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I keep getting this error message about 11gb into burning a 22gb Blu-ray. "Blu-ray Error: "device error", Code "3", Note: "CreateStcSequence: Fail to write M25 File." I have tried just about everything from running as administrator, starting a new project and changing the disc too. I am using CS6 and going crazy... any ideas?
It worked for me! I built my project to a blu-ray image, then burnt a disc from the image with no issues. Maybe that is what you need to try then too!
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Did you try deleting the sessions files?
The sessions files should be present at : \<ProjectLocation>\<ProjectFolder>\AuthorScriptHDMVSessions\
First close the project, quit Encore, delete the files present at the specified location and then reopen the project.
Sometimes burners might also go in some inconsistent state. So you might consider turning off your burner and then turning it on.
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Hi Ram,
After buring for 3 hours and only 13 seconds left to complete, I got this same error.
As for the AuthorScriptHDMVSessions file, it does not exist anywhere on my drive, let alone the project folder!
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Today I did a build to "blu-ray image," then succesfully burned a test copy, from which I also received the error above when trying to burn directly to a disc before. I am currently building my real project (22gb) to an image and will try to burn from that and see if that works too. Ill keep you posted.
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Lucky, I don't know if you have read my thread
but I am having the same issue. Right now I am trying with a brand new BD writer.
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It worked for me! I built my project to a blu-ray image, then burnt a disc from the image with no issues. Maybe that is what you need to try then too!
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did you use imgburn once you were out of encore?
i'm having same issues and trying to find a fix!
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Can someone show me a software for MAC to record "Image bluray" or "ISO"?
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the usual Mac option is Toast.
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I ran into this a couple of years ago and after a bunch of searching learned that Encore no longer will burn direct to a BR burner like it used to. As others have commented, you can use Encore to author the BR, then, when the project is ready, output an "image" rather than burn. Then use a program like imgburn (The Official ImgBurn Website ) to burn the image to disk. This has worked consistently for me for the past couple of years.
I too wish Adobe would "fix" Encore so it works again as that would save time in the process. The disk is not yet dead and we burn them for trade show kiosks and other uses on a regular basis.
Good luck!
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Hi Ramesh,
I do not have a folder or files named AuthorScriptHDMVSessions anywhere I can see in the project location folders. Under transcode folder there are files called myproject_sessionFiles_asf_session_1_video are those the ones I should delete? I am on a Windows 7 Ultimate (64), CS6 version of Encore.
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I do not have a folder or files named AuthorScriptHDMVSessions anywhere I can see in the project location folders.
You only get the authorscript folder after you build.
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Should I try to build a folder then? I do not get as far when making a disc.
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We had been burning blu ray discs through Encore CS6 without issue until this week when we suddenly received the same error code mentioned here. Of course this happened on a client's job.
We called Adobe and they suggested a work-around by creating an image file, as mentioned by others here.
The final piece of the puzzle I found is once that image file is created, find the file and right click on it. This will allow you to burn multiple copies of the HD blu ray OUTSIDE of Encore. This strikes me as a daft way to work around a problem with Adobe's software but it does work.
Hope this helps!
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Thanks for posting that. Just saved my life on a client job with overnight courier on the way here for pickup.
Daft it is, but also not in a way. You can drop an .iso file on a drive and send it anywhere for duplication, even if just to move it over to another suite/machine for copies.
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I have the same problem, can Adobe give a solution for this problem.
I burn a dvd from the same project, that goes well, but when i will burn a blu-ray it wont work, i get a blu-ray error code 3..........
I'm using adobe cs 6 and export my project by, adobe dynamic link to go to encore
Regards Martin
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I think there is no solution as such, and there is no longer an Adobe presence on this forum. Can you build to an image? If so, use the workaround of burning the iso with a program other than Encore.
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This really makes me feel good about Adobe. What ofter software is available to burn blue-ray from the beginning, completely independent of our friends at A?
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Remember that Adobe's Encore was based on the Sonic authorcore; it was never "independent." And many of the popular consumer options also lost their licensing when ended by Rovio (that bought Roxio/Sonic).
One of the few left: Sony DVD Architect
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hi Stan, how do I burn blue ray image into a blu ray disc, just like burning a document?
because right now i'm trying to do that and 'im still in the process of saving blu-ray image
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See my comment on your specific error thread.
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Thanks, I already burn into Blu Ray
Sent from my iPhone
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I had the same issue. I just save the project as an ISO image then load it to NERO to just fine. The problem comes with Encore communicating with the optical burners. And remember, Adobe no longer includes Encore with it's packages or Creative Cloud. It's a legacy application.
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First try to create Bly Ray Image Under option 'Output" Select BluRay Image, and also select the destination to create Image and click on Build, It will create a BluRay Image with extension of .iso. Now to burn BluRay Disc, you need to Select BluRay Disc under 'Output' Option and Below under 'Source' Option select BluRay Image instead of current project and Select the destination where you have put .iso Image, Then click on Build and it will burn BluRay disc.
In simple , First create an Image then Burn that image to BluRay .
I hope, it will help you.
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Thanks all for the help here. Solved my problem. I'm a bit disappointed that Adobe won't support this and help us avoid the extra time for this workaround. All of the marketing speak talks about how integrated and easy Adobe CC makes our lives, but this is an exception. While I understand that DVDs and BRs are becoming less used, we use them a lot for trade show displays. Sure would like to have Encore burn the DVDs and BRs direct again!