Thanks vanoucular. That works. Really, Adobe should make the splash screen an option.
I like your math. Just a minute a day works out to 6.08 hours per year. You can tell your friends who smoke that a pack a day at $10.00 a pack will set them back $3650.00. Even if they make $100,000.00 a year, that's almost two weeks of working just to buy cigarettes. (Is there an Economics term for this calculation?)
Can you imagine the reaction if a man called that model 'ugly' ? Art isn't always beautiful in fact the most highly rated works of art are often hideous . I thought I'd give you a sneak preview of the splash screen for Photoshop 2019-now that's ugly
Gah! I'm so sick of seeing that miserable startup screen every day.
I am sure she is a beautiful person, and I mean that sincerely. But it's a poor choice for a splash screen that will show every time photoshop boots up.
I am not so worried about whether the woman is happy/sad/glad/mad... or just maybe upset at having all that insanely colourful paint dumped all over her. It is the insanely colourful COLOURS that are a major distraction to me everytime I open this app. Please give me an option to at least MUTE it in some way.
I can't believe that someone in Adobe hadn't stopped the open screen from being released. To me I see a young woman who has suffered trauma at some point and has the remaining skin discoloration as reminder of it.
Please don't move this to the user modify open screen thread. Let's hear what others think about it.
I was surprised too for the ugly girl photo on cc 2018, to the point I couldn't take it anymore until I found the solution for this "problem" many of us have. In case this is seen as "publicly critiquing", please let me honestly say that I don't give a single excretion.
A simple flower would be something that no one would find ugly, this is not the case of subjective beauty. The splash is ugly for many and not for some, period.
I was surprised too for the ugly girl photo on cc 2018, to the point I couldn't take it anymore until I found the solution for this "problem" many of us have.
I was surprised too for the ugly girl photo on cc 2018, to the point I couldn't take it anymore until I found the solution for this "problem" many of us have. In case this is seen as "publicly critiquing", please let me honestly say that I don't give a single excretion.
A simple flower would be something that no one would find ugly, this is not the case of subjective beauty. The splash is ugly for many and not for some, period.
I despise the splash screen myself, and couldn't agree more the the OP. It's a very violent image being 'sold' as art. She's been pierced but is still alive (oh, how creative) as her eyes show. And I think that is exactly why every person objecting, like myself, is disgusted by it.
And most of the comments from the ACP's are all attempts to 'gently' tell you your a nut case for even bringing it up.
If you read that in context, which is display color management, there is no reason to be surprised.
What I said was that certain UI elements are native to the operating system. They are not controlled by Photoshop, all PS can do is put in the content and make the call to the OS.
This was a tangential discussion that had nothing to do with the content of the splash screen, only about whether it can be color managed.
Art is often ugly and often violent, haven't you seen the 'Scream' by Edvard Munch it's terrifying but brilliant. Then you have Michelangelo's painting showing St Bartholomew being flayed alive with his skin neatly folded like bed sheets-now that's violent, but universally considered to be a masterpiece. Almost every Christian church has a representation of Christ nailed with rusty nails to a wooden cross, blood streaming down his arms and feet and often for good measure a spear penetrating his abdomen and his intestine spilling out. You need to remember that Photoshop was created originally 25 years ago for digital artists many of whom will have been to art school and seeking to produce impact imagery and you don't get that with pictures of baby pandas frolicking in the snow or cute puppies peering out of a basket with ribbons around their necks.
I don't think anyone who likes nice pictures is a 'nutter' but that kind of imagery takes very little skill to produce and that's the point-it doesn't show off Photoshop's potential. The girl in the splash screen looks as if she has a heroin addiction and has a look that's incredibly difficult to reproduce , but I bet you in real life she's an attractive model with good skin and in the rudest of rudest health. The artist therefore show what Photoshop can really do in transforming a normal looking woman into a sickly looking women with a few months to live. I don't like seeing someone in that state but admire the skill of the artist to create that look as I know just how hard it is to do. Dag is
a great photographer from what I have seen of his work, but I bet he gets the most satisfaction from not the bright pictures of the Fjords on a sunny day but from the dank , moody images as a storm is building , creative people are like that.
Art is often ugly and often violent, haven't you seen the 'Scream' by Edvard Munch it's terrifying but brilliant. Then you have Michelangelo's painting showing St Bartholomew being flayed alive with his skin neatly folded like bed sheets-now that's violent, but universally considered to be a masterpiece. Almost every Christian church has a representation of Christ nailed with rusty nails to a wooden cross, blood streaming down his arms and feet and often for good measure a spear penetrating his abdomen and his intestine spilling out. You need to remember that Photoshop was created originally 25 years ago for digital artists many of whom will have been to art school and seeking to produce impact imagery and you don't get that with pictures of baby pandas frolicking in the snow or cute puppies peering out of a basket with ribbons around their necks.
