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Why is Photoshop the most buggy software?

Community Beginner ,
Jul 28, 2022 Jul 28, 2022

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This is killing me and making me so sad.

I LOVE Photoshop and always have.

But why is it so hard to love this software when it keep on getting more and more buggy?

Things change all the time for no better reason. Photoshop used to be something where I felt like I had full freedom to do whatever I wanted. Me and my Photoshop could change the design world and master it! Now it is issues and frustrations all day. Fundamentally I feel that it is better because I know it so well by now. But there are other softwares that just "get it".

I feel that Adobe is missing the mark. Do simple things well. That used to be the motto. Now it is all about making updates that are more and more buggy.

For specifics anything having to do with the preferences of tools, and the speed of the program. I have to press "Z" twice for the tool to change, The way things release makes no sense anymore, sometimes a tool behaves like it did last time, other times it doesn't. Creating a new document from a pasteboard doesn't work anymore, etc, etc. It is the overall flow that is broken!

So sad... needed to vent.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 11, 2023 Jun 11, 2023

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You know I just think a lot of this comes down to common sense. There are simply things that Adobe does that don't make sense and lead to frustrations like I am having. This is serious because it betrays the trust that Adobe's #1 advocates have in them.

I'll give you an example: There is a new version of Photoshop (version 24.5) that has these context sensitive menus that pop up on your document when you use certain tools like the type tool. I don't think this is something we needed, it shows the same information that is in the common pannels we are all familiar with. What doesn't make sense is that this "context sensitive" menu, pops up and doesn't go away until you change tools. It also pops up right over the design you are working on. This doesn't make sense. It isn't useful, it isn't bringing anything new or necessary. This feels "gimicky" for such a sophisticated software. Drives me crazy. Wastes my time!

The technology is there to make this more efficient, but it feels like they just threw that in there with no strategy or thought, no common sense again! What is going on at Adobe?

Then you have software like Figma (which I don't like particularly) that uses amazing common sense in what they do. Some of it is so intuitive they are understanding what is going on. (FYI, I know that Adobe recently bought Figma, no need to show off in your reply! 🙂


Sure feels good to speak with a group that gets what is going on!




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Community Expert ,
Jun 11, 2023 Jun 11, 2023

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You need to show a screenshot of this. I have no idea what you're talking about.




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 11, 2023 Jun 11, 2023

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Here you go @D Fosse context-menu.jpgexpand image




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Community Expert ,
Jun 11, 2023 Jun 11, 2023

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Ah, yes, that's a new one. Indeed, we collectively hate that one ‌‌ 😄


Just click the three dots and "hide", and you won't see it again.






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Jun 11, 2023 Jun 11, 2023

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I'll give you an example: There is a new version of Photoshop (version 24.5) that has these context sensitive menus that pop up on your document when you use certain tools like the type tool. I don't think this is something we needed, it shows the same information that is in the common pannels we are all familiar with.

By marcrust

IF you're referring to the tool flyouts with optional videos, this is easy to disable. 

And there are no less than two options for controlling this and tooltips in preferences. 

ToolPrefs.pngexpand image

If users would spend as much time learning to use the product as writing complaints, we'd all save a lot of time. 

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 11, 2023 Jun 11, 2023

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Oh I know you can hide/show it @TheDigitalDog It is just that the implementation of it makes no sense at all!




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Jun 11, 2023 Jun 11, 2023

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Oh I know you can hide/show it TheDigitalDog It is just that the implementation of it makes no sense at all!

By marcrust

I accept your confusion about how this works.

Or the new feature you posted for D Fosse:

Hide.pngexpand image

I think some people enjoy complaining almost as much as they enjoy doing nothing about it. 

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Contributor ,
Jun 12, 2023 Jun 12, 2023

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@TheDigitalDog If users would spend as much time learning to use the product as writing complaints, we'd all save a lot of time. 


If Adobe stopped changing tried an tested workflows, users that have been using the software wouldn't, nor shouldn't have a need to re-learn how to do simple things. I get things move and progress, all on for that, but chaning workflows that have been established for years (for no reason) is exceptionally frustrating.  I get your frustration too, I do see a lot of complaints about things that are easily solved/disable/enabled etc...but there's always something that gets changed, seemingly just because.




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Jun 12, 2023 Jun 12, 2023

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TheDigitalDog If users would spend as much time learning to use the product as writing complaints, we'd all save a lot of time. 


If Adobe stopped changing tried an tested workflows, users that have been using the software wouldn't, nor shouldn't have a need to re-learn how to do simple things. 

By twinbrush

Nope, wrong; tested (not by you, but some of us here). 

As illustrated, had some users read how the product changed using release notes, they'd see Adobe provided NEW functionality while providing OLD functionality to those who wish to use that old workflow. Best of both worlds. What Adobe can't force some users to do is study up on the products after automatically clicking "Update" and assuming, under (hard to believe) deadlines, a tool, then rant about changes they could control if they only studied the product for a few minutes. 

No one forced anyone to update the software. Some did blindly and didn't study the changes, then didn't like them; all their own fault, of course. 

