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Problem with "Sticky" Modifier keys?

New Here ,
Jun 17, 2016 Jun 17, 2016

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Apologies if this isn't in the right place, I'm a bit new the forums.

I've been using Photoshop CC for years and have never experienced this problem. I'm running on a fairly new (1 year) Macbook Pro with a Cintiq 22HDTouch hooked up to it. Recently, seemingly out of nowhere, my Modifier keys have been "sticky"; when I use keys such as OPTION, COMMAND, CTRL,  or SHIFT, they get stuck even after I let go. I realized this wasn't a hardware issue when the same thing happens after using my cintiq's shortcut keys for the modifiers.

SHIFT and OPTION seem to be the ones that are making it near impossible for me to do my work. The others don't seem to be as big of an issue. Sometimes photoshop will register my shift key is being held when it's not, or its not registering when Shift is being held down. Same issue goes with Option. These problems only seem to occur while in the program.  I updated to the latest photoshop and that seemed to fix the issue for about 3-4 days, and now it's acting up again. I've restarted my computer, I've reinstalled the cintiq and wacom hardware, and I'm out of ideas on what could be causing the issue.

I had trouble finding any other forums with existing issues. If I could get some help ASAP, that would be extremely beneficial. Thank you in advanced,





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Community Beginner , Jun 21, 2016 Jun 21, 2016

I've resolved the issue by installing the older Wacom Driver, and by removing all the Panels in the On-Screen Controls tab of the tablet Preferences Window.

I hope it helps!


New Here , Sep 06, 2021 Sep 06, 2021

The last update seemed to fix it for me. Haven't noticed any sticky keys so far, let's hope this does it once and for all.

Driver Version 6.3.44-1 on a Mac with Big Sur 11.2.3 using Intuos Pro Large PTH-851.


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New Here ,
Feb 24, 2017 Feb 24, 2017

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When I first encountered this problem I reverted back to Yosemite along with backdating my Wacom drivers to 6.3.15-3.




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New Here ,
Mar 01, 2017 Mar 01, 2017

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I have spent over a month emailing wacom and going through an exhaustive troubleshooting process with them. I even bought a new intuos art tablet and had to return it. I have now purchased a Huion 580 and it too has the same problem although it is much less pronounced than with my wacom tablets. I am of the opinion that the issue lies with Sierra. If anyone is researching this bug and wants the transcript of my emails with Wacom they are welcome to it. For now I think I'm stuck with it.




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Contributor ,
Mar 05, 2017 Mar 05, 2017

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that is sad!

if this issue is really also related to Apple, we are stuck with this for a while or probably forever:(

is anyone experiencing the same problems with the latest intuos pro products?




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Contributor ,
Mar 06, 2017 Mar 06, 2017

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sticky layers, brush/tool select and curves adjustment. sticky user interface!!! with 6.3.15

after a long time testing i found some issues either with the working 6.3.15 Driver version under El Capitan.

the whole photoshop user interface is kind of sticky.

as example: when selecting brush from the Bruch presets it almost never picks the brush i click from the first time, instead the old one stays selected?

when moving the points of curve adjustment they stick to the cursor even after i let go?

this actually happens with almost each slider and panel. i just use these frequently.

i'm really tired of this, how should i work like this?

did wacom really gave up on this and let apple to deal with it???

and again, is this happening to someone with the latest intuos pro products too?

although i'm working with two monitors and really need a XL wacom and they don't have a new version of it.

so i'm stuck with intuos4 for now:(

many thanks!




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 07, 2017 Jun 07, 2017

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I've been waiting for a solution to this for over a year. I've been in contact with Wacom but they say this is something they've never heard of even though I've been to many posts about the same issue.

Sticky cursor - brushes, layers and sliders all drag even though I'm hovering and have no contact with my tablet. Now with the latest Wacom update when go back to Photoshop cc after using my mouse on my secondary monitor, my stylus is pretty much unresponsive. My issues only happen in Photoshop and I use many other illustration programs.

iMac 27" 5k
Intous 5
Photoshop CC




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New Here ,
Mar 07, 2017 Mar 07, 2017

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I am still facing this issue. It has been months and still no solution. I find that my modifier keys get stuck on so that when using photoshop it's like a ghost is holding down the command key. I can fix it temporarily by hitting escape but it comes back with a few seconds. Extremely frustrating!

