I have been having this annoying problem for several weeks now. None of the solutions on the internet work at all. If this is your first time reading about this problem, these are the solutions I've seen so far (none of them is a real solution, each one causes other problems):
- Uncheck "Use graphics processor" in the performance tab in configuration. Result: It disables the rotating canvas features for Wacom tablets after a couple of minutes or just instantly.
- Check "Deactivate native canvas" and/or "Older GPU Mode (pre 2016)" in technology previews tab. Result: It becomes absurdly lagged, it is useless to work, just moving the canvas makes it go at 1fps.
I also have all my drivers updated (GPU, Windows, Wacom), PS updated, and with priority for the GPU. Is there any real solution for this? I have an RTX 3080 8 GB. This should not happen.
Hi @David286748043kl2 Go to Photoshop Preferences/Technology Preview and check “Disable Native Canvas”. Then check “Use Older GPU Mode (2016)”. Quit and relaunch PS.
Andrew Sender • Adobe Employee, Jun 01, 2023Jun 01, 2023
Hi Everyone,
I reported the issue to engineering. In the meantime, you can workaround the issue by disabling Preferences -> Performance -> (GPU) Advanced Settings ... -> GPU Compositing.
Not sure if this helps but this has something to do with layers. Noticed that error doesn't occur when you're working on the top layer or a layer not within a group. Also realized that I sometimes cannot use eye dropper to pull color from a layer that is not a top layer. Move it to the top layer and see if that helps.
I'm getting so tired of photoshop because of this bug. With any document I create, in the few minutes after the creation (1 or 2 minutes), I have white squares when I try to erase (or black squares) :
Also, photoshop is getting super laggy and have some Vsync problem, I made a video about it :
I also have the latest version of gaming drivers (v551.23, january 2024). I do not have the studio drivers because I work on Unreal Engine 5 and it has some problems with studio drivers.
My other PC has the issue, with an RTX 2080, I7 and 16 GB of RAM.
I tried almost everything I saw about similar problems, but none of it worked. Nowadays I avoid drawing or editing anything on photoshop because of it.
This problem is a very old one because I already had it from the 2023 version of photoshop. I remember it suddenly appeared and was never really fixed.
If you have a magic fix for me I would be the happiest man in the world.
I'm posting today because it's impossible to work.
@Nelura I have the RTX 3090 and I'm not experiencing the issues you describe, although I use the Nvidia Studio driver as recommended by Adobe, have you tried doing a clean installed of the driver or at least testing the Studio version to see if it helps.
I didn't mention that my coworker is also experiencing the same issues (same config).
All my monitors are plugged into my graphics card using display port.
Following your instructions, I reinstalled the studio drivers, rebooted the PC. Unfortunately I instantly encountered the exact same problem woth white squares, laggy soft etc...
After that I stopped photoshop and tried to delete photoshop preferences. That didn't worked either, exact same problem...
I think the problem is with GPU compositing, I was also having same problem while moving any object with selection tool. it only arises when i increase canvas size. when i disbled GPU compositing from preference settings/Performance/advanced settings, it stopped glitching.
but it's not an ideal solution as Photoshop often benefits from GPU acceleration for smoother editing.
try Updating the graphic drivers or using older versions.
When exporting images in PNG or JPG, random white squares appear throughout the image. Sometimes it happens when merging layers, the image turns into several colored squares. I've already tried closing Photoshop and even uninstalling it, it works for a while and everything comes back again, I've lost several jobs like that.
Bonjour, Après consultation et application de l'ensemble des solutions proposées je me permets de vous écrire ici mon problème : A chaque mouvement de souris et/ou zoom/dezoom, je rencontre un problème d'affichage, des rectangles blancs apparaissent un peu partout sur mon plan de travail et toutes mes actions "pinceaux" ne sont pas prises en compte.
Si j'ai bien compris il s'agirait d'un problème de carte graphique ou de GPU mais je ne comprends pas pourquoi puisque mon matériel est assez récent, mes pilotes sont a jour et mon GPU est compatible d'après Photoshop.
J'ai déjà essayé de :
1) dans Photoshop>Preferences>Outils, décocher Défilement prolongé
2) dans Photoshop>Preferences>Activer les règles de la zone de travail native. Redémarrer Photoshop
3) dans Photoshop>Preferences>Aperçus de technologie, cocher "désactiver la zone de travail native" 4) Reinitialiser les préférences
Et j'avoue être a court de solutions... Je vous laisse mes informations systèmes ci-dessous, à savoir que j'utilise également une tablette graphique xppen artiste pro.
