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After today's update the rulers and guides are not visible and will not turn on with the crtl R. Anyone else have this issue? How do I fix this?
[Title edited for clarity]
Hi all,
We're happy to announce the release of Photoshop 24.5. This update includes the fix for this issue. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here
To update Photoshop to 24.5, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to Photoshop. More detailed instructions for updating
Let us know if the update resolves the problem for those affected, and share your feedback.
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There is a known issue with rulers that affects some user's systems (not all). See thread here :
You could try Preferences > Technology Previews >Deactivate Native Canvas and
Preferences >Performance >Older GPU mode (2016)
What exact problems are you having with text?
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Hi, Sorry to hear your having trouble.
Please can you post a screenshot?
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De balk bovenaan en links naast de tools met de meetinstellingen= linialen zijn verdwenen.
helpt niet
Weergave>Linialen = aanvinken
Bewerken>voorkeuren>Eenheden en linialen.
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Open Photoshop's preferences by clicking on Edit > Preferences > Go to Technology preview, you will find an option labeled as "Deactivate native canvas", check mark it, and then see there should be another option that is labeled as "Use older node of GPU 2016", check mark it and then restart the Photoshop
in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post if it helps you get responses.
<moved from using the community>
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Thanks, the "Edit>Prefs>Tech Preview/Deactivate native canvas/Use older node of GPU 2016" solution worked for me but now I can't take advantage of all of the other good features of the newer version of Photoshop that I am paying for! Having the rulers go missing is completely unacceptable and now I am living in 2016, not 2023 vis-a-vis my Adobe Photoshop product.
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the next ps update will (hopefully) fix.
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Having the rulers go missing is completely unacceptable
It's only an issue for some people — not for everyone. I should think that would make it harder to fix. It working for me and I have not changed anything in Preferences (knock on wood).
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This is great, I know turning your rulers on is not difficult, but when you use PS daily it turns into a nuesance. These were great instructions, very easy to execute and when I restarted PS my Rulers were ready to RULE!!
Adobe Photoshop Version: 24.2.0 20230218.r.315 28c9f72 x64
Number of Launches: 9
Operating System: Windows 11 64-bit
Version: 11 or greater 10.0.22621.1265
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:14, Stepping:13 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2
Physical processor count: 8
Processor speed: 3000 MHz
Built-in memory: 32575 MB
Free memory: 26549 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 25036 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 89 %
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I've been having the same problem with latest update of PS and Windows 10. Tried the fix below but the rulers are not visible. However, when I click within a few pixels of the edge of the window I can pull out the guides both horizontal and vertical. Only the ruler itself is invisible, but the functionality sorta works.
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The Deactivate native canvas worked! Thank you so much.
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Just press Ctrl+' to turn on mesh, press it again to hide it and there u go, rulers (Ctrl+r) work again.
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after updating to current (newest) Photoshop 24.2 i have lost the ability to see the RULERS on workspaces. Tried restarting program... still not available to see. Tried restarting computer... Still not able to see. Used both drop down menu and Ctrl R to tick show rulers and although the space where the rulers should be (top and left side) is there... there are no rulers to be seen... I CAN get the guides if I click on the space where the rulers should be and drag them onto the workspace... but cannot see the rulers at all. Anyone have this issue? and is there a solution? running on Windows 10 exactly the same as prior to latest Photoshop update.
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you're not alone,
in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post if it helps you get responses.
<moved from using the community>
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Hi @studio1688 try turning on Show Grid under View>Show - do the rules show? (You can turn them off after the rulers appear)
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this is what customer care walked me thru
what exactly was the fix? (there are others with the same problem.)
By @kglad
Thank you so much, Please follow this step and then restart your Photoshop and check whether the issue gets resolved or not, Open Photoshop's preferences by clicking on Edit > Preferences > Go to Technology preview, you will find an option labelled as "Deactivate native canvas", check mark it, and then see there should be another option that is labelled as "Use older node of GPU 2016", check mark it and then restart the Photoshop
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Finally the solution to get the rules back... Thanks!! I am waiting to find the next challenge that comes with every update... not good!
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Thanks, that worked!
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Thanks for that succinct and direct answer, it works. Frankly this is a problem that shouldn't have come up at all. Upgrades should have better oversight or at least provide some direction when effecting basic workflow configuration.
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Thank You!
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Nothing works here for restoring the rulers which have vanished. Tried the GPU fix below and that didn't change anything. Followed instructions to the letter. Rulers don't appear under View>Show either. Any other fixes on the way? This is very frustrating! Thank you for any further assistance you may be able to provide.
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try the previous ps version