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Dear All,
I have recently subtitled a 2-hr long film with the title tool instead of the caption tool. When I embarked, I was unaware that the caption tool existed or that I could export a beautiful .srt file from it. Now I seek to convert all my titles to captions, and then convert a .srt file.
I have tried to export .xml and .omf to convert to .srt with some freeware on the internet but all those have failed.
If anyone has a solution to this, or has a freeware that is realiable I will greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance.
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Hi there,
That is an interesting question. As far as I know, it is not possible to convert the titles into captions. However, I'll research the issue at my end and see if there is any other workaround available in this situation.
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That would be a great feature! Imagine not having to manually re-copy and paste dozens or hundreds of lines of text!
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Check out the public beta, available from the Beta tab in your Creative Cloud Desktop app. They've added some major new captions capabilities there, and this might be possible with that function. You can have any of the beta apps loaded alongside the current app, and actually work a project in one and the other and back.
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This is not possible using PR only. It is possible for someone to create a script to do this (I think), but I don't think it has been done.
The Beta is a work in progress, and does not yet have the ability to export srt at all. And I'd be surprised if they have added a "convert regular graphics text" to caption text at the early stage.
Yes, it is a high priority as a feature to add. And since both functions will now live in the graphics text space (I think), it should be very possible.
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Please add that feature soon
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Hello all,
Just wanted to follow up there any updates regarding converting titles to captions?
if yes, is there any tutorial on how to do it?
Thank you 😃
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Did anyone find out a way to convert Titles to captions I'm having to manually do it here as well
thanks for any info!
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I've still not fopund anything on this. It seems like it should be straight forward!
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There is an option found by right-click to convert to Motion Graphics or something like that.
it can convert text, some color and shapes, but not all. And you typically need to redo any animation as I recall.
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I've found a way that is faster than copying all titles to subtitles:
1: In Premiere I saved a .txt file from Graphics -> Export to text file
2: I edited the .txt file - a) deleting every track info like "V5, 1" b) changing the "-" to "-->" c) adding numbers from 1 to number of lines of titles above each line
3: I saved the file as ".srt" - Line breaks = Windows (CRLF) and Encoding Unicode (UTF with BOM)
Lastly in Premiere Pro I created a subtitle track from the srt file - worked perfectly.
Here's an example of changing one line:
00:00:44:01 - 00:00:49:12
V5, 1
This is a text.
00:00:44:01 --> 00:00:49:12
This is a text.
I used BBedit on Mac which has a great find an replace option - but any text editor is fine.
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I am not sure how important the "Line breaks = Windows (CRLF) and Encoding Unicode (UTF with BOM)" is, maybe it's not crucial.
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I used a similar workaround, but exported a CSV file from the graphics-tab. Using's converter I was able to convert the csv straight into a functioning srt.
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Nice tip. Which tool did you use? I don't see csv as an option for the subtitle converter; I do for translation.