Applying a scale change through scripting
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I'm trying to get to grips with JavaScripting on Premiere Pro CC 12 and my first task is to apply a scale change to a series of videos which runs for the first second scaling from 100 to 200 and then for another second scaling from 200 to 300. It seems as though everything is being correctly set when debugging the script but in the project window the keys I've made are not showing up and the final scaling is applied from time 0 so the end effect is that it's full size from the outset.
what am I missing?
var proj = app.project;
var seq = proj.activeSequence;
var time = seq.getPlayerPosition(); // CTI = Current Time Indicator.
var time2 = seq.getPlayerPosition();
var time3 = seq.getPlayerPosition();
time2.seconds += 1;
time3.seconds += 2;
var videoTracks = seq.videoTracks;
for (var i = 0; i < videoTracks.numTracks; i++) {
var track = videoTracks;
for (var j = 0; j < track.clips.numItems; j++) {
var clip = track.clips
if ( == "Rectangle 720 576.png") {
for (var k = 0; k < clip.components.numItems; k++) {
var component = clip.components
if (component.displayName == "Trajectoire") { // Trajectory
for (var l = 0; l <; l++) {
var property =
if (property.displayName == "Echelle") { // Scale
if (!property.isTimeVarying()) {
var k = property.getKeys();
if (property.areKeyframesSupported() == true) {
var result = property.getValueAtKey(time);
property.setValueAtKey(time, 100, true);
property.setValueAtKey(time2, 200, true);
property.setValueAtKey(time3, 300, true);
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I'm a bit suspicious about the type being used (time2.seconds += 2). Usually JS performs implicit type conversion, but you might want to make sure you're really using floats and not getting int or even string by accident. Always perform explicit type conversions...