If someone still has a problem with this, I too was annoyed and hacked the dat files to replace the portrait with just some subtle abstract crap that fits the colour scheme. It's not a masterpiece but it doesn't impose all that colour on my brain 10 times a day.
You can download files here to replace it. Instructions included for mac, there is a similar process for windows just different directories:
The question is perfectly legitimate. It's a revolting image and a gut punch to the paying user base. People who use PS are naturally going to have a higher chance of recognizing post modernist sickness when they see it.
Adobe has been sliding for years now into a self-satisfied complacency begging for the free market to work its magic. Little companies like Celsys are gaining ground much more quickly than expected. I barely use PS anymore, and even the few functions I do return to it for have degraded significantly to the point where my computer hangs and freezes when simply trying to use the lasso tool! How sad.
I could once swear by Photoshop, but now it makes me curse.
Yes, it's a revolting image, and Yes, it is effectively conveyed.
But, absolutely NO, Photoshop's opening splash screen is not an appropriate venue to explore nihilism in the modern world (or whatever the hell the artist and Adobe's design team are pushing). Photoshop is not an art gallery. It's a tool. And the people who use that tool every day are naturally particularly attuned to the language of imagery. It would be the same as an audio engineer opening up the premier editing suite and having to listen to a person vomit each time.
Post Modernism and subjective relativism are social cancers, but at least we can leaven that bitterness with a laugh: Modern Art is STILL Sh*t - YouTube
(Don't worry. It works on the current 2018 version as well.)
2. Extract. (The extension .7z is an open source zip file type. Get 7-zip here: https://www.7-zip.org if you don't already have a copy handy.) The folder will call itself "Photoshop CC 2017 Splash Screen Extractor".
3. Now go to Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 and copy the folder called Resources. (This will require Administrator permission.)
4. Now go to the folder you extracted in step 2. Inside, there is a sub-folder called, PsCC2017Icon. Place a copy of Resources inside that folder.
5. Inside PsCC2017Icon there is also a file called Extract.cmd. Double click that. It will run some command line stuff.
6. A new folder has been created called, Work. Open that.
7. Inside that are two folders. High and Low. Inside both you will find this file: Splash1080Background_s0.png You should recognize her on sight. It is the splash graphic. Edit it.
8. Once you have saved your replacement image into both the High and Low folders, double click Pack.cmd. More command line stuff will auto-run.
9. Now inside the Work folder, you will see a new folder also called Resources. Open it. Inside are three files. Copy all three and return to your original Adobe Photoshop program Resources folder in step 3. and paste those three files into it, giving the appropriate permissions to overwrite the originals.
10. Start up Photoshop and enjoy your new splash image!
(Many thanks to the author of the Extractor/Packer utility, whoever you are!)
Here's how to replace the Photoshop Splash Screen image on a PC...
It is packed into a .dat file. So you need to extract it from there, edit the image, and re-pack it. All of that can be done with a handy little program. It's quite simple, but might seem a bit fiddly. Just follow the steps I've laid out below, and it ought to work. I've tried to make it as clear as possible.
(Don't worry. It works on the current 2018 version as well.)
2. Extract. (The extension .7z is an open source zip file type. Get 7-zip here: https://www.7-zip.org if you don't already have a copy handy.) The folder will call itself "Photoshop CC 2017 Splash Screen Extractor".
3. Now go to Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 and copy the folder called Resources. (This will require Administrator permission.)
4. Now go to the folder you extracted in step 2. Inside, there is a sub-folder called, PsCC2017Icon. Paste the copy you made of Resources inside that folder.
5. Inside PsCC2017Icon there is also a file called Extract.cmd. Double click that. It will run some command line stuff.
6. A new folder will now have been created called, Work. Open that.
7. Inside that are two folders. High and Low. Inside both you will find this file: Splash1080Background_s0.png You should recognize her on sight. It is the splash graphic. Edit it.
8. Once you have saved your replacement image into both the High and Low folders, double click Pack.cmd. More command line stuff will auto-run.
