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I have been experiencing this problem for about three weeks now. I am editing on a MacBook Pro with 2.4 GHz i7, 16GB RAM, 250SSD, Thunderbolt to 3TB drive, and a thunderbolt-DVI adapter to Apple Cinema Display. I am editing 4K RED EPIC footage and my computer is wigging out on me.
I have been editing high quality footage on this machine with these drives and settings for a while. I originally thought this was a CUDA issue or graphics card issue. I switched to OpenCL and edited for a while and had the same issue again. I even took my machine to Apple and they put a new logic board and graphics chipset in it because we thought that would solve the issue. Again, same problems. I originally thought this might be just a Premiere Pro issue, however today I was exporting a 10 minute 4K, downgrade to 1080p video in AME and had the same glitch issue. This is what happens when a crash occurs:
The attached pictures give you an idea of what the screen is looking like when the glitch occurs.
Anyone experience this issue? Everything I have is up to date including CUDA, the Apps themselves, everything.
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It's Drive>Library>Quicktime. You'll see a bunch of .component files in there. My process was to move them all out to a new folder on the desktop and copy them back while watching the Activity Monitor with Premiere running to see if the QT 32 app crashed or not.
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Superb! That's exactly what I was wondering. Will try that and see if I can reach any conclusions.
Ever feel like you're a free intern doing what some Adobe engineer should be being paid to do? 😉
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Welcome to the new normal. I'd be more cool with this if folks were somehow able to get discounts on their subscriptions for chasing down bugs and other irregularities.
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Just chiming in that I am experiencing the problem too in CC 2014. First time I have encountered this, I am doing a 15 minute quick (well, I thought it would be quick) project that is all high resolution stills, so I wonder if the way it handles still are indeed a part of the problem. I have been working in the other thread with folks on the crashing QT 32 and the Avid codecs, and those have been stored away on my system for a while, so I don't think they are related.
Going to revert to OpenCL for this project and see if that helps anything.
I don't want to just complain, but I wish Adobe would issue an update for CC 2014 and the numerous bugs folks are experiencing. I know these things take time but as Premiere is taking up more and more of the market (I have so many clients now request Premiere since they don't want to deal with Avid or FCPX), these bugs are killer. I am doing as many projects as I can in the much more stable CC 7.2.2.
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Have you experienced the issue again? I trashed all Avid and still have the same issue...
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No Marco, I haven't had any problems since. Sorry.
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Do you remember taking anything else out other than the Avid component files?
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Here are two snapshots showing what was removed and what's still in there. The shorter list is what's still in there.
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Dear All,
After working on Adobe Premiere Pro cc 2014 for several weeks without problems, I'm today experiencing a series of freezes, crashes and Premiere shut downs that is exasperating, to say the least. I'm working on an older Mac Pro running 10.7.5 Lion. It's strange that everything seemed to work fine until today when the freezing and crashing began. Just thought I'd report in. Will trashing prefs help?
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This is helpful...
It cannot be an issue with my machine, if you and I are having the same issues; not when you're running an older MacPro on 10.7.5, and I'm in a late 2013 iMac with 10.10.1...
I was actually thinking about dumping CC and re-installing, but I might trash my preferences first...
Thank you STGal, please post results... I will as well.
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After 2 days spent with Adobe Customer Service, it seems we may have found a ray of light...
I/we tried everything... Have been dealing with this almost 2 months...
The issue we agreed on is associated to the preferences and permissions.
It started to be an issue after the OS changes/updates; DaVinci Resolve was having permissions issues. At GeniusBar we tried to fix it, and thought they did.
We created a new Root User, admin, and stressed tested with a heavy project (one which consistently crashed the machine). Allow the software to crete new preferences -we tried migrating the preferences and it crashed again. Also clean-install all plugins.
Pr is scrubbing, bobbing and weaving like a champ -so far...
Knock wood, cross fingers, Murphy stay the f away...!
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how's premiere holding up?
did you find that creating a new admin has fixed your problems?
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Marco, any joy?
I'm having a completely nightmare. Constant kernel panics and random premiere quits using a late 2013 retina macbook pro with Cuda
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I wonder if this issue has anything to do with the fusion drives...
Also, another thought... Let's compare for a second a car. When pressing the gas pedal all the way in, all newer vehicles have a "governor"; it's job is to regulate the acceleration and stop it from going over higher RPMs just so that you won't blow a gasket or shoot-out a piston.
My issue is the same as you folks, when pushing my (loaded, late 27 iMac, 3.4 i7, 1tb fusion drive) it shuts off... Usually while scrubbing and multitasking.
Is there a way to limit data process to stop update/refresh when reaching certain level of CPU processing?
With iStat, I've monitor temperature and accelerated fan speed. Genius Bar scratches their head. Honestly don't think changing the graphics card will fix it; I've encountered the same issue with a newer iMac with the 4gig video card as well... And based on reading this forum it seems to me this is issue not only affects iMacs, also MBP, and I wonder if the new macpro trash cans have it as well... And wouldn't be surprised.
Could it be possible that, Apple, in the spirit of unleashing power off all those horses could have left the cap off and video editors and graphic artists at pushing their machines have found a way to get to their machines breaking point? In that case, it all suggests OS issues... But how far back can we go? Before Mavericks?
Honestly, tired of this... My 2 cents/rant.
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Hi Jason,
Are the dimension of these stills larger than 4000 pixels in either dimension?
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Hi Kevin, I am not Jason but I am using some stills bigger than 4000 pixels and experiencing this issue - would you advise shrinking those down?
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Hi PPOhio,
Yes, it does cause issues to have images that large. It's always best to optimize images in an image editing program like Photoshop to get them below 4000 pixels. If I "pan 'n scan" I usually make them 2x the native frame size. If there are know moves, I target the image to the native frame size. You should have much better performance if you follow this "rule of thumb."
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Sounds good - Admittedly I was trying to get this thing done quick and since I knew I was panning and scanning just threw everything into the project even though some the images are very large. I'll bring those down a bit in photoshop and see what happens. Thanks!
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Kevin - I reduced the PPI on my images (some were 600ppi) and made sure any other images were under 4k on the long edge. Haven't had another catastrophic crash yet - I do get some weird glitching from time in the project monitor when I am resizing and such, but nothing that totally keeps me from working. Anyone else seeing this issue should check the pixel dimensions and report back.
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Cool PPOhio,
Thanks for letting us know.
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How large are those stills? Keep them under 4000x4000 or even smaller and you will have better performance.
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@Jas Brooks
Not sure if you are still experience these issues. One thing we noticed on a project a bit back is that if we had multiple still formats on one timeline, Premiere would go white or black on us. Say we had a PSD and a PNG on one timeline, it was only a matter of time and Premiere would glitch. If we converted all to one file type, the problems were reduced to almost never. Hope that helps.
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I can confirm that an upgrade to Mavericks 10.9.5 solved this issue.
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I just thought I would chime in here and let everyone know that it seems all our issues were solves when we upgraded to 10.9.5.
It has only been two days since the upgrade but so far no screen glitches, random log outs or complete system freezes. They were happening every 25 minutes before the upgrade.
Also we are finally able to export using Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration (Open CL). Previously when we used GPU acceleration we were seeing glitchy frames on all our exports.
So we got speed and our workflow back. Finally my brand new machine is running properly.
I wonder if there will be an acknowledgment as to how much of a major headache this has been for many editors.
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Great news, Jesse. I will add this to my notes and will provide other users with this info.