I was wondering if there were any android tablet apps that are available which can connect to my PC allowing me to use my tablet for various shortcuts and functions within my PC version of Photoshop?
Am I the only one who wants a decent PhotoShop app for Android? I don't get why the iPad is getting one but not Android. I use CS6 on my Mac, but id love to carry over my work on mobile. PLEASE
Am I the only one who wants a decent PhotoShop app for Android? I don't get why the iPad is getting one but not Android. I use CS6 on my Mac, but id love to carry over my work on mobile. PLEASE
Hello dear family, Do u think or did u planned to make a full version photoshop for android? Because that would be great! Also as I know u published or gonna publish a full version ps for apple devices, right? 😕
I noticed that the full Photoshop is coming to the iPad. It seems that many of the Android Devices are more capable or equal to the iPad. Is there a plan to bring full Photoshop to the android os?
why is there so big difference in the versions for android and Ipad??? Adobe launched about 1 year ago, a complete new version for ipad, why is a similar version not realesed for android yet???
Hi. I'm looking for advice. Will the full photoshop package work as well on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 as well as it looks like it does in an iPad? I don't want to buy it unless it does.
This is a user Forum, so you are not really addressing Adobe here, even though some Adobe employees thankfully have been dropping by.
Adobe employees and pre-release and beta testers are naturally subject to non disclosure agreements so until the official announcment is made you are not likely to get truly meaningful information on a timeline.
And considering the unjustified whining of some Mac-users who had problems understanding that the release-date »2019« did not mean »june of 2019« or something similar Adobe might be holding back on long-term announcements on this …
"I would like to use it for my Galaxy Tab to do work."
I have not heard anything about Photoshop for Android either. This first version of PS for iPad is missing enough features that I am only playing with it for the time being and not using it for real work. While Adobe has added several new features since its release at Adobe MAX last year, I am hopeful that one day soon it will be ready for prime time.
My thought is that the cost that would have to be invested in doing a complete rewrite to accommodate Android users would be a non starter for the company. You don't simply paint the barn doors to be able to do such a massive effort! Cannot just port over to Android anymore than you could decide to start teaching US kids in public schools in Mandarin next semester. We are talking millions of bucks required for a minimal incremental return!
Whilst I can see an advantage of portability, I cannot envisage doing serious work on a tablet (iOS or Android). My current desktop, which I am looking to replace soon, has 64GB RAM, several terabytes of disk space, over a terabyte of scratch disk, a GPU with 8GB dedicated VRAM, 3 monitors, full colour management (with hardware calibration and profiling something which does not exist on iOS or Android). A handheld tablet is not going to compete with that old system anytime soon and, when tablets eventually do catch up, images sizes will dictate that the desktop systems will also have moved on considerably.
I'm going through the downloading process and it's asking me a ton of questions I don't know. I have a school email .edu so I connect to other serve not microsoft. I'm not for sure what IMAP4 or POP3 mean, and no matter which one I choose I still get the same error message, that I need to recheck my information and that adobe cannot connect to the server. w
IMAP and POP are email protocols and have nothing to do with downloading Adobe Apps. Only a few apps are available for the Android OS, but if you download the creative cloud Android OS app, you can log in there, using your school email address and the school's password, and download what's available. https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-mobile.html
Adobe Community Expert / Adobe Certified Instructor
There is no even one product for drawing for android so far. Avaliable in Google play photoshop and illustrator just a childplay. I have full plan of Adobe products. And to be honest I'm a bit offended cause I can't use on my Tab s6 same drawing apps like Ipad has. Like Fresco or Photoshop. Its unfair to make more good programs only for Apple. Android tabs now has better characteristics than ipad. More RAM and better screen.
I had to buy other app to mirror photoshop on my tablet. And it works. And sensitivity of pen is perfect. But interface is too small. So I'm still waiting when I get normal photoshop version for android