Huawei released its new camera phone the P30 pro.
It comes with a 16mm, 27mm and 125mm camera + a TOF lens.
1) LR Mobile can only use the 16mm camera, would be great to select which one to use. So I could choose which lens I would like to use for HDR Dngs. Also the 27mm is the main camera with the biggest sensor with the highest resolution. But letting the user choose would be the best option.
2) The main sensor doesn't come with a traditional Bayer pattern, instead it uses a RYYB pattern (red yellow yellow blue) the main idea was to use 4 Pixels as 1 to produce 10MP photos, but 40MP photos work too. But the colors are definitely off for Huawai DNG files, also on the other 2 cameras. Not just flat as expected from a raw file. Maybe the color profile needs some adjustment.
3) Incorporating the data from the TOF sensor into raw files would be great, to adjust a fake Bokeh effect freely and nondestuctive. Huawei probably is only going to use it with jpg files, you could be the first. Also exporting the depthmap as a separate file would be useful.
4) How about an additional shooting mode next to the HDR mode (which works great). You could take multiple raw files with the same exposure and combine them into one DNG file, reducing noise and increasing detail, a superresolution feature, would be great.