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AMD 5900X
RTX 3080
Can't even play a 1080p file on 1/4 resolution smoothly. Playback is running at like 5 fps. I have Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration On.
The weird this is when I'm on a different active window(like a folder or any othe program). The video playback runs smooth. When I have Adobe Premiere as the active window it stats to be very slow.
try turning mercury playback engine acceleration off and see if that makes a difference. Could be an issue with the driver for the graphics card. Have you tried running Premiere without any other programs running?
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try turning mercury playback engine acceleration off and see if that makes a difference. Could be an issue with the driver for the graphics card. Have you tried running Premiere without any other programs running?
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So I got it back to work correctly. Turns out it's the Nvidia Drivers. I rolled back my driver to the October version and it properly now.
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I have the exact same system and just ran into the same problem. Working with essential graphic is a nightmare. Just downladed the new studio drivers 462.31 and will be doing a clean install of the nividia studio drivers. Lets hope it works.