If I click on Customized Settings (under share) and then tick off "include watermark" it just gives me the copyright symbol with my name on the photo, no way to customize it at all. ???
Click on the small gear icon next to Include Watermark when you are exporting with the desktop app. This will give you more options to customize the watermark including the option to use a graphic.
No, what's funny is the mobile app works great. I've been using it for quite awhile. I just got a macbook and wanted to be able to do my editing on it, so I can see better, ha ha ... but it is only allowing me to put copyright symbol with my name ... I want to keep using my business logo but there is no option to customize the watermark. Seems strange, especially since it costs more for desktop version.
Updates to Adobe Photography Products were released today and contain a fix for this issue. Please refresh your Adobe Creative Cloud App ([Ctrl/Cmd]+[Alt/Opt]+[ R ]) and download the updated version “.0”.
Whenever I used to export a photo, there would be a little gear symbol labled "watermark settings" next to the "add watermark" button. About a week ago it started disappearing intermintently. Now it's just not there at all. I'm using a new version of lightroom (It says version 5.5 from mac app store) and creative cloud says its up to date. It seems I have no way to change the my watermark or change how it's possitioned. How do I fix this? I want to get that watermark settings button back. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
@Andy30133947ijtc , Lightroom is currently at version 6.3.1. If you have 5.5, you are far from being up to date, and to my recollection version 5.5 may not have had watermarks, certainly not with the current options of customizing and adding graphics. Furthermore, you mention your app says "Mac App Store," but you should be installing and keeping Lr up to date through the Creative Cloud Desktop App, not the Mac App Store. That said, even the Mac App Store shows the current version is 6.3.1.