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How do I write a bug report?

Adobe Employee ,
Nov 21, 2022 Nov 21, 2022

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Hello Community,

Thank you for filing a bug report. To file a bug report, first, create a new discussion and mark it as a bug report.


Once a bug report is created, it is added here in the Bug Report forum.


Bug reports are not only for addressing for Premiere Pro issues. You can also file them for Premiere Pro documentation, like the user guide, and other support documentation.


In the bug report, it is very important to write precise steps describing how developers can reproduce the issue you are seeing. The developers can fix reproducible issues. If the issue is not reproducible, it is difficult to fix.

Use the template below to provide us with information: 

  • Issue - A short description of the problem. 
  • Adobe Premiere Pro version number: FAQ: How to find the exact version of Premiere Pro you're using?
  • Operating system - Windows or macOS, and which version of those operating systems?
  • System Info: CPU, GPU, RAM, HD:
    • CPU

    • GPU (Intel-based Macs and PCs)

    • GPU driver (PC)
    • RAM

    • Hard Drive (and, if external, how the drive is connected: USB 3, Thunderbolt, NAS, etc.).

  • Video format: Provide information about the type of video you're using. For example, XAVC-I 4:2:2 10-bit. If you're unsure, let us know what settings you selected on the camera. Sharing a sample file is useful if you don't have access to the camera
  • Workflow details: Tell us any specific info about the project or sequence. For example, is it a multicam sequence?
  • Steps to reproduce - (Very important!) In a numbered list, the exact steps are needed to reproduce the problem. 
  • Expected result - What should have happened after the last step?
  • Actual result -  What did happen after the previous step? 


Optional but helpful: upload media, project files, screenshots, or screen recordings demonstrating the issue. 


Ensure the conversation type is enabled as a "Bug."


Why do bugs have upvotes?

While it may seem odd to upvote a bug, the team uses this mechanism to gauge how many people are experiencing a particular issue so that developers can prioritize it correctly in the context of other bugs and ongoing work. A bug with many upvotes is not "popular"; it signals to the team that many of you are experiencing an issue. With that said, please only upvote bugs you have experienced yourself so that the upvotes accurately represent how many people have encountered a particular issue.


Thank you so much for filing a bug. We appreciate that it takes your valuable time.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio
Bug Unresolved Locked




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