Hi there,
Could we add a visibility/opacity strength attribute to change the visual intensity of the Marching Ants, or create an alternative visible selection of whats selected. Yes, I know you can hide them, but the bounding box also hides (for skewing), and, I would like to still see what is selected rather than have it visible or not, as well as know where the corners are of the bounding box.
The issue is that thin line art or thin contents are proving difficult to see if I'm skewing, move, rotating, etc, and when making minor adjustments the marching ants are very dominant. Even if there an alternative selection view instead of marching ants, such as the content of a layer, determined by it's opacity is given a bright colour.
Im not looking to replace what is there, but, give an alternative option for ease of use, it's very distracting to have a moving selection when trying to make changes to line art.