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I am sorry to bother but I have searched everywhere and couldn't find an answer to this problem.
I imported a png sequence, set the frame rate to 58 fps and added the sequence to the timeline.
The images have black bars on the side.
The video looks perfect in the preview window.
When I export the sequence the resulting video change the aspect ratio, making the black bars double wide than they should be resulting in a distorted image.
I have tried a lot of different settings in the export panel without finding a solution.
Any idea on what am I doing wrong?
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58 fps is an non default framerate.
Post dimensions pngs
post screenshot export settings with left tab to output and with an image (not black)
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Here it is, all images ara 640x480 and are stills extraced from a same sized video.
These are the export panel settings (I tried many more but this is the one I expected to work)
This is the result video:
Result video
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I finally figured it out! I unchecked the top right option (I don't know the english name for it), kept all the settings untouched except for the output tab in wich I changed "Scale to adapt" with "Scale to fill". I tried it before but with the box checked it didn't work.
The problem started because the source video from wich I extracted the pngs used 640x480 resolution but with 16:9 aspect ratio, instead the png sequence had by default a 4:3 aspect ratio wich was then correclty exported to the new produced video.
Big thanks anyway for the superfast answers!
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Hey Coland1982,
hope you are good and solved all your exporting issues 🙂
I think I'm experiencing the same problems with my Premire though...
Basically the workspace shows me only two bars (top and bottom), which I of course intentionally added to my video. But when it comes to export in full resolution, premiere crops me the video making it smaller (there are bars left and right), and if I choose Scale to Fill, the video gets too big (meaning the bars - top and bottom - disappear). Also, if I export the video in a smaller resolution, the video looks as it should be.
Any suggetsions on how to seolve this issue? Am I doing something wrong in the workspace at all?
Thank you!