Crop, flip, lighting effects still not functional in PP2020 14.0.3 (Build 1)
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All Video Effects Transform functions are inoperable, yet they work perfectly well in PP2019. The problem started with 14.0.1. A video clip undergoing transformation will flinch for an instant when accessed, but will not accept changes, making multi-layered compositions totally impossible in a single timeline. Same issue with Lighting Effects and Proc Amp, perhaps other effects. Happens on new and existing projects with mixed-properties or identical-properties clips.
- AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X 3.4gHz, 16-core
- Gigabyte Aorus X399 Gaming 7
- 64 GB RAM, Windows 10 1909, OS Build 18363.657
- 2 x GTX 1080, SLI, latest driver 442.19, 8 GB dedicated vid mem, 40 GB available vid memory
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All are working perfectly here, wonder what's the difference?
Try closing Premiere, then launch ... but don't open a project, and close the opening/start page. From the Edit/Preferences menu, select Media Cache, and then by the text, "Remove Media Cache files" click on Delete. It will wipe all cache/media-cache database files.
Now close Premiere and open, launching a project, and see if as it rebuilds the cache files if it works fine.
If not ... then go to Trash Preferences
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Trashing prefrences worked! Thank you.
Deleting Preferences solved another issue on my dual monitor system — Premiere wouldn't release its playback window overlay — when minimized. The playback screen persisted on top of all screen content until PP2020 was maximized or closed. Trashing preferences, then reinstating my second screen in Settings/Playback indicates no apparent GPU or SLI issues. This is what had been happening...
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Try using a default Adobe WorkSpace. Maybe the Edit workspace and be sure to select:
Window/WorkSpaces/Reset to Saved Layout
I also suggest unselecting:
Window\WorkSpaces\Import WorkSpace from Project
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Catch 22. I chganged some of my settings in Version 14.0.3 abd Premiere reverted to the behavior thst began this conversation. Slow audio, jerky playback, loss of efects functions. I deleted its preferences again, but this time, it did not resolve the issue. I've noticed that Windows Control Panel indicates both 14.01 (3.30 GB, 1/17/2020) and 14.0.3 (3.05 GB, 2/27/2020) are installed, though Creative Cloud does not.
Attempts to delete both versions fail. A Version 14.0.1 uninstaller pops up to ask about saving settings, but fails to remove the program. A fresh reinstall of 14.0.3 with its default WorkSpace did not solve the problem. Could discrepencies in settings (preferences and/or project settings) between the two versions play a role? Are both versions mandatory on a WIndows PC? Others mention an out-of-date deletion tool, though it does not countenance Premiere.
I've tried reinstalling 14.0, but 14.0.1 still cannot be reinstalled or uninstalled, says Creative Cloud. I reinstalled 14.0.3 and once again cleaned the Preferences cache and Alt-Shift caches. I'm back where I began.
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At this point, I would counsel using the Adobe CC Cleaner Tool as it's the only thing that can guaranteed get the spot out. Er ... the various preferences/caches out.
One thing bad about the instructions ... they say to uninstall the app first, then run the cleaner tool.
I've plenty of experience with this tool, thankfully a lot less than I used to have. But still ... use the Cleaner tool to do both the uninstall and cleanup of Premiere. Yea, the interface for this is somewhere back about Win3.11 ... but the functionality is what you need, not the looks.
Use this to do the uninstall and cleanup of the gazillion bits and pieces these Adobe apps leave all over the machine. Then reboot and reinstall 14.03. At least at that point, you know you'll have a clean install. Any further problems ... aren't from the installation. And right now, that would be at least one thing to nail down. Troubleshooting being such a stepwise, linear task.
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Thanks for your time, Neil. Followed your instructions to the letter. Made no difference.
Premiere's brilliant, when it works. Wish it did.
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WORKAROUND / Possible Solution?
The issue has nothing to do with settings, preferences or any of the other usual suspects. Disabling Default Input in Audio Hardware preferences solved the problem. My MME input is a Yamaha MG12XU mixing console which has worked fine until Premiere 2020. Premiere's audio lag is the problem, not a symptom.
Freebie software DPC Latency Checker reports good grades for my mixer with ideal latency below 1300 microseconds (or 130 milliseconds). Premiere Pro has latency set at 200 milliseconds. Should work fine, but it's probably a bug. I have no issues using the mixer to record streams in OBS Studio. For now, it's offiline — otherwise, the stuttering and loss of functionality continue regardless of PP2020's latency selection.