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Now you can easily access frequently needed controls in Premiere Pro using the new Properties panel. As you select clips in the timeline, the most relevant controls and quick actions will automatically display in the Properties panel.
Need to change the scale of multiple video clips and graphics? Or change the volume of multiple audio clips? You can now select multiple clips in the timeline and change properties on all of them at once.
Need access to more advanced controls? The Properties panel will guide you to the additional panels that you need.
How do you enable the Properties panel in Premiere Pro?
To access the Properties panel, select the Window menu in Premiere Pro and then choose Properties:
Go to Window>Properties to enable Properties panel
You can add the Properties panel to your existing workspace by docking it wherever you like. The Properties panel is now automatically docked in all default workspaces and will be visible when you Reset to Saved Layout.
What has changed?
Which controls are available via the Properties panel?
The following controls are available via the Properties panel based on the type of clip that you have selected in the timeline:
How do I change multiple clips at once using the Properties panel?
If you select clips that have the same property value (for instance, if the scale of two graphics is 100%) then you will see the value of the property in the Properties panel and can modify the property for the multiple clips that you have selected.
If the properties for multiple clips are different (for instance, the scale of one graphic is 90% and the scale of the other graphic is 100%), you will see ‘–’ in the input field. Entering a number will change the absolute value for all selected clips. Dragging the number control will change the values relative to the amount that you entered. If you increase the values, you will see a plus (+) in front of the number while dragging and if you decrease the values, you will see a minus (-) in front of the values while dragging.
What is coming soon?
We plan to continue adding features while the Properties panel is in beta. The following are coming soon:
We want to hear from you about what you would like to see added. Please try it and give us feedback!
Abhi Singh
Principal Product Manager, Adobe Premiere Pro
@Remote Index thank you for highlighting these challenges – the confusion between Media File Properties and Info panels, along with the way they're accessed, is a definitely a valid concern. As the app evolves we hope to clear up any overlap and redundancies that exist, including what you've mentioned above.
We will update the original post to include the change in nomenclature and be mindful of incorporating useful information like this in future announcements to avoid frustration! Thanks aga
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This is great! Especially the Fill Frame button, which is something I've been requesting for a long time. Thank you.
Fill Frame will take an odd-size image (square or 4:3) and snap it to frame width.
Can we get Lumetri controls for multiple clips in Properties?
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Oh.... awesome! The properties panel in After Effects is great. This one sounds excellent, thanks very much!
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So I just got curious and discovered the stopwatch buttons. This enables motion animation by simply putting the timeline indicator at a place in the clip and then changing the settings. Move to another spot and make the adjustments and you have an animation. That's really slick.
It appears if you do a 2 step move, it applies a continuous bezeir, but it appears to be a hard start and stop at the beginning of the move. I'd like to see a default of ease out/ease in at start and stop for these common ordinary types of moves.
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This is a really nice update, and will be espeically useful when reversioning for different aspect ratios.
I wonder if this new shared clip functionality could be unified with the Effect Controls tab, so that we don't have to scramble between that panel and thew new Properties panel.
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Can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get a motion blur function in the new properties panel. I'm tired of using the transform effect with the shutter angle.
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Please, add fill/fit buttons for MoGRTS as well
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When several MoGRTS are selected in the sequence the transform properties are present in the properties window -- which is great, as there are also new fit / fill buttons too, but what'd be even more conveniet: that selecting several copies of the same MoGRT would show all the controls unified so they could be edited all at once -- like we do with several text layers selected...
So, it is a huge feature request!
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How did you change premiere's UI to white? please reply, thanks!
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PPro Prefs --> Appearance --> Color Theme == Light.
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I'm not Eugene, well, I am, but not that one. You've probably found this already, but it's on the Settings/Appearance Tab:
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Many of the controls (which used to be displayed in the Essential Graphics panel) are not included (or are hidden) by adding them from the new "Graphics Templates." You can view them in the new Graphics Template, but as far as editing (which meant you only had to move your mouse up to EDIT) are gone. It is still very clunky to edit them in the Effects Controls box.
As a person who uses TONS of mogrts this actually slows down the overall process.
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Hi @RB photographer,
Open up the new Properties panel, all of your mogrt edit functions will be in there now. Sorry for the confusion! We're working on making the workflow change more visible.
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"Properties" not "Properties"?
Is it really necessary for Adobe to ignore / confuse the lexicon they already use in Premiere Pro?
These "properties" are some of the same "attributes" that are copied and pasted, are they not?
These "properties" are not the "properties" that available to show for clips.
I am assuming then, that the "Properties" Panel (found under the "Window" menu even though it is a panel not a window), does not in fact show the "Properties" that can be shown from the "Properties" contextual menu function.
Is this a considered choice of language? Part of a larger revision of how the word "properties" is used in Premiere Pro? Or was this not considered in the wider context of the software?
Edit for additional info:
I guess this panel which shows properties (and is titled "Properties") is not the Properties Panel?
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Hi @Remote Index,
Thanks for calling this out! In the latest update, what used to be the Properties window is now called Media File Properties.
