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A Disk Error Occurred While Attempting To Access The Following File

New Here ,
Mar 07, 2018 Mar 07, 2018

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Hey there, having a bit of trouble getting audio from a bunch of files, hoping someone can help.  PC & HD specs at bottom.

I was handed a drive with 5 days worth of footage on it, no RAW files, only transcoded ProRes proxy files.  Not sure how many files this affects so far, but I noticed this error when trying to export an interview where the audio was recorded direct to cam - there is no audio being generated.

The error that comes up when I import the affected files is: "A Disk Error Occurred While Attempting To Access The Following File"

I went to the appdata and deleted the cache, media cache and peak files.  When I reopened the project there was audio!!! ...but once that file conformed in the project, I lost the audio again.  Weird...

It being labeled a "disk error" is making me think it has to do with the drive, but I copied the file to my desktop and tried importing that - same thing.  I also tried drag and drop import vs. media browser import, both are the same result.  I can confirm the audio is there, when playing in VLC, QuickTime 7, Windows Media Player, etc. it has audio. Just when it's imported into premiere, premiere can't keep to read that...

I've also opened up this same project on a Mac and the issue is present there as well, so that rules out it being a ProRes file having trouble with Windows, etc. Though, for whatever reason, the first 1:50 of the clip has audio on a Mac, then it cuts out.

Anyway, does anyone know how to troubleshoot this?  Not all files on the drive are affected, and not all files from that specific folder or day are affected.  It seems to be random (I can't figure out a link between affected files).

Thanks in advance.


Win 10 Pro 64-bit

i7-7700K 4.2GHz


GTX 1080ti 11GB


4TB external G-Drive (USB-C connection)




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Apr 02, 2018 Apr 02, 2018


Really wish picking up the phone and calling Adobe was an option for troubleshooting

You can. Here you go: FAQ: How do I contact Adobe Support? Let us know what they say.




New Here ,
Mar 08, 2018 Mar 08, 2018

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Bumping this.  Really wish picking up the phone and calling Adobe was an option for troubleshooting, turnaround times for responses on forums feels like too long..




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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 02, 2018 Apr 02, 2018

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Really wish picking up the phone and calling Adobe was an option for troubleshooting

You can. Here you go: FAQ: How do I contact Adobe Support? Let us know what they say.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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New Here ,
Nov 17, 2023 Nov 17, 2023

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Yea, there is no way to call via this link, it's just a link to their twitter, a forum which is what this already basically is, or access their chat but good luck actually getting to the "chat" part of the endless re-directs that aren't helpful.




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Mar 08, 2018 Mar 08, 2018

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First thing that comes to mind is to ensure a proper disk setup.

C: System

D: Project files, audio files, image files

E: Cache & Scratch

F: Camera media (proxies, in this case)

G: Exports

E: especially I'm thinking.  You want to get those files off the C: drive and onto their own dedicated drive.




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New Here ,
Mar 08, 2018 Mar 08, 2018

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Hey Jim Simon, thanks for the response.  The files are on their own dedicated drive, nothing currently lives on the PC's HDD, aside from when I was testing to see if it was a permissions issue.

For the past 4-5 years I've been operating with project files, audio, media, exports, etc. on it's own drive (one drive per project, cache & scratch is always local), and have never run into this issue.  I'm not sure I can secure 4 separate drives for this project alone, but I'll look into it.  If the disk setup is the issue, would you know why 85-90% of my files are working properly?  Apologies if I'm misunderstanding your suggestion.


It spit out some file names, and they're spread out over the 5 days of shooting, so I'm having trouble pinning down what the issue is.  I know for a fact that 3 of the clips have audio recorded directly to cam via a connected shotgun, but the issue appears in files on days where we had a production recorder and didn't record sound direct to cam.  So it's not only clips with the direct to cam audio.

My current thinking is that something went wrong in the transcode, but I don't have the Raw files, and the transcodes were done before handoff.  I expect a little bit of error in large batch transcodes, a few files to be damaged or whatnot.  It's not normal, but it happens sometimes.  This list I have is 50+ files, so I'm hesitant to chalk it up to that.  I've requested the raw files of the list I have so I have more room to troubleshoot, but won't have those until this weekend.  Still have at least 10 days of shooting left, so hoping this is an isolated incident!




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Mar 08, 2018 Mar 08, 2018

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I'm not sure I can secure 4 separate drives for this project alone

I wasn't really suggesting that.  The five drive config is for all projects.  All project files live on D in their own folders.  All camera media lives on F in their own folders.  It's a global setup.

That was merely my first thought, as it looked like you were using C: for Cache and Scratch.

My second thought is to get your hands on the original media.  Make your own proxies.  (I recommend Cineform.)




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New Here ,
Mar 08, 2018 Mar 08, 2018

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I see now, thanks for clarifying and for your patience.  I'll try and get a setup like that and see if it solves it.  So in general, your cache and scratch shouldn't be on the same drive the computer itself uses (where the os, my programs, etc live)?




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Mar 08, 2018 Mar 08, 2018

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Ideally, nothing will go on C: except Windows and Programs.  Only install what you need to do the job.  Don't install games, office, email or other unnecessary software on an edit system.  Perform those tasks on a second machine.




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New Here ,
Mar 08, 2018 Mar 08, 2018

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Got it.  I'm ordering a new HDD soon, but instead of a 4TB I'll probably split up between two or three 1-2TB's for this reason.  Super appreciate the tips here.




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Mar 08, 2018 Mar 08, 2018

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Don't shortchange yourself when it comes to space.  I found my 4TB getting filled up quick.  Had to move to an 8TB and am now looking at two 12TBs in a RAID 0.

Media drives fill up fast, man!




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New Here ,
May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024

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Finally figured this out! I have my disk cache on a separate SSD. All my Adobe apps cache there, including lightroom. It filled up my drive completely, hence the error when Premiere tried to do its thing. Deleting everything on that cache drive made it work again.




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