I don't think anyone who likes nice pictures is a 'nutter' but that kind of imagery takes very little skill to produce and that's the point-it doesn't show off Photoshop's potential. The girl in the splash screen looks as if she has a heroin addiction and has a look that's incredibly difficult to reproduce , but I bet you in real life she's an attractive model with good skin and in the rudest of rudest health. The artist therefore show what Photoshop can really do in transforming a normal looking woman into a sickly looking women with a few months to live. I don't like seeing someone in that state but admire the skill of the artist to create that look as I know just how hard it is to do. Dag is
a great photographer from what I have seen of his work, but I bet he gets the most satisfaction from not the bright pictures of the Fjords on a sunny day but from the dank , moody images as a storm is building , creative people are like that.
Are not what we really debating is what is appropriate to put on the Photoshop start up screen?
The sacred image of Jesus you outlined above is a reminder of what He endured, yes it is violent, but Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before him, and his love for his father! (not fear nor deathly images got him to freely be crucified). There is nothing more powerful than love.
Further, the Bible is chock full of violence. God even uses or allows it to bring about his purposes. A teenage boy could slaughter a giant, with God's help...But that doesn't mean God wants us to meditate on it. Constantly seeing the same image, cause one to meditate on it. And there is no (easy) option to change it! That is the problem, and why the OP posted!
I know the 'allure' of evil, oh how beautiful it appears on the surface...But the pain that inevitably follows always eclipses any temporary joy...For example, the affair that promises 'love' ends in a gnashing of the teeth.
What I will do, is meditate on the revealed word of God, no higher authority exists:
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phill 4:8 KJV
Terry Stevens Stated "The girl in the splash screen looks as if she has a heroin addiction and has a look that's incredibly difficult to reproduce"
I don't see anything wrong with what you've written and I agree with most of it. That was my take on the image whenst I gazed upon her facial features nothing more. I like the image actually, I recall the era of "Twiggy" for instance. Emaciated beyond thin yet the envy of many advertisement rags. The grunge era and so-forth. Art and imagery take many forms. We're all critics and judgemental. I know you don't like America, you've made that crystal clear. Oh no, have I said to much...
Does anyone know how to replace the image on a Mac? Where is the specific location in the Resources directory? The solution to the original post does not apply to the Mac.
Unfortunately, the shock and revulsion the image provokes whenever I forget to follow the stupid suggestion to close my eyes keeps bringing me back to this thread.
I really like your paintings, they would make great splash screens. It's impossible to tell how much you have used Photoshop to get the final results but the images are very aesthetically pleasing.
What makes you think I don't like America? It's true I don't like Donald Trump and the Republicans who cling onto his coat tails because they believe that greed is good and being dishonest telling lies is an acceptable political tactic and that's immoral . I'm not alone in thinking that but it's not a reflection on Americans as a whole just a corrupt administration that could very easily plunge the world into a catastrophe due to ignorance. Surely you cannot think Trump understands foreign affairs? Since becoming president he has just stirred up hate banning people from countries where he has no business interests or golf courses and is now moving an embassy to Jerusalem, one of the most sensitive areas of the world-which will cause a massive explosion of violence. Saudi Arabia financed, planned and supplied most of the terrorists for 911 and yet they are not on Trump's banned list why? Iran is on the list even though they have never attacked America or any European country. Most Americans think America gave the Iranians billions of dollars for the nuclear deal-completely untrue-it was Iranian money that had been frozen for decades due to sanctions and came from oil sales-Trump must know that but continues to pretend massive bribes were paid. Trump has threatened not to honour NATO commitments to countries that don't spend 2% of GDP on defence, this includes Germany. Why does he insist on this? Because most military equipment in NATO is bought from American companies like Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics who coincidentally are big donators to the Republican Party. When you factor in the fact Trump is a racist bigot , an unfaithful husband and probably has been laundering money for Russian racketeers for years-there is not much to like about him.
...well hell, don't stop there lets not forget the murders that you mentioned happen on what seems a nightly occurrence. the invasions of other sovereignties because we're devil dogs only wanting to kill, kill and kill more. all true. blood runs our streets to the gutters we are gun crazy. black hate whites and whites hate blacks and our dirty laundry hangs out there for the whole world to see and criticize. we do have a dangerous clown in the white house but we (not all) voted him there because we feel democracy is an ongoing experiment with trump being an added element to the the toxic brew that's known as america. but i ask you terri in all that you see bad can't you remember any damn thing good! can't you remember when...and don't you recall that...and where would the world be without us. someday as history has shown this too shall end and what will the world remember about us.
Thanks so much for this, i finally got rid of her, wasnt happy seeing that everytime i opened the program, sometimes i open photoshop from a psd file and that -nosplash doesnt work with that