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I have a sequence with 4 audio clips. The other day I export the sequence and found a part of my video is out of sync with audio (ca 1 sec). I play that part in PP and see no issue, then i realize that the audio I listen and the waveform is out of sync in PP, and the export process seems to use the data of the waveform while I sync using my ear. I delete the audio clip, add it again from library and the waveform syncs again. After that, I export, that part is ok but now another part (with another audio clip) has exactly the same issue. Anyone has similar issue and has any solution?
I am using PP CC 2017 with windows 10 on Dell Inspiron r15 SE 7520.
Make sure to use only .wav files for audio in PP. You an use Audition to convert.
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What is the origin of these files.
If they are phone or screencap convert to constant framerate with Handbrake before bringing them into Premiere.
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Hi Ann Bens. The clips' framerate are both constant (Gopro and Phantom) and variable (Galaxy S7). The problem I have is with the music clip I add in, not with the original sound from the clip. The waveform and the playback audio of one audio clip are out of sync, let alone the video. Do you think it relate to the variable framerate of some of the video clips?
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Could be. Hard to tell from here.
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Make sure to use only .wav files for audio in PP. You an use Audition to convert.
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Hi Jim_Simon. I have not tested your solution yet because it is not easy to reproduce the error. However, I think it is reasonable to use .wav file to ensure the waveform is correct. I will definitely use .wav for my next project. Thank you very much for the advise
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Hi Arteta,
Sorry for this issue. Did you ever find a solution? Please let us know if you have or if you still need help.
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A solution may be to delete .pek files and restart Premiere Pro. If the problem is: video and audio are in sync, but audio and audio waveform are not in sync, I found that solution here -
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Thanks! That works!
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I had this "Audio out of sync with waveform" problem on Adobe Rush. To solve the issue, I went back to the rough edited version of the video in Premiere Pro, exported just the audio section that was out of sync, then I imported that new audio file into Rush. That solved the problem.
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Hey. I know this is old, but I just had the same problem with my Waveform not Syncing properly with the Audio File. I tried a few of the suggestions below, but what worked best for me was just renaming the Audio File to something different and then re-importing it. I didn't have to convert to a different audio source or delete any of the .pek files.
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Close the project, go to Preferences > Cache > Delete Media Cache.
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Right-click > "Render and replace"