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3440x1440 Black Bars Upload

Jan 16, 2020 Jan 16, 2020

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Hello, I'm new to editing videos and I need help with something in particular. I record videos on my 34inch computer monitor and record in a 3440x1440 or 21:9  aspect ratio. I'm trying upload these recorded game videos of mine on youtube, however when uploaded the videos have very unpleasant horizontal black bars on the top and bottom. I've been trying to use Adobe Premime Pro to edit and export a 3440x1440 video without black bars on youtube, so far no success. I've looked on several guide instructions youtube, however to no avail. Can anyone assist me? 

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Enthusiast , Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

Ok wait a minute...Do you mean seen the black bars in full screen ?

If so, you have to understand that 3440x1440 is not a regular format, it's more an ultra wide format. Many devices has a 16/9 aspect ratio and yours is not. If I look your video from Youtube in full screen on my 16/9, I can't avoid having black bars. Pretty logical isn't it ? You have no choice to set up as sequence in a 16/9 ratio like a UHD format ( 4K 16/9 in 3840x2160 ) or a classical 1920x1080 (to avoid scaling and loose to



Enthusiast ,
Jan 16, 2020 Jan 16, 2020

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Pretty simple. First be sure to make your sequence match your record in 3440x1440. So choose a video in your project panel with this size. Right clic and choose " New sequence from clip". So now your sequence match the exact settings of your clips.

When you go to render ( Ctrl+M) Choose format H264 for example and in preset choose Match source High bitrate or Medium bitrate if you want a lower quality and file size. Verify in the summary that Output and Source match in term of size, pixel ratio etc. Now you can export and it should appear without any band on Youtube. Let us know.




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Jan 16, 2020 Jan 16, 2020

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I followed what you stated, but it didn't exactly work. The sequence did match the resolution of the video 3440x1440 and when I exported it both the source and the output where the same configuration with no black bars in the video image. There were no black bars from what I saw in the file after exporting it. However, when I uploaded the file to Youtube the black bars were there again. I'm not sure if this is an error on my part in using Adobe Premime Pro, or if Youtube doesn't allow for 21:9 fullscreen uploads. 




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Community Expert ,
Jan 16, 2020 Jan 16, 2020

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I would imagine if you are not seeing those black bars in a regular player on your computer but it's showing up on YouTube, then the player for YouTube doesn't accommodate such an odd resolution and is squishing it down and then creating the bars to accommodate. Are you watching the video in full screen and it's giving those bars? Is there any material missing?




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Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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I'm watching it in Fullscreen on my 34-inch ultrawide screen monitor without any problems of black bars. However, when I look at the same video from my 1280x800 screen laptop or from my Iphone the bars are present. Some who have viewed my uploaded content have complained as well. I'm not sure what material I would be missing. I record and watch my games in my native 3440x1440 resolution. Only other option I see is to convert what I have to a different resolution for Youtube, though that may reduce the quality of my videos which are 4K. 




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Enthusiast ,
Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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I don't know where it come from, the only thing I can tell you is that I have exported my 3440x1440 video to do a test on Youtube and no black bar showed up. It was the exact same thing from the export.




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Enthusiast ,
Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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Ok wait a minute...Do you mean seen the black bars in full screen ?

If so, you have to understand that 3440x1440 is not a regular format, it's more an ultra wide format. Many devices has a 16/9 aspect ratio and yours is not. If I look your video from Youtube in full screen on my 16/9, I can't avoid having black bars. Pretty logical isn't it ? You have no choice to set up as sequence in a 16/9 ratio like a UHD format ( 4K 16/9 in 3840x2160 ) or a classical 1920x1080 (to avoid scaling and loose to much details), to fit most classical devices with a 16/9 ratio and no choice to crop your video if you want it to be full screen with no black bars at all.

One more thing, scaling down a 4k file to 1920x1080 won't decrease the quality of your footage that much when viewing it on a full HD screen. Upscaling a file will result visible quality reduction if you go after 110 % scaling since the pixels get bigger.





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Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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I see now! This is all a work in progress for me, as I have never had to do stuff like this before. I didn't know that your forced to use 16:9 ratio for Youtube. I uploaded/exported again in 3820x2160 and it kinda worked. I don't have the annoying bars when I look at the video on other systems. Although on my ultrawide screen I now see veritcal black bars. I don't know if there's any trick or editing I can do to fix that in particular? The only thing I'm using now to make it more pleaseable is using the UltraWide chrome app for Youtube. 


I originally thought I could edit a 21:9 video for Youtube to have no bars at all and that everyone could view it the same. 




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Enthusiast ,
Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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 I didn't know that your forced to use 16:9 ratio for Youtube. 


Nope, you can upload your ratio in Youtube.No Problem with that. It's just that Youtube can't crop your video ( and this is normal ) to show it in full screen with no bars on a 16/9 screen that most people have. How could you see all the pixels from an ultra wide format in a 16/9 format ? You'll ALWAYS have bars. So the only persons that could see your ultrawide video in full screen with no bars, would be those who have the same screen ratio as you. It's normal. I would suggest you to capture your game for Youtube purpose in a 16/9 format if you can. 




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Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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Thank you for helping me to understand.




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Enthusiast ,
Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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You're welcome !




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Explorer ,
Oct 26, 2020 Oct 26, 2020

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also I do the same thing you do Now I have found away to get the blackbars good you have to take the 1440p and divide that by 21 and then with the odd big number times by 9 then then it should give a number and then you can also position that to the right specs of the screen I did find a youtube video that will explain this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwSv0Kst96Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvtxt-eqD_Y





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New Here ,
Nov 24, 2021 Nov 24, 2021

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YouTube supports 1440p.

Have you fixed this issue?




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