– Anna
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The "old" Properties closely resembles the Windows "Properties" in File Explorer, which simply shows stats on the file (size/bitrate/duration, etc.). On Mac the terminology is "Get Info" for the same thing. So when Windows users think "properties" they think of a static readout of information, which is the confusion with properties. "Media File Properties is a good compromise, if wordy, if you're going to call the new one Properties too.
I think the new properties window might be better labeled "Attributes," since the "paste attributes" command is common in the Premier lexicon, and wouldn't be confused for a static list in either OS.
Just my opinion...
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Hi @MisterAdvent,
Thank you for your feedback! We plan to continue adding more functionality and information to the new Properties Panel in the future, and since other Adobe apps such as After Effects and Photoshop have Properties Panels that surface contextual controls based on selection, we felt it was appropriate to adopt the term as well to maintain congruity across apps. I appreciate your comment and we will definitely keep it top of mind as we continue defining (or rather redefining) what "Properties" means in Premiere!
– Anna
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Thanks for your response on this.
"Other Adobe apps such as After Effects and Photoshop have Properties Panels ... we felt it was appropriate to adopt the term as well to maintain congruity across apps."
This is a desirable ideal. Adobe does indeed struggle with an inconsistent and opaque lexicon, some baroque design principles, and a history of poor documentation.
Consider that Premiere Pro has Properties (now "Media File Properties" as you have indicated), new Properties, and Info panels. Can you distinguish for me the difference between the (new) "media file properties" and "info", for example? Why is "media file properties" (a panel) accessible from a contextual menu while "info"(which seems to be a subset of media filel properties?) is a panel listed under the "window" menu? Note also that copy/paste "attributes" involves a subset of "properties" with the addition of effects.
Such issues are exacerbated by the dearth of documentation from Adobe (find me anything in the online guide about the "info panel" and you win a prize).
Some clean up of the lexicon and design would be welcome. This new properties panel does indeed seem to have potential along these lines (notwithstanding issues I've outlined above).
However, any communication from Adobe around these issues (like this announcement) should take care to communicate not just "new features", but the implications and changes in the design (like the renaming of the old "properties" to "media file properties"). Absent that, Adobe risks antagonizing users with these announcements.
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@Remote Index thank you for highlighting these challenges – the confusion between Media File Properties and Info panels, along with the way they're accessed, is a definitely a valid concern. As the app evolves we hope to clear up any overlap and redundancies that exist, including what you've mentioned above.
We will update the original post to include the change in nomenclature and be mindful of incorporating useful information like this in future announcements to avoid frustration! Thanks again for bringing this up.
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In the PROPERTIES PANEL, I think when selecting a text,
the ALIGN AND TRANSFORM should be placed ABOVE the Appearance.
Because moving the text is needed much more then Setting the styling.
I think moving the text with ALIGN and TRANSFORM needs to be under the TEXT directly. They are used together.
For instance align left, right, centre for text and then align in center in comp with the ALIGN and TRANSFORM settings.
I hope this can be changes. Saves a lot of scrolling time.
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I commonly copy and paste different "properties" between clips.
In Effect Controls, I can click on any property title and it becomes highlighted, which allows me to copy using keyboard shortcuts, which is nice. Context clicking brings up a menu with a number of options.
The Properties panel only has a singular "Reset" option in it's context menus for items. Are there plans to add in copy/paste?
Most importantly for me, though, is being able to copy ALL of the "Motion" Properties in one go, which you're now calling "Transform".
Context-clicking on the "Transform" button right now just twirls open the dialogue, and doesn't open a context menu for copy/pasting all the Transforms at once.
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Since this update, all the transformations I had set in the effect controls in older files has been reset to defaults, effectively undoing a huge amount of work. Any suggestions?
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Hello _mu110_,
I'd suggest rolling back to the previous version of Premiere Pro and working from a saved (or auto-saved) version of your project.
I know it's easy to be seduced by all the "update now!" messaging that Adobe puts out, but generally it is not recommended you update in the middle of a project; there's just too much precedent and possibility for new problems to be introduced into your work.
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Thanks R! That is a great idea that i hadn't thought of. I'm glad I was able to finish the project in beta. I wasnt able to add as many mogrts as i would have liked. But the important thing is I was able to render it out a day before the project deadline.
Next time i will not be seduced by some of the cool new features in beta and just stick to the normal version.
It does make me very apprehensive for the newest version if in favt they do get rid of rhe essebtial graphics panel.
One of the cool features that works in the full version is installing the Epidemic Sound plug-in. I could do a whole review video for this anazing plug-in.
No longer do I have to search the 4-5 royalty-free music sites looking for the perfect song. With Epidemic Sound llug-in i can search genre, length, and BBPM right in PP! Its such a time saver.
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Hi @Randune23,
In the newest update, all controls for editing graphics and captions (aka everything that used to be under the Edit tab in the Essential Graphics panel) have been moved to the Properties panel, and all motion graphics templates (aka everything that used to be under the Browse tab in the Essential Graphics panel) can be accessed in the Graphics Templates panel!
– Anna