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Constant beachball and crashing in Premiere 23.4

Explorer ,
Jun 07, 2023 Jun 07, 2023

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Not sure if this is an issue with the new 23.4 update, but for the past 2 days I've been having a lot of issues with Premiere having a constant beachball every time I make any change, to the point that it stops responding and I need to relaunch it. It's very random, sometimes I can work for 15 minutes, and other times I can't even move the mouse once it's opened. It goes directly to "not responding". Even if I have Auto Saves every 10 mins, I've lost a lot of progress and time having to deal with this.


After going back to previous Auto Saves and trying those projects to see if they weren't "corrupted", I resetted all the Preferences in Premiere, cleared all Media Cache. I opened a new project and imported the one that was giving me problems to see if it would help. It got stuck on the beachball again while trying to import it, maybe 30 mins... (I have to say it's a big documentary with a lot of footage) but seconds before I gave up and Force Quit again, the new project opened and started working fine. 


I hesitated before activating my Keyboard shortcuts again, and my Window layout, just in case those were the ones causing the problem, so I created a new Window layout from scratch and waited before adding Keyboard shortcuts. I added the Keyboard Shortcuts and it worked well (it weirdly changed my "Paste to Targetted Track" setting though). Now, when I decided to update my Default Audio Transition duration to 3 frames as I like to have it, it started acting weird again. 


I've never had a constant issue like this in Premiere happen to me before. It's really frustrating cause it looks like there's something corrupt inside the project but at the same time, it doesn't make sense that the settings I choose are making the program become corrupt? It's very frustrating as I've lost 2 days of work trying to fix this.


I've been working on the same project, with the same amount of footage, and the same setup for the past 7 weeks and only started getting these weird glitches yesterday, so I'm guessing it might have something to do with the new update? Has anyone experienced something like this before?


Here are my specs:

2017 iMac Pro

Processor: 3.2 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon W

Graphics: Radeon Pro Vega 56 8 GB

Memory: 32 GB 2666 MHz DDR4

mac0S: Ventura 13.0


Thank you







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Oct 03, 2023 Oct 03, 2023

Hi Kevin. 


Thanks so much for your response. I spent 2 hours on the phone with support from Adobe and they walked me through all the possible issues that could happen, and the solution ended up being versioning down Premiere to the previous version. That made all the issues go away, but we never really found out what was causing it. Could have been related to the keyboard shortcuts bug. 


Thanks again for your time.




correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Jun 09, 2023 Jun 09, 2023

Hi @maiathesun

I read your bug report. Thanks for all the info. I am in support, but I hope the devs will respond to your report and are able to reproduce the issue. In that spirit, if you create a brand new project and then import some footage into that, do you get the same behavior? If not, you may have a corrupt project.


It sounds you have your Auto Save backups and imported the changes into that that but then changed some settings. There is a keyboard shortcuts bug, so it could be relate




Adobe Employee ,
Jun 09, 2023 Jun 09, 2023

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Hi @maiathesun

I read your bug report. Thanks for all the info. I am in support, but I hope the devs will respond to your report and are able to reproduce the issue. In that spirit, if you create a brand new project and then import some footage into that, do you get the same behavior? If not, you may have a corrupt project.


It sounds you have your Auto Save backups and imported the changes into that that but then changed some settings. There is a keyboard shortcuts bug, so it could be related to that. It's fixed in Beta, so that is an option for you to try, as well. If it is software related, you may want to roll back versions for now until you're clear of the current project. Sorry for the hassle.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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Explorer ,
Oct 03, 2023 Oct 03, 2023

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Hi Kevin. 


Thanks so much for your response. I spent 2 hours on the phone with support from Adobe and they walked me through all the possible issues that could happen, and the solution ended up being versioning down Premiere to the previous version. That made all the issues go away, but we never really found out what was causing it. Could have been related to the keyboard shortcuts bug. 


Thanks again for your time.





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