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I want Automation Blocks in Prem Pro to set some interpret-footage settings, but I am missing a way to map the audio channels of my imported footage. Is it possible to set the ChannelsType, ClipsNumber and do SetMappingForChannel with a Automation Blocks script?
Today we published an update of Automation Blocks, which includes a block to execute arbitrary jsx code. With this, you can now also change audio channel mappings.
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This is not supported, yet, unfortuately.
It is already on my feature request list. I definitely plan to add it in the future, but I cannot give a good estimate, yet, when it will happen.
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Today we published an update of Automation Blocks, which includes a block to execute arbitrary jsx code. With this, you can now also change audio channel mappings.
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Would this type of jsx code be able to drill into the "Interpret Footage>Color" tab in After Effects to be able to set "Preserve RGB", cause if so, now I have to learn more programming.
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If it is available in scripting at all, it can also be done with Automation Blocks' Execute Code block. But I am actually not sure if this is accessible in the scripting API at all.
I would expect this to be available in the Project Item's Footage Source, but I cannot find anything documented there.