9. Now inside the Work folder, you will see a new folder also called Resources. Open it. Inside are three files. Copy all three and return to your original Adobe Photoshop program Resources folder in step 3. and paste those three files into it, giving the appropriate permissions to overwrite the originals.
10. Start up Photoshop and enjoy your new splash image!
(Many thanks to the author of the extractor/packer utility, whoever you are!)
Yeah, assuming that's any better...actually I'm getting a bit fed up with Mirror Man already. As a visual pun it worked the first time, but I get it by now. And what is it with that sick cyan sky color?
What I don't like about these images is that they are intrusive. I haven't asked for them, I don't want to see them. When I open the application, I might very well have a co-worker peeking over my shoulder because I need to show them something. Every time I feel I have to apologize - no, I didn't make that image, it isn't mine, it's not what I wanted to show you.
It is a repulsive image on the photoshop Splash screen as when I am creatively thinking I don't want to be distracted or irritated. Can I remove it. It is like having an argument before starting to work. It diminished creative thinking by forcing you to look at a person as if they were important. I want my thoughts free to my own imagination..thank-you. But since this issue has been raised for almost 5 years, it is obvious that you have no intention to solve this. This is an incentive to work with other programs. Please fix this or give an option for a SPlash Screen without a person on it.
In Photoshop 2020 the home workspace can not be disabled that preferences was removed, However, there is an Photoshop Preference option to Auto show it. you can uncheck . However it can be toggled on with the Home Icon on the tool option bar. If you do toggle it on remembers to toggle it back off. If you do not toggle it back off the Home workspace will be displayed when you start Photoshop even when Auto Show the Home Screen is not checked. Some of Photoshop Preferences are misleading because of the how the a Preference is worded.
I have two displays this is how PS 2020 opent foe me whey Homes screen is toggled off abd Auto Show the Home Sccen is unchecked in my Preferences. You will not be able to read it for this site resizes screen captures to an unreadable size. But yoy shoule be ables to see the Home screen is not displayed.
I have the Home workspace toggled off, and go directly to the Photography workspace. I want to turn off the splash screen. Also I have this little panel called the Selective Tool that comes up at startup. What is it and how do I get it to not popup? It seems every time there's a new release of software things regress and become more difficult to use, or weird stuff pops up with no explanation. I'm just learning PS, and stuff like this just seems to frustrate me more and more.
You would need to Patch Adobe Photoshop Application not to display its Splash window starting up. Adobe Photoshop does not have an option for not displaying it or changing it. Every version of Photoshop has had a Splash screen. If the past some users had posted patches for some photoshop versions to disable the splash screen or change it.
Have you installed any third Party Plug-in or Photoshop extension that add a Panel called Select Tool? Or Added A Script event handler the open such a panel when Adobe Application Photoshop is started? I only see the standard Tools Bar Panel Listed in my Photoshop 2020.
This is plain vanilla PS, fresh from the download and install. I have done no addins or extensions to it. In fact this is the first I've tried using it even though I've had it with my subscription since 2014. I'm not impressed.
If you noticed at the start of this I said I haven't used it before, other than to fire it up after an upgrade or install. This is getting ridiculous. Regardless of wht has changed, no one seems to know why I get a popup of the "selective tool" when I start PS after the uparade/install. Obviously there's a bug if I never did anything more than test fire it to see if PS would start. I remember seeing older posts about getting rid of the splash screen, and that makes perfect sense since there's no splash screen for Lightroom. Why that changed, or isn't avaailable is just another shortcoming. It's painfully obvious that there are no "experts" in these forums, and that if I want to learn PS, I'll have to live with random popups and other distractions.
"It's painfully obvious that there are no "experts" in these forums, and that if I want to learn PS, I'll have to live with random popups and other distractions."
Really, and you expect that statement is somehow helpful? The Adobe forums have some of the best professionals on Adobe applications available in the World!
Concerning the Selective Tool this is NOT an Adobe issue! You need to change that setting in the Nik Collection Selective Tool 'Settings' by going to PS File> Automate> Nik Collection Selective Tool as shown below.