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Contributor ,
Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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@TheDigitalDog Thanks for yet another very useful and productive comment assuming everyone that has an issue, is lazy or completely new to using the software. Exceptionally helpful. You'd think I was insulting your child, you seem to take this very personally for some reason.


You've just highlighted the exact isue I was explaining. 

'Adobe provided NEW functionality while providing OLD functionality to those who wish to use that old workflow.'  If something works, there's little need for a new workflow. Obviously when a new feature comes in that's absolutely going to be the case and I'm all on for that. Don't think for one second I'm agains updates, if software can be improved, I'm game. There is little need for so many updates in a year, especially when they do cause issues for so many....its inevitable there are bugs in each update and that's just part and parcel of software development.


Nope, wrong; tested (not by you, but some of us here). Well, nope, wrong, as someone that's been using Adobe software since back in 1996 those workdflows are tried and tested by me, industry experience as a professional designer and studio owner. Also aren't you making the assumption I'm not using and contributing to the beta software releases too? 


and this....No one forced anyone to update the software. Bud, that's such an immature comment to make. And to quote you again 'Nope, wrong'. Adobe do force users to update the software, if you don't using imageery previews form Adobe Stock doesn't work, extensions and utilities in updated versions of bridge don't work. The suite is all interlinked and updating one piece of software from the suite does require (9 times out of 10) updating the rest to minimise compatability issues. 


Anyway, I think I'm absolutely done with this conversation, as its not going to go anywhere other than a reply assuming I'm taking a personal swipe at you (which Im absolutely not) and trying to prove that I'm wrong, haven't bothered to read release notes and shouldn't have any kind of freedom of expression as a paying customer about any issues or grievances I might have haha I bid you a fond farewell.




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Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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TheDigitalDog Thanks for yet another very useful and productive comment assuming everyone that has an issue, is lazy or completely new to using the software. Exceptionally helpful. You'd think I was insulting your child, you seem to take this very personally for some reason.


You've just highlighted the exact isue I was explaining. 

'Adobe provided NEW functionality while providing OLD functionality to those who wish to use that old workflow.'  If something works, there's little need for a new workflow. Obviously when a new feature comes in that's absolutely going to be the case and I'm all on for that. Don't think for one second I'm agains updates, if software can be improved, I'm game. There is little need for so many updates in a year, especially when they do cause issues for so many....its inevitable there are bugs in each update and that's just part and parcel of software development.


Nope, wrong; tested (not by you, but some of us here). Well, nope, wrong, as someone that's been using Adobe software since back in 1996 those workdflows are tried and tested by me, industry experience as a professional designer and studio owner. Also aren't you making the assumption I'm not using and contributing to the beta software releases too? 


and this....No one forced anyone to update the software. Bud, that's such an immature comment to make. And to quote you again 'Nope, wrong'. Adobe do force users to update the software, if you don't using imageery previews form Adobe Stock doesn't work, extensions and utilities in updated versions of bridge don't work. The suite is all interlinked and updating one piece of software from the suite does require (9 times out of 10) updating the rest to minimise compatability issues. 


Anyway, I think I'm absolutely done with this conversation, as its not going to go anywhere other than a reply assuming I'm taking a personal swipe at you (which Im absolutely not) and trying to prove that I'm wrong, haven't bothered to read release notes and shouldn't have any kind of freedom of expression as a paying customer about any issues or grievances I might have haha I bid you a fond farewell.

By twinbrush

Sorry all the facts provided have ruined your day sir. Farewell.


IMG_0066.jpegexpand image

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Contributor ,
Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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@TheDigitalDog hahaha I rest my case 😄




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Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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TheDigitalDog hahaha I rest my case 😄

By twinbrush

Yet you are still here, despite telling us : "Anyway, I think I'm absolutely done with this conversation.... I bid you a fond farewell." Not a case to rest! 

Some Adobe customers hate two things: Change and the way things are.

As for "when you look through the forums there are so many things that customers have given feedback about that never get addressed", so many, like you, fail to follow the clear instructions about how to either file a bug report or a featur request and only post to 'vent' which as outlined, is pointless. 

The only thing complaining does is convince other people that you are not in control.” Anonymous

Farewell this time? 🤔


Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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Dude, honestly, what's with the attitude. It feels like you have an insecurity issue that you need to project on any and everyone that posts. Nothing to offer but feeding your own ego and sending the same uneducated and arrogant response....you assume you know how other use the software, what others do before commenting here. None of our comments here are personal, yet you seem to take them that way, trying to 'prove your point' without actually listening or accepting some people may just have a differing point of view...you know what, that's allowed. Its healthy, its what a forum and a community is all about. No just this closed wall approach of 'I think they did or didn't do this, so I'll tell them how wrong they are, even thogh I know nothing of their experience or expertise. Im always right.'  Take the time to read the comments left before leaving the same unhelpful drivel. 

Farewell this time? I certainly hope so....but im not optimistic 




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Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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Dude, honestly, what's with the attitude. It feels like you have an insecurity issue that you need to project on any and everyone that posts.