Version Adobe Photoshop : 25.4.0 20240118.r.319 67d7f0b x64 Nombre de lancements : 15 Système d'exploitation : Windows 11 64 bits Version : 11 ou version supérieure 10.0.22631.3007 Architecture système : UC Intel Famille :6, modèle :7, niveau :1 avec MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX-VNNI, HybridCPU(8:16), HyperThreading Nombre de processeurs physiques : 24 Nombre de processeurs logiques : 32 Vitesse du processeur : 2995 MHz Mémoire intégrée : 32581 Mo Mémoire libre : 20587 Mo Mémoire disponible pour Photoshop : 25041 Mo Mémoire utilisée par Photoshop : 69 % Gestionnaire d'incidents : Adobe DCX Version: 7.13.2 SAM SDK Version: 7.2.0-ss/fio ACP.local Status: - SDK Version: 3.4.0 - Core Sync Status: Reachable and compatible - Core Sync Running: - Min Core Sync Required: Version SDK Live Edit client : 4.0.4 Version de la bibliothèque C2PA : adobe_c2pa/0.7.6-2 c2pa-rs/0.25.2-patch Version NGL : Tableau noir : Désactivé. Rendu D3D12Warp : Désactivé. Canevas de raie manta : Activé. Calques d'alias : Désactivé. Highbeam: Activé. Pentablet Spec Version 1.1 Impl Version 1.0 Num Devices 1 Taille de la mosaïque d'images : 1028K Niveaux de mémoire cache de l'image : 5 Aperçu de la police : Moyenne Version d'HarfBuzz : 7.3.0 TextEngine : moteur de texte unifié ======= GPU API native stable : Vrai API OpenGL stable : Vrai API OpenCL stable : Vrai GPUDeny: 0 GPUForce: 0 useGPU: 1 useOpenCL: 1 isGPUCapable: 1 GPUName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti GPUVendor: NVIDIA IsNativeGPUCapable: 1 IsOpenGLGPUCapable: 1 IsOpenCLGPUCapable: 1 HasSufficientRAM: 1 GPU accessible RAM: 11,996 MB Required GPU accessible RAM: 1,500 MB UseGraphicsProcessorChecked: 1 UseOpenCLChecked: 1 Windows remote desktop: 0 Windows available feature level: 12.2 Windows required feature level: 12.0 Windows has required feature level: 1 Affichage : 1 Limites d’affichage : (0, 0) -> (2560, 1440) Échelle d’affichage : 1 Type d’affichage : SDR Affichage : 2 Limites d’affichage : (-2560, 0) -> (0, 1440) Échelle d’affichage : 1 Type d’affichage : SDR Affichage : 3 Limites d’affichage : (-992, 1440) -> (928, 2520) Échelle d’affichage : 1 Type d’affichage : SDR ------- Sniffer output [0 ms] Launch GPUSnifferThread
# devices: 1 Device 0 Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Preferred: TRUE Power Envelope: DISCRETE Attachment: UNKNOWN # attached displays: 0 GPU accessible RAM: 12,878 MB VRAM: 12,878 MB Dedicated System RAM: 0 MB Shared System RAM: 0 MB API version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA) Device version: 3.0 (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA) Vendor name: NVIDIA Driver date: UNKNOWN Driver age: UNKNOWN Driver version: UNKNOWN Bandwidth: 1,838 GB / s Compute score: 17,635.4 Device name string: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Device vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation Platform name string: NVIDIA CUDA Platform vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation End platform OpenCL {442 ms}
Exit code kExitNormal End sniffer 2024-02-11 16:40:49 [kStatusNormal, kExitNormal]
[606 ms] Finish RunAllAPIs
[607 ms] Finish GetSnifferResult
------- Sniffer output ======= GPU Type de licence : Abonnement Numéro de série : 90970143525311205632 GUIDBucket: Composite Core GPU (comp_core_gpu): on Composite Core Threads (MultithreadedCompositing): on Composite Core UI (comp_core_ui): off Composite Core Feature Prefs (CompCoreFeaturePrefs): off
Dossier de l'application : C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\ Chemin des fichiers temporaires : C:\Users\Maee\AppData\Local\Temp\ Le disque de travail de Photoshop comporte l'E/S asynchrone activé. Volume(s) de travail : Démarrage, 930,7 Go, 711,8 Go libres Dossier des modules externes requis : C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Required\Plug-ins\ Dossier des modules externes principaux : C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Plug-ins\
Home Screen (Chargé) - à partir du fichier "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/UXP/Extensions\com.adobe.ccx.start-7.2.1\" CmdN: 1.19.10 UAB: 2.18.0-4 Chargé à : 50 ms - impact du temps de lancement : 0 ms ccx-timeline (Préparé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" CCX Commenting UXP Webview (Chargé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Chargé à : 3287 ms - impact du temps de lancement : 0 ms CCX Sharesheet UXP (Préparé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Content Credentials (Chargé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Chargé à : 3147 ms - impact du temps de lancement : 0 ms CC Libraries Panel (Préparé) - à partir du fichier "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe/CEP/Extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\" CAPTURE: 2.0.41 STOCK: 4.1.0 In app notifications (Chargé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Chargé