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Cursor Becomes Error Symbol- Cannot drag ANYTHING

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Jun 07, 2023 Jun 07, 2023

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After having Premiere Pro 2023 open for seemingly random amounts of time, my cursor becomes this strange error symbol and prevents me from dragging ANYTHING in Premiere. I cannot drag clips on the timeline and I cannot drag effects onto the timeline or into the effects window. I haven't found a single other person that has encountered this issue before and its so incredibly frustrating to deal with every time it happens.


I've been dealing with this for well over a year now, despite clearing my cache, clearing my preferences, updates, and reinstalling the software entirely. The only solution is to restart the software, however, sometimes the issue will come up after merely 5 minutes of having the software open. 

Can anyone help me?

Main Timeline_1.gif






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New Here ,
Feb 01, 2025 Feb 01, 2025

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the same is happening to me, did you find a solution?





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Community Expert ,
Feb 01, 2025 Feb 01, 2025

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Are you also using PP version 2023?

Check this: Info needed for a bug report





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New Here ,
Feb 01, 2025 Feb 01, 2025

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Hi, no, I'm using PP 2025 (25.1)
My system:

Intel i9 13900k

64Gb of RAM

Nvidia RTX A4000 (Driver 572.16)

2 Tb NVME Drive (2x1Tb Raid0)


What I CAN do: 

- Drag a video file from file explorer and place it into the project panel and into the timeline

- Create new sequences and subsequences

- Preview anything on the source monitor and the program monitor

- Add markers anywhere

- Change volumen

- Cut clips

- Extend or shorten any clip in the timeline

- Copy and paste any clip in the timeline (but I can't change the destination layer no matter the combination of track targeting / source patching that I make)

- Delete ripples

- Change any effect (position, scale, rotation, etc.)

And so on


What I CANT do:

- Drag the position of any clip in the timeline (cursor turns into a forbidden icon) nor left to right or into another layer

- Drag from the project panel or source monitor into the timeline (cursor turns into a forbidden icon)


What I've already tried to no avail:

- Check if my project exceds the 24hr limit

- Check Track targeting /source patching

- Resize PP window, and fullscreen mode

- Set audio hardware input to none

- Create a new project

- Create a new sequence

- Reset the workspace

- Delete media cache files

- Reset all preferences

- Reset load cache

- Disable third party add ins

- Uninstall PP

- Clean uninstall PP

- Install an older version (25.0)

- Install an even older version (24.5)

- Install another graphics driver


Now while I was writting this I came with a simple test that didn't even crossed my mind at the moment, change PP to use in the other monitors. So it happens that I have 3 monitors, 2 connected directly to the graphics card and 1 connected to the motherboard and lo an behold when I use PP at the motherboard monitor it works like a charm... so with this I just narrowed the problem to a compatibility issue with the graphics card, so now I'm going to make a lot or troubleshoot to see how can I make it work with the graphics card monitors since those are the "big ones". If I find anything usefull I'll post it.





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New Here ,
Feb 02, 2025 Feb 02, 2025

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Well, after some test I haven't fixed it yet but I noticed some things:


Firs of all, everything was working fine a few days ago then suddenly on thursday february 30th or maybe friday 31st 2025 the problem arose, as described previously. I have 3 monitors: one 21" 1080p at 100% scale connected to the graphics cards, one 28" 2160p at 150%scale also connected to the graphics card and a 15.4" 2160p at 250% scale connected to the motherboard. Now my findings.


- PP works fine in whatever monitor is set to the main monitor and doesn't work on the others. It respects the resolution and scale set on the main monitor.

- PP works fine in all monitors if all of them have the same scale (100%, 150%, 175%, doesn't matter as long as it's the same scale for all of them)

- PP works fine in all monitors if I change the high DPI settings to "Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by: Application". For me this is not a real option since the scale remains the same accross monitors and I need it to be able to scale accordingly to the size/resolution/scale combination that I have for my monitors (as it did before)


I did some testings for these results like disconnecting the monitors, check the cables, tried multiple combinations of resolutions and scalings, check recently installed programs / peripherals, but everything seems normal.

I´ll keep you updated to any findings.





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Community Expert ,
Feb 02, 2025 Feb 02, 2025

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Excellent find!

I've never scaled the OS in Windows. Always going for 100% / native, even (especially) in the analog monitor days. There's a heavy discussion going on regards PP having internal sizing of the UI, I'll post a link if I can find it.

Well done! 🙂





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New Here ,
Feb 04, 2025 Feb 04, 2025

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Problem solved (kind of...)  I already tried it and worked but it shouldn't happened in the first place.


Known Issue - Windows 11 Update KB5050094 Prevents Moving Clips and Dragging in Premiere Pro

There is currently a major issue in Premiere, apparently related the release of a Windows Update (KB5050094) that was released on 29th January, 2025.

The bug prevents you from being able to drag/drop/move clips in a sequence. It may only affect you if you have more than one display attached to your computer, and it may only affect Premiere if it is open on certain monitors.

Currently there is no known workaround or fix, and it appears to affect all current versions of Premiere Pro - Adobe are working on a solution.

# To uninstall the update:

1. Go to settings > Windows Update
2. Go to 'Update history'
3. Scroll down to the bottom to find 'Uninstall updates'
4. Locate update KB5050094 in the list and uninstall it. Your computer will need to be restarted once the process is complete.

In the main Settings > Windows Update page, it is possible to temporarily pause automatic updating for 1-week periods. I recommend you do this after uninstalling the update.

*If you have encountered this bug and were able to resolve it via uninstalling the update, please confirm in the comments.*

The related Adobe bug report thread is located here:






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