I'm using a Bamboo Fun Pen+Touch.




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Community Beginner ,
May 18, 2017 May 18, 2017

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Im bumping this "sticky" post. There needs to be some investigation on this issue.  I work next to other co-workers that are experiancing the same issue, so I know its not related to a faulty keyboard, tablet or operator.  Im running a 2012 Mac Pro 5,1 with Sierra. Wacom Pro with classic stylus.  The option key continueously gets "stuck" or in the "depressed" position.  This is extremely frustrating, especially when you use Photoshop everyday.  This issue could be an Apple, Adobe, Wacom or a combination of them.  Ive contacted Wacom too, no reply yet.


Please help!!

Thank you!





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Adobe Employee ,
May 18, 2017 May 18, 2017

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The latest I have on this is that Wacom is working on a driver fix. It's not available yet, nor do I have an ETA, but Wacom is aware of this and working on a fix. Previous drivers seem to help work around the annoyance, but the actual fix is coming in a future update from Wacom.

Apologies for the annoyance!

Hang in there.






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Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2017 May 23, 2017

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Warning! Wacom released an update just on 18 May 2017 - for me this one made things worse. Luckily I already learnt that downgrading may do the trick and it actually helped.

* * *

(MacMini, Sierra, Intuos P S)

I've already posted here on 30 December 2016 with my story. I used to have various problems with modifier keys back in 2016. At first I didn't realise Wacom driver might be the problem. But version 6.3.19-10 released in December finally solved all the issues. It was all fine till the very last update (6.3.22-3, 18 May). The problem I noticed affects ALT-SHIFT combination in Illustrator. Normally you can duplicate an object with ALT. If you add SHIFT while already pressing ALT, you will limit movement of the duplicated object to the nearest 45° angle. The problem with the newest update is that pushing the SHIFT kind of deactivates previously pushed ATL.

I downgraded back to 6.3.21-8, which I luckily saved, and everything is OK again.




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Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2017 May 23, 2017

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Yes I agree the update made things much worse.

For my Intuos4 I went back to 6.3.15-2. Works much better!

Hers a link for all previous drivers if anyone needs them  Intuos Pro Support | Wacom http://www.wacom.com/en-gb/support/intuos-pro-support

Or you can just do a search for "older wacom drivers"




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Community Beginner ,
May 24, 2017 May 24, 2017

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Apparently the most severe problems affect more advanced models. As you see I have the simplest and the smallest Wacom tablet, and for me it was enough to downgrade to one month old driver.




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Community Beginner ,
May 25, 2017 May 25, 2017

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I had that issue in winter 2016, downgraded to 6.3.15 and went on with it. After 6 months, I completely forgot what the issue was, and decided to update my drivers and Wacom Desktop Centre. Well, the sticky keys are still a thing, and I specifically noticed that OPTION + SHIFT are not working together, so it's either ’copy‘ or ’constrain proportions‘ in Illustrator, bot not both.

Hoping this will get fixed soon.




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New Here ,
May 25, 2017 May 25, 2017

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I got absolutely the same problem here on Mac OS latest Sierra. Was using that old 6.3.15-1 driver for months, since none of the fresh drivers worked fine. Yesterday tried to use the latest Wacom driver — still problems with Shift+Alt shortcuts. Wrote to Wacom again.

Tried to reinstall PSP from scratch, tried to reinstall Wacom drivers as well, made reboots etc — all as needed, but that didnt give me the good result anyway.

Wacom, please solve this issue with Adobe somehow. Its been too long already and its really annoying.

Meanwhile using the old 6.3.15-1 driver.




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 12, 2017 Jun 12, 2017

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I was literally about to go buy a new computer, thank you.




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New Here ,
Jul 25, 2017 Jul 25, 2017

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Thank you SO MUCH!!!! Been having this problem for months!!!!