à : 3288 ms - impact du temps de lancement : 0 ms Neural Filters (Préparé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Filtres paramétriques (Chargé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Chargé à : 3290 ms - impact du temps de lancement : 0 ms Photoshop Adjustments Panel (Chargé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Chargé à : 3291 ms - impact du temps de lancement : 0 ms Photoshop UXP Export-As (Préparé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Photoshop In App Messaging (Chargé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Chargé à : 3292 ms - impact du temps de lancement : 0 ms Information Alert (Préparé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Photoshop Selection Feedback (Préparé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Plugins Panel (Préparé) - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" IC popup message (Chargé) Chargé à : 2583 ms - impact du temps de lancement : 0 ms Multilayer Protection (Chargé) Chargé à : 2584 ms - impact du temps de lancement : 0 ms Discover Panel (Chargé) 2312.89.0.10 - à partir du fichier "Dossier requis" Chargé à : 3293 ms - impact du temps de lancement : 0 ms Temps de balayage : 0 ms - entrées : 25
Extensions :
Bibliothèques 1.0.0 - A partir du fichier “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\index.html” Motion Array 1.6.3 - A partir du fichier “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\Motion Array\index.html” com.adobe.stock.panel.licensing-embedded 1.0.0 - A partir du fichier “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\extensions\stock-panel-licensing\index.html” com.adobe.capture.extension 2.0.41 - A partir du fichier “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\extensions\capture\capture.html” Exporter sous 4.8.15 - A partir du fichier “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html” Exporter sous 4.8.15 - A partir du fichier “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Required\CEP\extensions\com.adobe.photoshop.crema\index.html” com.adobe.cclibraries.manager 1.0.0 - A partir du fichier “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\CC_LIBRARIES_PANEL_EXTENSION_3_25_28\manager.html”
I am having an issue where some times when moving layer/objects around between art boards the screen has re-drawing issues like a video card issue but it is NOT the video card. The size of the file is 1.2 Gigs yes its large but it should be able to be handled since i have 64 gigs of ram in the computer. Has anyone seen this or had this happen to them? I have attached the image to this post.
Only when I open Photoshop, I have big white blank windows open up every minute or so. Can't work. What should I do? Take my Studio CPU to the apple store? I have Sonoma 14.2.1 , M2 chip, Mac OS Studio.
Try resetting the tools and/or preferences. To restore preferences quickly using a keyboard shortcut:
Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Windows) or Option+Command+Shift (Mac OS) as you start Photoshop. You are prompted to delete the current settings. The new preferences files are created the next time you start Photoshop. Note: Using the keyboard shortcut, preference files for custom shortcuts, workspaces, and color settings will also be reset to default.
Try going to Preferences/Tech Preview and check "Disable Native Canvas".
If that does not resolve, go to Photoshop Help Menu/System Info and copy/paste details in a reply. Post only once as the system takes time to process the large amount of data.
Kevin thanks for the speedy responce! I did as you suggested and then moved an item from one board to another and there seems to still be a glich but the re-draw has been ok (kinda, since it has happened randomally over the past couple of days)
Je rencontre le même problème depuis ce soir. 5h de travail perdu alors que j'ai un dossier urgent à boucler. J'ai tout mis à jour (driver, logiciel, windows, etc), j'ai testé toutes les configrations possibles de cases à cocher/décocher suggérées à droite à gauche, rien n'y fait. Photoshop est inutilisable en l'état ! Je sature !!!
C'est un vieux bug qui pourrit aussi mon workflow (surtout si vous utilisez des artboards). les versions 25 et ulterieures sont encore pires. Je vous conseille de repasser sur la derniere version 24.7.2 (et de surtout bien reset toutes les preferences). Ca fonctionne peu pret correctement chez moi, avec qqes reglages de preference:
Vous pourriez eventulement décocher "utiliser un processeur graphique" mais les performances seront sévèrement impactées.
J'espere que ces solutions fonctionneront pour vous.
Some solutions worked and some did not for me. In particular, I managed to stop seeing this bug by doing the following: 1) Photoshop Settings/Technology Preview --> uncheck "Disable Native Canvas". 2) Performance/ and under Advanced Settings uncheck "GPU Compositing"