Farewell this time? I certainly hope so....but im not optimistic 

By twinbrush

Dude I'm not going anywhere and didnt promise to do so!

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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Nor did I. Listen man, I hope you didn't take offence to anything I said, not the intention, just a little frustrated that you didn't seem to pick up on my replies (easily done) stating I have filed bug reports and read release notes, before making the assumptions, again, that I didn't. I can totally get your point about people coming on here and giving out about things without having obviously read up on the changelog, I've seen it plenty myself and I'm sure it gets mighty frustrating.  




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Community Expert ,
Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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None of our comments here are personal

In this last post of yours you appear to call someone (respectively their post/s) »uneducated and arrogant« – would you opine that this is not »personal«? 




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Contributor ,
Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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@c.pfaffenbichler That post absolutely was somewhat personal, definitely not intended to be offensive or insulting mind, at least no more so than the posts I'm referring to....apologies if it was. But if you look back at some of the previous posts I've referred to, there's very much a personal slant as opposed to trying to be respectful and productively being part of a conversation. This has all gone a little bit 'handbags' though don't you think. Its too easy to read tone of voice all wrong in forums sometimes, which is always the thing I enjoyed least about them 🙂 




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Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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c.pfaffenbichler That post absolutely was somewhat personal

By twinbrush

We rest our case....😘


Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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motion to adjourn my good sir haha 😉




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Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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motion to adjourn my good sir haha 😉

By twinbrush

You don't need to make a motion, or get our permission to stop this CWOBaT (colossal waste of bandwidth and time). Just stick to your own promise to move on: the farewell you wrote earlier. 



Can you do so? 🤔

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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Haha love it. Believe me dude I know I don't ever need your permission to do anything. Although if I ever take up a position where I need to act like a spoiled child and treat other people with unparalleled levels of arrogance I'll be sure to ask you for advice as, you bud, are Yoda at that stuff! It's impressive haha 


The CWOBaT has been giving your replies the time of day, but I've found it quite humourous so thank you 😄 Maybe this is farewell this time, or maybe I'll just wait and see what toxic reply you send and smile silently as I read it.  So whatever, whichever, whenever man, it's been fun 😄




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Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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quoteCan you do so? 🤔

By TheDigitalDog

As I suspected and now confirmed.

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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Advocate ,
Jun 11, 2023 Jun 11, 2023

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Re. "It would be helpful to everyone – Adobe and users – if you could post details of a couple of the reproducable bugs you've found. Thanks"

I will always claim that any of the "experienced" commenters here that see "no bugs" (you are not alone) must just be using 5 sliders and 5 commands — literally.


When I did a ton of action programming some 5 years ago, I found like 5 bugs in days (in actions alone). Details in the Feedback forums that they "erased"... 😞  Only one of them I think got at least confirmed or fixed.

I've reported another one some weeks ago (twice). Totally gets ignored and only one other experienced person confirmed it.

So instead of being happy with the time we lose for their advantage, we get ignored, and that is one big problem of it all. It should actually be rewarded, so more could get ironed out in time.

If I worked at Adobe, I would try to get these fixed in my own time out of pride in my work. Not doing so leaves so many, one wouldn't ever get free time anymore... 😉

Another is that AFAIK Adobe themselves confirm that things are built onto old things, built onto older things.

If you've ever programmed, you know that even adding one checkbox somewhere can have a ton of headaches and consequences, so for them it may be even worse. It's a miracle that we sometimes get a workable version — I mean that in every possible way, also complimentary.

And to end complimentary: there sure has been a ton of cool stuff added too — TYVM!


Easy for me to say, but if I was CEO, I would halt new features for about 4 months and fix "everything" that is reported. IOW, move from Bugshop to Photoshop!


I do also realize the importance of the GPU (when I got a new one years ago, it fixed a bunch of things), and how some old plugin can cause bugs, for example.

I actually complain less because I do have an old PC and GPU, but IMO some bugs are no-brainer true bugs, often longstanding.


Not a bug, but maybe the best thing they finally did was make all adjustment sliders resettable by double-clicking. This always has been hell and something they should have listened to "20 years ago." Make the basics not cause frustration before you get into the fancy stuff... It always makes me wonder if anyone at Adobe uses Photoshop besides the "5 commands and sliders" — the proof is hard to find...


Of course, they have to do everything at once or we'd have no goodies for a year either. I just wish a few more people cared about the bugs. They seem to care in the sense that it has to be barely usable and the many people who use PS for just 1% can imagine there are "no bugs."




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Jun 11, 2023 Jun 11, 2023

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I will always claim that any of the "experienced" commenters here that see "no bugs" (you are not alone) must just be using 5 sliders and 5 commands — literally.


By Zesty_wanderlust15A7

I missed the part where an "experienced" commenter said there were "no bugs".

Can you tell us exactly who that "experienced" commenter was and where to find such a post?

How to file a bug report if you want Adobe to see it:



Bug report template:


  • Photoshop version
  • OS

Steps to reproduce:

  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. ...


Expected result
Actual result

Author “Color Management for Photographers" & "Photoshop CC Color Management/pluralsight"




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