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Hello Friends,
I am sharing my query on Assembly and Basic Cut phase of a project. So while scrubbing though a long single video clip, I may have multiple in and out points, so different time stamps. Can I mark them without dragging it into timeline. I am aware I can do an In and Out once in a single video clip and when I drag it in only the selected portion will be brougt in.
But Can I do multiple In and Outs on a single clip?
Nope, but you could use markers to start with. E.g. green for in and red for out.
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Nope, but you could use markers to start with. E.g. green for in and red for out.
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Thank you Ann
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Besides Ann's great suggestion, the other option is creating subclips.
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Thanks Neil
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if you made multiple in out points ( if programming allowed you to somehow differeniate between the clips described by those markers ) then what would happen at the end of your source footage 'choices' ? Would you drag all of those clips into the timeline as butted clips ( first butted with 2nd etc. ) .. in the same Video level ?? Like, if one was a close up and another was a wide shot ? I don't get it. Why edit in source monitor and how could that be ??
Neil, I didn't know you could make multiple subclips from many in out points. Would they be saved in same bin and with some numerical denotion to let you know which is which ?
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Hi Salvo
Yes thats the idea. To identify like an EDL in Source Monitor.
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Yes ... you set an in/out point, "create subclip", even set handles. Rename it. Saved in a bin. It's heavily used by say those working long interviews who need specific bits.
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Hi Arjun,
In the Source Monitor, I just use the extended markers function. Fastest way is to press Alt/Option, then drag the marker to extend it.
Each extended marker reflects 3 different tilt up shots to the subject
I don't know of a a "mark to markers" command in Premiere Pro, but that would be a nice request. I'll see if anyone has made it yet.
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Hi Kevin
Thanks for sharing this work around and Yes, even I look forward to your suggested term "Mark to Markers".
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Kevin, that's amazing. when you adjust those in out points does it push clip durations on timeline automatically ?
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thanks you guys for explaining stuff to me. That's pretty cool.
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The video might be of some interest.
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