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Explorer ,
Dec 06, 2017 Dec 06, 2017

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I am on High Sierra 10.13.1  at the moment and I am on a large Intuos Pro, Model PTH-651.
I Solved the issue installing Driver 6.3.21-8.

Here's The link:
MacOSX - Driver 6.3.21-8 (Mac OS X 10.10, 10.11, & 10.12) | Wacom Asia Pacific Customer Support





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New Here ,
Jan 16, 2018 Jan 16, 2018

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Did this and it’s still not working perfectly,  but it’s much better thank you !




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New Here ,
Jan 11, 2018 Jan 11, 2018

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I am experiencing this exact issue using Sketchbook Pro and a Cintiq 22HD on High Sierra 10.13.2.

I updated driver as per the above comment and now it won't recognize my hardware...




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New Here ,
Jul 31, 2018 Jul 31, 2018

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I need help. I'm about to burn my computer this is so frustrating. I have the same issue but have the Wacom driver 6.3.30-2 and I got the option and command keys are stuck on photoshop. Like all of you, it works just fine with the trackpad, but when I try to hover the screen with the pen and pad, I get the eyedropper once again.

It's driving me nuts, and my knowledge of iOS is very little to none, since I just got my first MacBook.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 22, 2019 Jan 22, 2019

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Guys, just a heads up. Wacom rolled a new update 6.3.32-4 and they've solved the issue.

You no longer have to roll-back your driver as of now.

PS: Don't know much about Windows because I'm a Mac user, but I believe it does work on that system as well.




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New Here ,
Sep 29, 2019 Sep 29, 2019

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I'm getting this issue again, windows 10, everything up to date, wacom driver 6.3.36-1. So frustrating




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Explorer ,
May 20, 2021 May 20, 2021

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Nope. Running Windows 10 with the latest Wacom driver, over 3 years after this post, and the sticky modifier keys persist.




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Community Beginner ,
May 09, 2019 May 09, 2019

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I have the exact same problem, even with my mouse right now (no wacom in use).
Being on the latest windows + cc19. (mainly happens in After Effects though...)

Anyone got a "newer" fix for this issue?





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New Here ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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Same problem!!  such a head ache.  I have so many issues with the Wacom drivers.




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New Here ,
Mar 20, 2021 Mar 20, 2021

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Quick Specs:

iMac 5k Retina, 27in, Late 2015

Mac OS Big Sur

24gb ram

L Wacom Intuos Pro (PTH 860) and Pro Pen 2

Up to date wacom drivers as of this day's post (6.3.42-1)

Latest version of photoshop 22.3.0


2021 update as this seems to be an ongoing issue since 2016. I wonder if PC users are experiencing this problem? My two biggest issues are the cmnd and alt key remaining active even after I let go. For instance using the eyedropper, once I release the alt key, it stays active and I go to resume painting and, oh look, I've selected a new color instead of laying down my intended paint stroke...awesome! But perhaps more annoying and disruptive to workflow would be the cmnd key remaining active. Oh god help us. If you're like me, then I imagine you're well aquainted with the undo shortcut cmnd + z. Well, if the cmnd key remains toggled after letting go and you go to paint something, you may inadvertently select a new layer as it will auto switch to the layer of the pixels your brush lands on. Not cool. Not only does this actually move the entire layer around quite annoyingly, but more insidious and subtle, it will simply select that layer without me noticing. Great, now I've just painted for 5 minutes or more on the wrong layer. Please, Gods of Pleasant Workflow, hear my plea. Get this issue fixed. I don't care if you have to walk up to Apple CEO Tim Cook himself and slap him on his squirly face, but for the love of god please fix this. It has been an issue for far too long and HIGHLY disruptive to workflow. It should not be an issue considering this is the world's most powerful editing software and the standard for professionals across multiple creative industries.  And please don't tell me to install older wacom drivers, because to me that is not a fix. Why would I want to install older drivers that have inferior pressure sensitivity controls and bring with them a string of other bugs? I believe since this issue happens within photoshop, it is Adobe's responsibility to resolve the problem. Help us Adobe-wan Kenobi, you're our only hope! 




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