having to manually slide left and right or type in the number I need is going to take too long. I'll focus on fixing the laptop.
Guten Tag, ich hätte eine neue Funktion... Jeder besitzt doch eine Maus mit SCROLLRAD. Wieso kann man nicht in dem "Bearbeiten-Menüs" die jeweilige Funktion anklicken/auswählen um die Funktion dann mit dem Scrollrad nach links oder rechts zu verändern - immer noch drücke ich die linke Maustaste (Krampf) Nach nochmaligem Klick wird die eingestellte Position des Schiebereglers beibehalten und man kann zu nächsten Regler gehen um jetzt wieder auszuwählen Ich ärgere mich maßlos das ich jedesmal die linke Maustaste dauerhaft gedrückt halten muß und gleichzeitig - relativ unsensibel - den Funktionspfeil nach rechts oder links ziehen muß - und kann erst nach getaner Einstellarbeit die linke Maustaste loslassen... Mich nervt das richtig... Mit freundlichem Gruß W. Lakeit
Google translation: "Using the scroll wheel. ... Why can't you click/select the respective function in the "Edit menu" in order to then change the function to the left or right with the scroll wheel"
Many people have asked for that ability on Mac, but until now it looks like no one has posted a formal feature request (as you have). (Several people asked for the Mac feature in the bug report I linked to above.)
Hi. Is it avaible in lightroom on macOS to change the photo settings *like a light, contrast etc.* by the mouse wheel? While working on windows i prefer this type of change "slider" position. On macOs I have to make a click and move it by move a mouse. Are you have any ideas?
"It's possible for Adobe to make such an update? Or I am not to expect it?"
Given that people have been asking for this on Mac since the beginning of LR, I think it's unlikely they'll implement it. (There was a previous request for this on the old feedback forum that apparently didn't get migrated over to the new platform.)
Editing more in LrC on macOS Ventura 13.1, not being able to use mouse wheel up/down for slider control once clicked on center pin is extremely frustrating. It too is built into my muscle memory.
I use Lightroom Classic both on Desktop Windows and on my Laptop Mac. I am currently working on a catalog that is on an external SSD so I can work on either of the devices.
When I work in Lightrom on windows I can change the editing sliders in the develop mode by using the scroll on the mouse. But unfortunately when I am editing on Mac the scroll dosen't change the sliders. It only works with clicking on the sliders. I have muscle memory of using the scroll of the mouse at the moment and when I am editing a big batch of photos It is time consuming unfortunately.
I talked to an agent to see if there is the function of using the scroll on Mac too, and unfortunately the support told me that at the moment Mac dosen't support the scroll function.
I am using: MacOS Sonoma 14.6.1, Windows 11, and the latest version of lightroom (14.0.1 Version).
I am writing this message to request that this feature will be taken into consideration for the next updates.
Another message from a user who just switched from Windows to Mac, and ask Adobe to implement the mouse wheel for moving the sliders !!! Please Adobe !!! It is incomprehensible that we cannot have this possibility on mac !!!
I also recently switched from Windows to Mac and still can't get used to not being able to use the sliders with my scroll wheel. It would awesome for Adobe to incorporate this functionality in an update (asap)!
Wonderful that over 8 years later this is still a limitation error on Adobe and Mac's interoperability. Is this an Apple mistake? Is this an Adobe mistake? Who knows. It's great that my new $100 MX 3S is essentially missing an entire fundamental operation in professional software.