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I'm finishing a project and one of the last things I'm intending to do is apply some motion graphics templates. One of which I use in basically all of my videos. The last video I edited was this past Monday (12/10/18), now today 12/15/18 my motion graphics are not working. The one I used most often is a template from Adobe Stock that I downloaded probably a year ago. I've used it regularly since. Today it is saying "Motion Graphics template is corrupt." So I went to Adobe Stock and downloaded it again, placed the file in a new folder, and imported it. It noted that the file already existed and asked if I wanted to overwrite, I did. It still says it is a corrupt template.
So I went to try and use other templates just to see what would happen. ALL of my other templates do not work. They are simply blank and generic with no parameters in them at all. This includes all of the Premiere Pro standard ones that come with it, as well as the ones I've downloaded and added myself from Third Parties.
Here is what the parameters look like for ALL of my Motion Graphic Templates:
Is there some way for me to wipe the slate clean and start over with these templates? Aside from uninstalling Premiere that is. If I have to do that I will, but I'd prefer to find another way. If I right click a template and try to hit delete, it is greyed out and does nothing. And I cannot find the templates that are installed in a folder to wipe them out there.
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Alright! We finally got an in-house repro!! Whew! I've been chasing this ghost in the machine for quite awhile! It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media
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Hi mandicreally
Dacia here again from the QE side of Motion Graphics Templates.
The fact that they were working for you for awhile and then became corrupt is very strange. Did you update to a different version between the time they were working and then when they stopped?
I've got your machine specs from a different post and DM'd you as well. I'd love to get a few of the corrupted Mogrts from you to see if I can reproduce this issue on my end.
So frustrating and I'm sorry for the delays in your workflow.
I'd love to help get this resolved,
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Hey Dacia, I'll see about getting back to you. They are working today, but last week they were not. The week before that I completely deleted Premier and reinstalled, then they worked. It has been an ongoing frustration since the 2019 update and I'm seeing I'm definitely not the only one.
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Instead of uninstalling and re-installing, it's more prudent to first trash your existing preferences; forcing PPro to write default preferences. Here's how - FAQ: How to reset (trash) preferences in Premiere Pro?
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The last time I followed that Preferences delete process, it did nothing. I loaded up Premiere and all of my preferences were still there, along with my issues. However I will try it next time this problem resurfaces.
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Dacia is from the "QE side of Motion Graphics Templates." We should show respect to her and her 94 points, for helping out 'her users' over the years. Fantastic!
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Alright! We finally got an in-house repro!! Whew! I've been chasing this ghost in the machine for quite awhile! It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media folder inside of folders with a Unique ID that also has a really long string of characters. It throws Windows over the edge to where it doesn't recognize the file path as valid.
We are looking into a workaround on our end but in the meantime, I found this article that shows where you can go in Win 10 to change this limitation.
You can also open Project Settings and change the Motion Graphics Template Media Scratch Disk to a new location with fewer nested folders or closer to the root.
I have not been able to reproduce this issue on a Mac though. It looks to be specific to Windows. But if you are experiencing this issue on Mac please reach out 🙂
Hope this is helpful!